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71 Cards in this Set

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Mesenchymal cells differentiate into ________
Osteoblasts secrete _________
Osteoid (unmineralized ECM of bone)
_________ occurs in fields of mesenchyme without a precursor cartillage model
Intramembraneous ossification
____ occurs in feilds of messenchyme with a cartillage model
Endochondral ossification
Where does intramembraneous ossification occur?
Vault of skull, facial bones, maxilla, mandible, part of clavicle
Sequence of intramembraneous ossification
messenchyme-->osteblasts->osteoid--> small fragments of bone--->fuse to form plates
Two plates sandwiching spongy bone
Characteristics and location of Diploe
Light and strong
Endochondrial ossification form _____
the rest of the bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton (aside vault of skull/face)
Hyaline cartilage from the model in endochondrial ossification persists in children at ______
the ephyseal plate and articular surfaces
Hyaline cartilage from the model in endochondrial ossification persists in adults at ______
only articular surfaces
Three types of joints
Fibrous, cartilagenous, and synovial
Examples of fibrous joints
skull sutures, bone fibrous CT
Examples of cartilagenous joint
Symphysis pubis, intevetebrial discs
Movement of fibrous joints
Movement of Cartilagenous joints
Limited movement
Examples of synovial joints
Elbow, wrist, knee
Definition of synovial joint
Bones joined by encapsulating ligamentous structures
Definition of cartialgenous joint
Bones joined by fibrous cartilage
Synovial membrane exudes ______
Synovial fluid lubricant
Location of Intracapsular pads
Located in many synovial joints
Structure of intracapsular pads
Result of stress on intracapsular pads
tear, resulting in swelling and joint pan (corrected by arthroscopic surgery)
Function of bones
Supportive framework for body, Attachment site for muscles, protects vital organs, calcium reserve
Bones can/can not self repair while cartialge can/can not self repair
Cartilage ECM contains ________
proteoglycans, glycoproteins and water
Bone ECM contains
proteoglycans, glycoproteins, water and hydroxyapatite (complex calcium salt)
Cartillage contains mostly Type _ Collagen
Bone contains motsly Type _ Collagen
Location of hyaline cartilage
Articular surface of long bones, rib-sternum, trachea, bronchi
Hyaline cartilage is vascual/avascular
Hyalin cartilage has a lot/alittle elastin
A little (low level of elastictiy)
Functions of hylain cartilage
Cushions, attaches, supports
Where is elastic cartilage found?
Pinna, epiglottis, larynx
How is elastic cartialge different than hylaine cartillage?
It has more ealstin and elastic fibers
How can you distinguish EC from HC?
You need to use special stains
What does fibrocartilage look like?
Tendon with small nests of chondrocytes scattered throughout
Where is fibrocartilage found?
Intervertebral discs, symphis pubis, where tendons insert bone (entheses), menisci of knee, labrum of shoulder
What kinds of cartilage can ossify into bone?
Hylaine cartilage (i.e. Adam's apple) and laryngeal cartilage
Bone is composed mostly of _______crystals
Bone turns over quickly/slowly
Slowly (3%/yr for compact, 25%/yr for spongy)
Bone's role in hematopoesis
Provide shielded compartment
Morphology of gross long bone
epiphyses at both ends, metaphyses and a cventral diaphesis (long shaft)
In a child ___ is the site of growth in length
ephyseal plate
Blood vessesl come from the _____ and penetrate deep into bone
Define: lamallae
layers of calcified matrices with embedded osteocytes
Define: Osteon
Synonym for haversian system
Osteocytes are connected into a network of cells joined by ____ and surrounded by a ______
gap junctions
Where do osetocytes occupy?
Compact bone is an internal/external variety
Structure of compact bone
Haversian systems, support columns, centered on haversian canals (blood vessels)
Spongy bone is an internal/external variety
Structure of spongy bone
includes trebeculae arranged around reticulum of blood vessels
Haveersian systems contain ______ and a ______
lamellae arranged concentriacally around blood vessels and a haversian canal containing a blood vessel
Define: endosteum
Layer of fibroblast-like osteprogenitor cells on outside and inside of mature bone
What does the endosteum form?
Osteoblasts and new bone
When is the endosteum activated?
Fracture repair and remodeling
Define: Osteoblasts
mononucleate cells that are responsible for bone formation
Define: osteocytes
Mature cells in laccunae of lamellae that BULID BONE
Define: Osteclasts
removes bone tissue by removing its mineralized matrix and breaking up the organic bone
Blood calcium level is regulated around ___
When calcium decreases ____ produced by the _____ is screted
PTH; parathyroid
Calcium is required in the blood for:
Muscle contraction and nerve conduction
What happens when PTH is secreted?
Osteocytes mobilize the matrix and PTH increases
Secondary effects of PTH
increased Ca absorption in gut
Antagonist of PTH
Effect of calcitonin
inhibits osteolysis
What forms a callus?
Hylaine cartialge
A callus ossifies to form a ______
Bony callus
The _____ repairs fractures completely.
Bony callus
T/F: Bony callus is stronger than the original bone
True (rarely breaks in the same place)