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13 Cards in this Set

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ABG on an FiO2 of 1.0:

PaO2 is 180.
This patient has a right to left shunt.
ABG on an FiO2 of 1.0:

PaO2 is 601.
This patient does not have a V/Q mismatch.

PaO2/FiO2 = 601/1.0 = 601 = normal
When you see a R to L shunt on a ABG, what do you think?

Pneumonia, diabetes will not really give you a R to L shunt.
How long does ARDS take to manifest?
About 24 hours.
How long does someone need to be on 100% O2 to develop O2 toxicity?
If on 100% O2 for more than 24 hours, then you start to worry.
Symptoms associated with cleaning out a basement full of asbestos two years ago?
None! Takes about 20 years to develop symptoms of asbestosis.
c/c what a diastolic vs. a systolic murmur can tell you.
A diastolic murmur is always abnormal.
What does cyanosis indicate in adults?
Nothing! (per Dr. Wilson)
What is something that needs to be on your differential diagnosis when dealing with mild restriction?
What does it indicate when someone goes from 92% --> 88% after walking 500 feet?
That there is a gas exchange abnormality.
"S3's are _____, too"
"S3's are CRAP, too" (per Dr. Wilson)
"The finding of hemoptysis with PE is ___-____"
"The finding of hemoptysis with PE is DOG-CRAP" (Per Dr. Wilson)
1 L of oxygen usually adds how much to the 21% of oxygen in room air?
1 L adds about 2-3% more.

So 5L of O2 is eqivalent to 30-35% O2