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21 Cards in this Set

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What types of lesions are good to biopsy with a shave biopsy?
Exophytic or epidermal lesions

Seborrheic keratoses
Seborrheic keratosis: attributes
most common benign epidermal tumor

well circumscribed tan or brown papule or plaque

waxy or verrucous surface

"stuck-on" appearance

Pseudohorn cysts often present
Punch biopsy: allows visualization of what tissues?
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: pathogenesis
Immune complex deposition --> inflamm response --> complement activation
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: presentation
Palpable purpura on extremities
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: causes
medications, infections, malignancy, collagen vascular disease, idiopathic
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: histo
- fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel walls

- neutrophils arond blood vessels

- fragmented neutrophils (leukocytoclasia)
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: things to look for
Usually seen in lower ext

Look for involvement of other organs:
- GI: ab pain, blood in stools
- Kidneys: hematuria, protein, cellular casts, elevated BUN, creatinine
Leukocytoclasic vasculitis: tx

What allows for the immediate dx of herpetic infection? Describe the test
Tzank smear

Use 15 blade scalpel to open vesicle, scrape base for keratinocytes, spread the adherent cells and material onto a glass slide.

Stain with Giemsa stain (or Wright's stain)

Multinucleated giant cells are diagnostic for infections with herpes simplex or varicella zoster

CANNOT distinguish between herpes simplex and herpes zoster.

CANNOT distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2

CAN see
1. margination
2. multinucleation
3. molding (nuclei pushed together)

this is dx for a herpes infection
what testing method do you use if you suspect a fungal infection?
KOH prep.
What is a dermatophyte?
A fungus that lives on keratin (hair, nails, skin)
How do you do a KOH prep?
Swab site with alcohol
15 scalpel blade to gently scrape scale
Moist keratinocytes transferred from blade to slide
add 1-2 drops of KOH
Apply cover slip
Gently warm with a bunsen burner
examine under microscope
How do you do a scabies prep?
- Apply mineral oil to a 15 blade scalpel
- scrape a burrow vigorously (make it bleed)
- transfer material to a glass slide
- Examine for mites, eggs, and scybala (skih-bah-lah, fecal pellets)
What causes the inflamm reaction with scabies?
Inflamm reaction to the scybala, the fecal pellets
Scabies: clinical features
- Spread by direct contact
- Severe pruritus, esp at night
- Linear burrows and pink papules in the interdigital web spaces of hands, flexor wrists, axillae, abdomen, genitalia, buttocks, thighs
Scabies: tx
5% permethrin cream
Treat close contacts
launder clothes and bed linens
"Spaghetti and meatball" histo appearance
yeast forms and short hyphae
Tinea versicolor: clinical appearance
mulitple round hypopigmented macules coalescing to a patch. see scales. worse in summer. chest abdomen, back
Tinea versicolor: cause
immune reaction to pityrosporum orbiculare (malassezia furfur)

occurs when temp and humidity are high
Tinea versicolor: tx
topical or oral antifungals