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12 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Nerve I

Olfactory (sensory) is within the olfactory mucosa and projects to olfactory bulb

Cranial Nerve II

Optic (sensory) Rec's visual input from eye on ganglion cells in retina and projects to lateral geniculate, superior colliculus

Cranial Nerve III

Oculomotor for medial/superior/inferior rectus and inferior oblique. (eye mvmt, pupillary contraction) carries parasympathetic fibers. Lies within brainstem oculomotor nucleus. receives input from PPRF

Cranial Nerve IV

Trochlear- superior oblique mvmt (eye mvmt, pupillary contraction). Lies within brainstem's trochlear nucleus, receives input from PPRF (paramedial pontine reticular formation). this is the only crossed cranial nerve.

Cranial Nerve V

Trigeminal - sensations from cornea, face, teeth, gums, palate. General sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue. Chewing muscles. (sensory & motor)

Cranial Nerve VI

Abducens (eye mvmt, pupillary contraction) lateral rectus muscle from within the abducens nucleus of brain stem; rec's inpur from PPRF.

Cranial Nerve VII

Facial (sensory & motor) carries parasympathetic fibers. Facial expression, platysma, stapedius. sits within facial nucleus of brain stem.

Cranial Nerve VIII

Vestibulocochlear (special senses) auditory and vestibular input from inner ear. within cochlear and vestibular ganglions.

Cranial Nerve IX

Glossopharyngeal (sensory & motor) carries parasympathetic fibers. general sensation & taste from posterior 1/3 tongue, soft palate & auditory canal. Sensory info from carotid body & sinus. Projects to solitary tract & nucleus.

Cranial Nerve X

Vagus (sensory & motor) carries parasympathetic fibers. Stylopharyngeus muscle and soft palate. Autonomic control of thoracic and abdominal viscera.

Cranial Nerve XI

Accessory (pure motor) SCM & trapezius. Cell bodies are in ventral horns at C2-5

Cranial Nerve XII

Hypoglossal (pure motor) tongue muscles. Muscles of tongue & hyoid bone. Cell bodies lie within the hypoglossal nucleus.