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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the Branchial Arch 2 Derivatives?
Reichert's Cartilage: Stapes, Styloid process, Stylohyoid Ligament, lesser horn of hyoid
Muscles: of facial expression, Stapedius, Stylohyoid, post. belly of Digastric
Nerve: CN VII
Derivatives of Branchial Arch 3?
Cartilage: greater horn of hyoid
Muscle: Stylopharyngeus
Nerve: IX
What happens if the cleft and pouch of 3 persist?
Congenital Pharyngocutaneous Fistula = between tonsilar area and lateral neck
Derivatives of Branchial Arches 4-6?
Cartilage: Thyroid, Cricoid, Arytenoids, Corniculate, Cuneiform
Muscles (4th): Most pharyngeal constrictors, Cricothyroid, levator veli palatini
Muscles (6th): all intrinsic ones of larynx Except Cricothyroid
Nerves (4th) CN X (sup. laryngeal branch=swallowing)
Nerves (6th): CN X (recurrent laryngeal branch = speaking)
1st cleft derivatives?
External Auditory Meatus
2nd-4th cleft derivatives?
Temporary cervical sinuses
Obliterated by prolif of 2nd arch mesenchyme
What happens if one of the temporary cervical sinuses doesn't go away?
Branchial Cleft Cyst w/in lateral neck
1st pouch derivatives?
Middle Ear Cavity
Eustachian Tube
Mastoid Air Cells

contributes to endoderm
2nd pouch derivatives?
Epithelial lining of palantine tonsil
3rd pouch derivatives?
Dorsal Wings: inferior parathyroids
Ventral Wings: Thymus

These structures end up below 4th pouch structures
4th pouch derivatives?
Superior Parathyroids
What happens if your 3rd and 4th pouches don't develop correctly?
DiGeorge Syndrome--->
T-cell def (thymic aplasia)
Hypocalcemia (parathyoid agenesis)
What different structures give rise to parts of the ear?
1st Arch (malleus/incus, tensor tympani)
2nd Arch (stapes, stapedius)
1st Cleft: External Auditory Meatus
1st Branchial Membrane: Tympanic Membrane
1st Pouch: Eustachian tube, middle ear cavity, mastoid air cells
What gives rise to our tongue?
1st Branchial Arch: anterior 2/3 (sensation via V3, taste via VII)
3rd and 4th Arches: posterior 1/3 (sensation and taste from IX, with extreme post. from X)
Motor Inn. from XII
Muscles of tongue from Occipital Myotomes
Taste, Pain, and Motor Innervation of the tongue?
Taste: VII, IX, and X (solitary nucleus)
Pain: V3, IX, X
Motor: XII
What is a dividing marker between ant 2/3 and post 1/3 of tongue?
Foramen Cecum
Thyroid Dev kickers?
Descends into neck via Thyroglossal duct which connects thyroid to tongue. Duct should disappear and leave behind foramen cecum. If it persists = pyramidal lobe of thyroid
How does a Cleft Lip happen?
Failure of fusion of maxillary and medial nasal processes (formation of primary palate)
How does a Cleft Palate happen?
failure of fusion of lateral palatine processes, the nasal septum, and/or the median palatine process (secondary palate)
What is the Diaphragm derived from?
1. Septum Transversum--> Central Tendon
2. Pleuroperitoneal Folds
3. Body Wall
4. Dorsal Mesentery of esophagus--> Crura
Movement of Diaphragm during dev and significance?
Descends, but keeps innervation from above.
Who innervates the Diaphragm?
C3, 4, 5 keep the diaphragm alive
Who gives rise to the GI Tract?
Foregut: pharynx to duodenum
Midgut: duodenum to transverse colon
Hindgut: Distal transverse to rectum
What is the difference between Gastroschisis and Omphalocele?
Gastroschisis: Failure of lateral body folds to fuse--->extrusion of abdominal contents

Omphalocele = persistence of herniation of abdomical contents into umbilical cord
Most common type of Tracheoesophageal fistula?
Blind upper esophagus
Lower esophagus connected to trachea

Presents w/ cyanosis, choking, vomiting w/ feeding, air bubble on CXR, and polyhydramnios
Cause, Sx's, Rx, and Prevalence of Congenital Pyloric Stenosis?
Hypertrophy of pylorus
Palpable "olive" in epigastric region and Nonbilious projectil vomiting at ~2 wks
Surgical Incision
1/600 live births, often w/ 1st born male
Pancreas Embryology?
From foregut
Ventral pancreatic bud-->head, uncinate process, and main pancreatic duct
Dorsal bud--->everything else (body, tail, isthmus, acc. duct)
What is an annular pancreas?
When ventral bud encircles 2nd part of duodenum-->ring of pancreatic tissue around duodenum possibly leading to duod narrowing
Spleen embryology?
From dorsal mesentery (mesoderm) but is supplied by artery of foregut (celiac a)
5 Main components of Embryonic Kidney?
Pronephros (week 4, then degenerates)
Mesonephros (kidney for 1st tri-->male genital system)
Metanephros: permanent. kidney from glomerulus to DCT
Urogenital Sinus--->bladder, urethra, allantois
Ureteric Bud: from mesonephros--->collecting duct, calyces, pelvises, and ureter
What is Potter's Syndrome?
Bilateral Renal Agenesis-->oligohydramnios-->limb deformities, facial deformities, lung hypoplasia

Malformed ureteric bud
What's up with horseshoe kidneys?
Inferior poles fuse
As they ascend they get caught on Inf. Mesenteric Artery and thus remain low
Fxn normally
Default genital dev?
Mesonephric Duct degenerates and paramesonephric duct develops
What needs to happen for a Male to happen?
SRY gene on Y Chromosome codes for testis-determining factor
Mullerian inhibiting substance is made by testes (sertoli's) and stops paramesonephric duct from dev.
Inc Androgens (leydig's)-->dev of mesonephric ducts
Who is the Wolffian duct and what does it become?
That'd be the mesonephric duct
Develops into male internal structures: Seminal Vesicles, Epididymis, Ejaculatory Duct, and Ductus Deferens (not prostate)
Who is the Mullerian Duct and what does it become?
Mullerian = Paramesonephric
Develops into Fallopian Tube, Uterus, and Upper 1/3 of Vagina (lower 2/3 from urogenital sinus)
What the crap is a Bircornuate Uterus?
From incomplete fusion of paramesonephric ducts--->2 headed uterus
Associated w/ UT abnormalities and infertility
4 Embryonic Structures for external male/female genitalia?
Genital Tubercle
Urogenital Sinus
Urogenital Folds
Labioscrotal Swelling
What do each one of these structures become?
Genital Tubercle---> Glans penis/glans clitoris, corpus spongiosum/vestibular bulbs
Urogenital Sinus-->Bulbourethral Glands/Greater vestibular glands (bartholin), Prostate Gland/urethral/paraurethral glands
Urogenital Folds--->Ventral Shaft (penile urethra)/Labia Minora
Labioscrotal Swelling--->Scrotum/Labia Majora
What are hypospadias and epispadias?
Hypo: abnormal ventral urethral opening due to failure of urethral folds to close

Epi: Dorsal blow hole due to faulty positioning of genital tubercle
Epispadias association?
Exstrophy of bladder