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40 Cards in this Set

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What is an award?
A decoration, medalm ribbon, or appurtenance bestowed on an individual or a unit
what is a decoration?
An award given to a Soldier for srvice or achievment
What is the hightest medal given by the Army in a time of war?
Medal of Honor
Who is the Appoving Authority for the Medal of Honor?
U.S. Congress
What is a DA Form 2442?
Certioficate of Achivement
How many different weapons are authorized component bars?
What was the first medal awarded by the Army?
Purple Heart
What is DA from 87?
Certificate of Training
Name the four Speical Skills Tabs?
1. Ranger
2. Special Forces
3. Presidents Hundred
4. Sapper
When was tne Medal of Honor established?
Why is the US flag worn on the right shoulder?
To give the effect the flag is flying
what is the estimated life of a ACU?
6 months
How many skill tabs can be worn on the ACU?
3 skill tabs
What is the only insignia authorized for wear on the IPFU?
The Army Physical Fitness Badge
Who are the only Soldiers authorized to wear the IPFU shirt outside of the trunks?
Pregnant Soldiers
What is a Sergeant's business?
What are the three different types of Duty?
1. Specified
2. Directed
3. Implied Duties
What year was the Sergeant Major of the Army established?
What does FM 6-22 cover?
What does FM 7-0 cover?
Training the Force
What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?
1. Rated NCO
2. Rater
3. Senior Rater
4. Reviewer
What AR prescribes the POLICIES for completing evaluation reports that support Evaluation Reporting System?
AR 623-3
What DA Pamphlet prescribes the procedures for completing evaluation reports that support Evaluation Reporting System?
DA PAM 623-3
What is a NCOER?
An evaluation report of an Non-Commission Officer
How many types of NCOER are there?
7 different types
1. Annual
2. Change of Rater
3. Relief for Cause
4. Complete the Record
5. 60 Day Rater Option
6. 60 Day Senior Rater Option
7. Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment
What form is use for NCOER?
DA 2166-8-1 for NCO Counseling Checklist/Record
DA 2166-8 for NCO Evaluation Report
What are the parts of the NCOER?
part 1 Administrative Data
part 2 Authentication
part 3 Duty Description
part 4 Overall Performance and Potential
What two types or orders can a guard receive?
1. General Orders
2. Special Orders
What are you normally responsible for at your guard post?
Your power to cause all government property in view
What FM covers Guard Duty?
FM 22-6
What is general order one?
I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved
What is general order two?
I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner
What is general order three?
I will obey violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not coverd in my instructions to the Commander of the Relief
How would you challenge people in a vehicle?
You would challenge the same as if on foot but, make one or all of the individuals dismount the vehicle if deemed necessary
What are the two different types of guard mountings?
1. Formal
2. Informal
Does a guard salute indoors?
What is a parole word?
The parole (word) is used to check on the countersign when inspecting guards.
Waht are the three examples of exterior guards?
Listening Posts
What do special orders define?
Exactly what a guard must do in a particular post
What are the two words that the challenge people in a vehicle?
Challenge and Password