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25 Cards in this Set

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What is cryptochidism?
A testis that has not descended or is not retractable (capable of being drawn down).
What is the clinically importantance of cryptochidism?
A greatly increased risk of developing malignancy in the undescended testis (cancer).
Where does an external supravesical hernia leave the periotneal cavity?
Through the supravesical fossa.
What nerve is in danger of being injuried in a supravesical hernia?
Iliohypogastric nerve
The patent umbilical vein just after birth is used for what exchange transfusion during erythroblastosis fetalis and hemolytic disease?
Umbilical vein catheterization
Where can metastatic uterin cancer cells spread to?
From the uterus to the labium majus and then to the superficial inguinal nodes.
Where do most hernias occur?
inguinal region
Why do inguinal hernias occur more often in men?
Because of the location of the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal.
What is an inguinal hernia?
A protrusion of parietal peritoneum and viscera through a normal or abdnormal opening from the cavity in which they belond.
What is the most common type of inguinal hernia?
Indirect hernia.
How is the peritoneal part of the hernial sac of an indirect inguinal hernia formed?
By the persisting processus vaginalis.
A complete indirect inguinal hernia means what?
the entire stalk of the processus vaginalis persist and the hernia extends into the scrotum superior to the testis.
How is a hernia felt in the superficial inguinal ring?
By the doctor following the spermatic cord in the upper scrotum to the superficial inguinal ring and having the patient cough. A hernia is present if in impulse is felt against the finger.
How is the palpation of a direct inguinal hernia performed?
placing palmar surgace of index finger over inguinal triangle and having patient cough. If hernia is present and impulse will be felt.
Stroking the skin on the medial aspect of the superior part of the thigh will elicit what reflex?
The cremasteric reflex.
What is the cremasteric reflex?
The rapid elevation of the testis.
What can occur is the processus vaginalis persists in females?
It forms a small peritoneal pouch , the canal of Nuck in the inguincal canal that may extend to the labium majus which can enlarge and form cysts.
What is a hydrocele?
Presence of excess fluid in a persistent processus vaginalis, often associated with indirect inguinal hernias.
What is a hematocele of the testis?
A collection of blood in the tunica vaginalis.
Why is torsion of the spermatic cord a surgical emergency?
Necrosis may occur bc of the obstruction of venous drainage which results in edema and hemorrhage and subsequent arterial obstruction.
Why must spinal ansthetic agents be injected more superiorly to anesthitize the anterolateral surface of the scrotum than is necessary for the posteroinferior surface?
Because the anterolateral surface is innervated by the lumbar plexus and the posterioinferior is supplied by the sacral plexus.
What is a spermatocele?
A retention cyst in the epididymis usually near the head.
Why are varicoceles more likely to occur on the left side?
Becuase of the acute angle at with the right vein enters the IVC is more favorable to flow than the 90 degree angle at which the left testicular vein enters the left renal vein.
Metastases of testicular cancer spread to which nodes?
Lumbar lymph nodes
Metastases of scrotal cancer spread to which nodes?
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes