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30 Cards in this Set

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Blood pressure is highest in _____.
Blood velocity is slowest in ____
Most of the blood in the cardiovascular system is found in ____.
Vasoconstriction of arteries will bring about an ____ in blood pressure.
The circulatory shock as a result of a myocardial infarction.
cardiogenic shock
The circulatory shock that results from a bacterial infection.
septic shock
increases blood vessel diameter
What tissue makes up the below blood vessel tunics
tunica media
tunica interna
tunica externa
tunica media - elastic fibers, smooth muscle

tunica interna - simple squamous epithelium

tunica externa - elastic and collagen fibers
How would the below factors affect blood vessel resistance and blood pressure?
vasodilation of arteries
losing weight
an increase in a hematocrit
the valsalva maneuver
vasodilation of arteries - BP decreases; blood flow increases

losing weight -

an increase in a hematocrit - raises velocity of blood, increases resistance to flow and makes the blood more difficult for heart to pump

the valsalva maneuver - increased viscocity of blood & increases BO

polycythemia - increases resistance & BP
The pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting.
systolic pressure
This pressure is the afterload.
diastolic pressure
3 differences between arteries and veins.
1. veins have thinner walls
2. veins carry blood to heart/arteries carry blood away from heart
3. lumen of a vein is larger than artery
2 mechanisms that occur to bring about decompensated (progressive) shock.
1. depression of cardiac shock
2. depression of vasoconstriction
When you stand up after lying down the increased demand due to gravity stiulates the baroceptors of _____ & _____ and results in increased ______ stimulation that results in _____; BP _____.
arch of aorta
carotid sinus
2 mechanisms that help maintain normal BP during compensated shock.
1. activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
2. secretion of ADH
How do the below factors influence blood vessels?
angiotensin II
atrial natriuretic peptide
antidiuretic hormone
histamine - vasodilator
angiotensin II - potent vasoconstrictor
atrial natriuretic peptide - causes vasodilation
antidiuretic hormone - vasoconstriction
epinephrine - vasoconstriction of arterioles, veins & vasodilation of arterioles in cardiac and skeletal muscle; constrict blood vessels
This vein returns blood to the right atrium from the heart itself.
coronary sinus
This artery supplies blood to the liver and stomach.
celiac artery
This vein drains blood from the leg
great saphenous vein
This vein carries blood from the kidney
renal vein
This vessel carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
pulmonary arteries
this artery supplies blood to the heart
marginal artery
this artery supplies blood to the small intestine
superior mesenteric artery
this vein drains blood from the forearm
basilic vein
this is the artery commonly used for blood pressure tests
brachial artery
this is the vein that carries blood carrying the products of digestion to the liver
hepatic portal vein
4 differences between the adult and fetal circulatory system.
1. ductus arteriosus -> ligamentum arteriosum

2. foramen ovale -> fossa ovalis

3. ductus venosus -> ligamentum venosum

4. umbilical vein -> ligamentum teres

5. umbilical arteries -> medial umbilical ligaments
What is a portal circulatory pathway?
blood passes from one capillary network into another thru a portal vein.
What is a regular circulatory pathway?
blood passes from heart and then in sequence to the arteries, ,arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins and back to heart.
Example of portal pathway & why setup the way it is?
hepatic portal circulation.
so the capillaries of gastrointestine organs & spleen can deliver nutrient rich blood directly to liver via hepatic portal vein.