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107 Cards in this Set

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carry blood away from the heart

have thick muscular walls that allow them to be elastic and contractile. allows for passive changes in size of the vessel's diameter as BP varies


smallest arterial branches

capillary beds

where the exchange between the blood and interstitial fluids take place


small veins

Tunica Intima (interna)

innermost layer of the vessel

endothelial lining faces the lumen followed by an under layer of connective tissue with elastic fibers

Tunica Media

middle layer of blood vessels that contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue

usually the thickest layer of the blood vessel

Tunica Externa

the outermost layer that forms a connective tissue sheath around the vessel

vasa vasorum

small arteries and veins that supply large blood vessels

"blood vessel for blood vessels"

Differences between Arteries and Veins

a. walls of arteries are thicker. arteries have more smooth muscle and elastic fibers in the tunica media than the vein

b. Arteries constrict when blood pressure does not distend them. Veins constrict very little. Lumen of an A looks smaller than a vein

c. the endothelial lining of the arter does not contract so when the does contract, it ripples into folds

d. arteries are more resilient when stretched. Veins can tear

e. Veins have valves to prevent backflow

Elastic Arteries

conducting arteries

walls of elastic arteries are resilient w/ a high concentration of elastic fibers and relatively fewer smooth muscle cells in the tunica media. Can tolerate dramatic pressure changes in the cardiac cycle

aorta, pulmonary trunks and major arterial branches (pulmonary, common carotis, subclavian, and iliac arteries)

Muscular Arteries

medium-sized arteries, distribution arteries

distribute blood to the body's skeletal muscles and internal organs. have more smooth muscle in the tunica media than elastic arteries.

external carotid arteries, brachial arteries and femoral arteries


resistant vessels

have little to no tunica externa adn only 1-2 muscle cell layers deep in the tunica media

although they can vasodilate when O2 levels are low, and vasoconstrict when influenced by the sympathetic divsion


bulge in weakened wall of an artery that can pop

most dangerous located in the brain (strokes) or aorta (bleed out in minutes).

Occur frequently in patients with arteriosclerosis, arterial inflammation or infection and marfan's syndrome.

go undetected until they burst

Continuous capillaries

the capillary endothelium is a complete lining (located in all tissues except cartilage and epithelia)

specialized continuous capillaries with restricted permeability are responsible for the blood brain barrier

Fenestrated capilliaries

contain pores throughout the endothelial lining

pores allow for rapid exchange of water, small solutes up to small peptides.

Found in hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal and thyroid glads and filtration at the kidneys

Sinusoids capillaries

specialized fenestrated capillaries

have gaps in b/t adjacent endothelial cells and thin or abscent basal lamina

water, solutes, and large plasma proteins can pass through

liver, spleen, bone marrow, and endocrine organs

Precapillary sphincter

a band of smooth muscle tissue around the entrance of each capillary to control the diameter of the capillary lumen


two arteries that fuse and empty into an arteriole

arteriovenous anastomes

direct connections b/w arterioles and venules that bypass a capillary bed


thickening and toughening of artery walls

two forms: focal calcification and atherosclerosis

focal calcification

gradual degeneration of smooth muscle tissue in the tunica media and subsequent deposititon of calcium salts

typically involves arteries of the limbs and genital organs

may be a part of aging or atherosclerosis. Rapid and severe calcification may occur as a complication of diabetes mellitus

Atherosclerosis - definition

damage to endothelial lining and formation of lipid droplets in the tunica media of arteries

more common form of arteriosclerosis

Atherosclerosis - mechanisms

1. high levels of circulating cholesterol not taken up by the tissues contribute to atherosclerosis

2. Circulating monocytes phagocytize cholesterol- rich and triglyceride rich lipoproteins

3. The monocytes (now foam cells) stick to the endothelial lining of arteries and secrete cytokines that attract platelets and stimulate the smooth muscle to divide

4. Monocytes, smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells all start to phagocytize lipids and form a collaborative fatty mass, a plaque


smallest venous vessels

medium-sized veins

comparable to muscular arteries but have a thin tunica media and few smooth muscle cells

tunica externa is the thickets layer which contains long bundles of collagen and elastic fibers

Large veins

include the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.

all three tunicas are present

Venous Valves

b/c blood pressure in venules and medium sized veins are low, they contain valves to prevent backflow to the capillary beds

valves point in the direction of blood flow and are an extension of the tunica interna

valves pushed open by the force of blood inferior to the valve. force comes from the surrounding skeletal muscles contracting.

Varicose Veins

sagging, swollen veins that result from venous blood pooling against the venous valve

venous walls become distorter with age, lack of exercise, increased blood volumes (pregnancy) or a career of standing or sitting for long periods

valves are less effective


distended veins near anus due to tremendous force put on the abdominal muscles to defecate or deliver a child.

topical medicines (to contract smooth muscle tissues) or surgery are treatments

Distribution of Blood

venous system contains 65-70% of the circulating blood.

approximately 20% of total blood volume is in the liver, skin, and bone marow

hydrostatic pressure

a force exerted against a liquid

heart pumps blood

circulatory pressure

pressure difference between the base of the ascending aorta and the entrance to the R Atrium.

Average is 100 mm hg

this is the force needed to push blood through the arterioles into the capillaries

Three components of circulatory pressure

1. Blood Pressure

2. Capillary hydrostatic Pressure

3. Venous pressure

Blood pressure


Arterial pressure

range 100mm hg to 35 mm hg

Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure


pressure in the capillary beds pushing into the interstitial fluid

35-18 mm Hg

Venous pressure

pressure in the venous system

18 mm Hg


any force that resists movement

For circulation to occur, what must the pressure gradient overcome?

The total peripheral resistance

vascular resistance, viscosity and turbulence

total peripheral resistance is made of what 3 componets

1. vascular resistance

2. viscosity

3. turbulence

What is the most important determinant of peripheral resistance?

diameter of the arterioles

smaller the diameter, greater the resistance

Aterial blood pressuer

must be high enough to overcome peripheral resistance

not stable, fluctuation between ventricle systole and diastole

Systolic pressure

peak pressure during ventricle contraction

Diastolic pressure

minimum pressure at the end of ventricle diastole (relaxation)


rhythmic pressure oscillation for each heart beat

Pulse pressure

PP = systolic - diastolic pressure

Mean Arterial pressure (MAP)

MAP = diastolic pressure + ( pulse pressure/3)

Elastic Rebound

when diastole begins, BP drops and the arteries recoil to their original dimensions

the recoil pushes blood toward the capillaries.

push of the blood by recoil is the elastic rebound


increases workload on the heart. to compensate, the L Ventricle increases in size and the demand for O2 and nutrients.

coronary circulation can't keep up and areas go ischemic. Increased arterial pressure puts a strain on the arterial walls.

Prone to arteriosclerosis, aneurysms, heart attacks and strokes.

Therapies include calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, diuretics, and vasodilators to decrease BP

Treatments of Hypertension

life style changes, quit smoking, exercise, lower salt intake, lower caloric and fat intake.

drug therapies:

1. Beta Blockers - decrease pulse & how hard the heart works.

2. Ca Channel blockers - heart doesn't beat as strongly

3. Diuretics - decrease blood volume

4. vasodilators - widens vessels and lowers BP

5. ACE inhibitors - inhibits conversion of Angeotension I to Angeotension II


form of hypotension when the carotid reflex doesn't work properly due to age or you stand too quickly

Treatments of Hypotension

drug therapies that stimulate heart rate and increase cardiac contractions through beta 1 receptors on the heart (mimic E and NE)

dopamine (high concentratiosn) and dobutamine stimulate Ca2+ entry into cells

how can you check a pulse?

can be felt in any large to medium artery by compressing the artery against bone

radial artery, external carotid, brachial, temporal, facial, femoral and popliteal


instrument to measure blood pressure

inflatable cuff with a pressure gauge (mm Hg)

What is capillary exchange dependent on?

1. diffusion

2. filtration

3. reaborsption


osmotic pressure pushes solutions back into capillaries from the tissues

lymphatic system

lymph fluid and lympathics (lymph vessels) increase exchange b/t tissue and capillaries

material can go through capillaries to the lympathics and filter through a lympoid organ (lymph nodes, spleen, thymus to check for foreign materials such a toxins or pathogens) and go back into the blood stream via the vena cava


net movement of ions based on concentration gradient from high to low


forced by hydrostatic pressure (BP from heart) to push materials through tissues

osmotic pressure

of a solution is based on solute cocnetration

increase solute concentration, increase osmotic pressure, increase water movement into that solution

interplay b/w Filtration and reabsorption

rates of filtration and reabsorption changes as blood travels through the capillary

in the beginning, more filtration & towards the end more reabsorption.

normally more filtration occurs than reabsorption

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)

is the difference b/w the net hydrostatic pressure and the net osmotic pressure

how much material got through the tissue?

Decrease capillary hydrostatic pressure, then decrease NFP.

Recall of Fluids

occurs when BP drops due to volume changes (hemorrhage and dehydration)

Hemorrhage decreases BP, then decreases CHP, which decreases NFP and reabsorption increases

plasma volume will increase due to increased reabsorption (from the interstitial fluids) due to osmotic pressure exerted by concentrated plasma or a drop in BP


abnormal increase volume of interstitial fluid due to the disturbance in balance of hydrostatic pressure vs osmotic pressure

what factors affect tissue perfusion?

1. cardiac output

2. peripheral resistance

3. blood pressure

Local Vasodilators

factors that promote dilation at the precapillary sphincters

these factors dilate capillaries in response to:

1. increased CO2

2. increased lactic acid

3. increased temperature

4. inflammatory response (histamine)

Local Vasoconstrictors

factors that constrict precapillary sphincters

factors such as prostaglandins & thromboxanes (from activated platelets and WBCs)

Cardiovascular centers (CV)

includes cardioacceleratory and cardioinhibitory centers that are part of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation and regulation of the heart

Vasomotor Centers

have two populations of neurons: large group involved w/ widespread vasoconstriction and a small group involved with vasodilation of arterioles to the skeletal muscle and brain

Control of vasoconstriction

neurons release NE which leads to constriction

Control of vasodilation

starts with ACh released which leads to NO release which then dilates smooth muscle around arterioles of skeletal muscles and the brain

Vasomotor tone

vasoconstrictor activity is continuous to keep arterioles partially constricted

Cardiovascular centers monitor changes in pressure, O2, CO2, and pH of peripheral tissue through what two receptors?

Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors


sensitive to STRETCH in the walls of expandable organs

Areas of baroreceptors in the cardiovascular region

1. carotid sinuses

2. aortic sinuses

3. atrial baroreceptors

carotid sinuses

expandable chambers near the base of the internal carotid arteries

ensures adequate blood flow to the brain

aortic sinuses

pockets in the walls of the ascending aorta and monitors the start of system blood flow

atrial baroreceptors

are in the walls of the right atrium

monitors BP at the end of the systemic circuit

Aortic reflex

baroreceptor reflex

adjust pressure to ensure adequate blood flow through the systemic circuit

In what ways does the Aortic reflex work?

1. when BP climbs, it alters the activity of the cardiovascular centers to DECREASE CO and 2. VASODILATE peripheral vessels

2. when BP drops, it INCREASES CO and peripheral vessels will VASOCONSTRICT

Atrial Reflex

adjust flow based on the pressure stimulation in the R Atrium.

increased stimulation in the R Atrium will lead to stimulation of the cardiovascular center to increase CO output so there isn't a backlog of venous flow

the opposite of the baroreceptors of the carotid and aortic sinuses


sensitive to changes in CO2, O2, pH in blood & CSF

located in the carotid bodies (near carotid sinuses) and aortic bodies (near the arch).

Chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongat monitor CSF and aid in the control of respiratory function and blood flow to the brain

What will increasing the levels of CO2 in the CSF do?

stimulate chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata to vasodilate cerebral vessels while vasoconstrict occurs in most other vessels and organs and stimulate respiratory centers.

goal is to keep the brain oxgenated

Chemoreceptor reflexes

respond to increased CO2, decreased pH and decreased O2

stimulate cardioacceleratory center, inhibit cardioinhibitory centers, stimulate vasomotor centers and stimulate respiratory centers

NE & E

increases cardiac output and increases vasoconstriction

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

released by posterior pituitary

in response to decreased blood volume and increased solute concentration in plasma

will increase BP through vasoconstriction, conserve H20 at kidneys to increase blood volume

Angiotensin II

secretion stimulated in response to increased renin (kidneys) in blood.

Renin (converts Angiotensionogen to angiotensin I) is secreted in response to decreased blood pressure

What does Angiotensin II do?

1. stimulates ADH release

2. stimulates aldosterone production which leads to Na+ absorption, increase H2O osmosis in kidneys

3. stimulate thirst

4. stimulates increased CO through vasoconstriction

how does Angiotenionogen converted to Angotensin II

Angiotensionogen (plasma protein produced by liver) is converted to Angiotensin I by renin.

Angiotenin I is converted to Angiotensin II by ACE - angiotensin-convertion enzyme, in the capillaries in the lung

Erythropoitin (EPO)

released by kidneys in response to decreased BP or decreased O2 levels in kidneys

EPO stimulates RBC production (increase blood volume and viscosity).

increased # of RBCs increase O2 in blood

Atrial Natriuertic Peptide (ANP) and brain natriuetic peptide (BNP)

ANP from R Atrium and BNP from ventricle muscle cells respond to increased stretching during diastole

They will decrease BP, decrease BV by increasing Na excreted at kidneys, increase h2o loss, stimulate vasodilation, decrease thirst, and block release of ADh, Aldosterone, E and NE

Goal of natrietic peptides is to lower BP

Cardiovascular Response to heemorrhaging

cardiovascular system's immediate task is to maintain adequate BP and peripheral blood flow

long term task is to restore blood volume

Short Term Elevation of BP due to hemorrhaging

Neural response by carotid and aortic reflexes increase cardiac output and cause vasoconstriction.

Stress and anxiety leads to stimulation of sympathetic headquarters in

hypothalamus. The hypothalamus calls for increase vasomotor tone, release venous reserves (liver, skin, bone marrow) which leads to increase venous return therefore ADH, and Angiotensin II restrict water loss and increase blood volume.

Short term elevation of blood pressure remedies are good for < 20% blood loss (when you donate blood you give about 10% of blood volume so you can safely recover by short term effects).

Long term Restoration of Blood Volume due to hemorrhaging

increase reabsorption in capillaries

from decrease CHP, Aldosterone and ADH promote fluid retention, EPO make more

RBCs (increase volume and viscosity of blood) and increased thirsty (by angiotensin II)

ingest more H20 absorbed (increase blood volume).


Acute circulatory crisis marked by low BP and inadequate peripheral blood flow

Causes - decrease cardiac output after hemorrhage or fluid loss

- damage heart

- external pressure on heart

- extensive peripheral vasodilation

Circulatory Shock

occurs with fluid loss of greater or equal to 30% total blood volume

causes - hemorrhaging

- dehydration

- third degree burns

symptoms - below 90mm Hg systolic pressure

- pale, cool, clammy skin

- disorientation

- increase heart

- no urine production

- decrease pH (lactic acid build up from O2 starved tissues)

- rate rapid, weak pulse

circulatory collapse

capillaries collapse (due to low BP), tissues are starved, and dying

tissues release abnormal chemicals.

Special circulation - the Brain

local demands and pressure changes in brain yet blood flow to brain

remains constant. Safeguards include blood-brain barrier and 4 major arteries with

anastomoses. The brain receives 750 ml oxygenated blood/minute (about 12% of CO)!

Special circulation - the Heart

Coronary arteries are squeezed when heart contracts (decrease

blood flow temporarily). Fortunately heart tissues has enough O2 reserves (bound to myoglobin) until the heart relaxes. BP is highest at base of aorta where coronary vessels originate from. Therefore the coronary arteries will have plenty of pressure to move the blood to the heart tissues. If the workload of the heart increases, and O2 levels decrease and lactic acid concentration increases then the coronary arteries will dilate to increase blood flow to the heart. Unlike the general circulation, E from the sympathetic division

activation will dilate coronary vessels (E constricts general systemic vessels).

Special Circulation - the Lungs

Our lungs have 300 million alveoli and each one is individually

wrapped with a capillary network. High O2 alveolus concentration will cause lung vessels to dilate. Low O2 alveolus concentration will cause lung vessels to constrict so that the blood is shunted to alveoli with higher O2 levels. This shunting of blood to more oxygenated regions makes lungs efficient.

Lungs have low CHP (10mm Hg vs. 35mm Hg) because we don’t want fluids pushed into lung tissue and cause pulmonary edema. The right ventricle has far less muscle mass than the left ventricle to facilitate lung low CHP.

fetal circulation

Because the fetus is in the womb, its respiratory and nutrients come

from Mom. Fetal circulation is mapped out slightly differently from those of us outside of the womb. Both in womb and out of womb circulatory circuitry are designed for maximum peripheral tissue perfusion for the condition (womb support or no womb support).

Foramen ovale

hole between the atria (blood bypass pulmonary circuit)

closes soon after birth in response to increase blood pressure in left atrium. A valvular

flap closes the hole. The remnant depression is renamed the fossa ovalis.

ductus arteriosis

short muscular vessel between the aortic and pulmonary trunks designed to shunt blood flow to systemic circulation and bypass the lungs. Shortly

after birth, high level of O2 stimulates the ductus arteriosus to constrict and blood thruways of the aorta and the pulmonary artery become separated. The ductus arteriosus becomes a fibrous cord now named the ligamentum arteriosum.

ductus venous

brings oxygenated blood from Mom’s umbilical vein and links up with baby’s inferior vena cava bypassing the liver. In the unborn fetus oxygenated blood feeds through the inferior vena cava unlike people out of the womb. Ductus venosus becomes the ligamentum venosum.

Patent foramen ovalis and ductus arteriosus

Mixing of blood sends some deoxygenated blood to systemic circulation (‘blue baby’). BP in the pulmonary circulation is too high (from left ventricular force). Develop pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary edema as well as an enlarge heart (heart has to work harder getting more oxygenated blood into systemic circulation).

Tetralogy of Fallot

Group of four heart and circulatory defects.

1. pulmonary trunk narrows

2. interventricular septum incomplete

3. aorta originates where interventricular septum normally ends

4. right ventricle enlarged, both ventricle thick (increase workload)

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

The left ventricle is underdeveloped and too small. The mitral valve is not formed or is very small. The aortic valve is not formed or is very small. The ascending portion of the aorta is underdeveloped or is too small. Often, babies with hypoplastic left heart syndrome also have an atrial septal defect, which is a hole between the left and right upper chambers

(atria) of the heart.

Aging and the Cardiovascular system

1. changes with blood composition: decreased hematocrit

2. increase chances of constricted or blocked veins by thrombus, pooling of

3. changes in the heart: decrease CO, decrease flexibility of fibrous skeleton,

4. changes in blood vessels: decreased elasticity of vessels which leads to blood in veins, venous valves are less efficient increase incidence of atherosclerosis, increase scar tissue in heart to replace damaged heart tissue increase risk of aneurysm with sudden pressure increases, calcium deposits in vessels, and increase incidence of thrombi formation on atherosclerotic plaques.