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87 Cards in this Set

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Three membranes that enclose CNS?
1. Dura mater (external)
2. Arachnoid
3. Pia mater (internal)
Which membrane closely follows each of the sulci & gyri of CNS?
Pia mater
Arachnoid layer primarily filled with?
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
What are the 2 layers of the cerebral dura mater?
1. Inner meningeal layer
2. Outer endosteal layer
What serves as the periosteum to the calvaria?
Endosteal layer of cerebral dura mater
What is an epidural hematoma?
Hemorrhage into the endosteal layer of dura mater (between bone & dura)
What is an subarachnoid hematoma?
Hemorrhage between brain & dura
How is an epidural hematoma represented on an MRI?
crescent shaped displacement
How is a subarachnoid hematoma represented on an MRI?
What happens when a meningeal artery between dura & bone is lacerated?
Epidural hematoma--> death within minutes
What happens when there is a laceration occurs to a vein on surface of brain?
Subarachnoid hematoma --> very slow, lasting days & months before symptoms appear
What is a subdural hematoma?
Hemorrhage into interface between dura & arachnoid layers
What happens when a a vein is teared at its attachment to a sinus?
Subdural hematoma
What is an interparenchymal/Interventricular hemorrhage?
Damage to large vessels within brain itself
The endosteal & meningeal layers of the dura separate at several locations to contain?
Large V-shaped sinuses
What are septum?
Two sides of dura joined at specific sites separating cranium into divisions
What is the largest septal division?
Flax cerebri
Where does the flax cerebri lie?
Between 2 cerebral hemispheres in mid-sagittal plane
What is the second septum which the flax cerebri meets posteriorly?
Tentorium cerebelli
What does the tentorium cerebelli separate?
Separates overlying cerebral hemispheres from cerebellum
What happens to the dura at the level of the foramen magnum?
Two cerebral layers of dura separate
What happens to endosteal layer of dura at foramen magnum?
Joins the bone
What happens to the meningeal layer of dura at foramen magnum?
Follows spinal cord & creates epidural space between it & bone
What attaches the bottom of the spinal cord to the vertebra?
Filum terminale
What follows all of the spinal nerves as they exit the cord?
Spinal dura
Pia matter tethers spinal cord to dura via?
Dentate ligaments-- triangular connections at its lateral margins
What are arachnoid trabelculae?
Delicate sublayer of CT between the arachnoid & pia mater
Space created by arachnoid trabeculae is filled with?
What are cisterns?
Enlarged spaces at specific points created by arachnoid trabeculae that are filled w/ CSF
Largest cistern is?
Lumbar cistern
Where is the lumbar cistern located & what is its significance?
Located below base of spinal cord & produces ideal location for CSF sampling (spinal tap/lumbar puncture)
What are the 2 pairs of arteries that supply the brain?
1. Carotid arteries
2. Vertebral arteries
Where does the internal carotid enter the brain?
Enters base of skull
When the internal carotid enters the skull, it divides into which 2 branches?
1. Anterior cerebral artery
2. Middle cerebral artery
Where does the middle cerebral artery supply?
Ascends through lateral sulcus to supply --> lateral surface of brain (frontal, parietal & occipital lobes) but doesn't extend to edges of each cortical area
Anterior cerebral artery travels?
In front of corpus callosum
Anterior cerebral artery supplies? (2)
1. Bottom of frontal lobes
2. Midline cortical areas between 2 hemispheres (up to parietal-occipital border)
Branches of the anterior cerebral artery travel over & supply?
Travel over surface of each hemisphere & supply lateral margins of lobe
Anterior cerebral artery does not supply midline past?
Parietal-occipital border
What arteries enter skull & course along ventral aspect of medulla?
Vertebral arteries
Vertebral arteries merge on midline at junction of medulla & pons to form?
Basilar artery
At the rostral border of the pons the basilar arteries divides into?
2 posterior cerebral arteries
Posterior cerebral arteries supply? (2)
Inferior surface of:
1. Temporal lobes
2. Occipital poles
Basilar artery gives rise to which 3 arteries?
1. Labyrinthe artery
2. Superior cerebellar
3. Anterior inferior cerebellar arteries
Labyrinthine artery supplies?
inner ear
Superior cerebellar & anterior inferior cerebellar arteries supply?
Superior portions of cerebellum
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies? (2)
Posterior cerebellum & lateral medulla
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery is derived from? (in most people)
Basal ganglia & small portion of thalamus supplied by which artery?
Middle cerebral artery
Thalamus is mostly supplied by which artery?
Posterior cerebral artery
Ventral spinal artery is formed by?
Branches of vertebral arteries that join together on midline
Top of spinal cord is supplied by which artery?
Ventral spinal artery
What supplies the middle medulla?
Ventral spinal artery (forms near junction of medulla & pons)
Dorsal side of spinal cord supplied by which arteries?
Branches of vertebral arteries
What is the circle of Willis?
System of anastomosing arteries on base of brain
Circle of Willis is composed of which arteries?
1. Middle cerebral
2. Anterior & posterior communicating arteries
3. Anterior cerebral
4. Posterior cerebral
What is important about the circle of Willis?
If stenosis is present --> communicating arteries dilate considerable to maintain blood flow in the brain
Venous drainage of cerebrum empties into?
Superior sagittal sinus
Where is the superior sagittal sinus located?
Top of the falx cerebri-- runs over top of 2 cerebral hemispheres
Superior sagittal sinus empties into?
Pair of transverse sinuses
Where are transverse sinuses located?
Circle lateral posterior edges of hemispheres
Where is the inferior sagittal sinus located?
Bottom of flax cerebri
What forms posterior to inferior sagittal sinus?
Straight sinus
What is the confluence of sinsuses?
Where straight sinus connects at the same position as the formation of the 2 transverse sinuses
Each transverse sinus follows margin of occipital bone to the petrous bone where it forms?
Sigmoid sinus
Sigmoid sinus exists skull as?
Internal jugular vein
The great vein of Galen drains into?
straight sinus
What sinus lies at the base of the brain near the nasal cavity?
Cavernous sinus
Cavernous sinus envelopes what structures? (3)
1. Pituitary gland
2. Internal carotid arteries
3. Several cranial nerves
Cavernous sinus receives blood from? (2)
1. Anterior-frontal portion of brain
2. Orbits
Cavernous sinus drains posterior through?
Superior & inferior petrosal sinuses
What are ventricles?
Fluid filled cavities
What are the four ventricles?
1. Lateral ventricle (right & left)
2. Third ventricle
3. Fourth ventricle
What is the largest ventricle?
Lateral ventricle
Ventricle located in each cerebral hemisphere in the temporal lobe?
Lateral ventricle
What are the divisions of the ventricles? (4)
1. Anterior horn
2. Posterior horn
3. Inferior horn
4. Main body (connects horns to each other)
Ventricle that lies on midline of brain between the 2 halfs of the diencephalon?
Third ventricle
What connects lateral ventricles to the third ventricle?
Intraventricular foramen
What connects the fourth ventricle to the third ventricle?
Cerebral aqueduct
Fourth ventricle is located under which part of the brain?
What is the purpose of the 2 apertures in the fourth ventricle?
Allow CSF to exit ventricular system into the subarachnoid space covering the brain
What are the apertures in the fourth ventricle called?
1. Lateral apertures (2)
2. Median aperture (1)
Cerebral spinal fluid is derived from?
CSF enters into subarachnoid space exits into blood system via?
Arachnoid granulations
Where are arachnoid granulations found?
On top of the meninges into the mid-sagittal sinus
CSF is produced by?
Choroid plexus
Where is the choroid plexus found?
In the roof of the third & fourth ventricles & floor of lateral ventricles