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48 Cards in this Set

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Anterior spinal artery comes from two joined branches from the ___
vertebral arteries
Arteries that arise from the aorta intermittently, to help supply spinal cord. Ant. and Post. Radiucular arteries branch off of these at every spinal level.
Spinal medullary arteries. Aka Segmental/Feeder aa.
Arteries that branch off the Spinal Medullary arteries (feeder/segmental) at every spinal cord segment.
Anterior and Posterior Radicular arteries
A very large spinal medullary artery that comes off usually on the left side, in the lower thoracic/upper lumbar area.
Artery of Adamkiewicz.
Spinal cord blood supply roots back to the __ and ___
vertebral arteries, aorta
Aorta --> ____ --> radicular aa
spinal medullary arteries
___ --> anterior and posterior spinal aa
vertebral aa
Damage to the ___ tract in the spinal cord results in paraplegia below the lesion. Occurs with Anterior spinal artery infarcts.
Corticospinal tract
Damage to the ___ tract in the spinal cord after Anterior spinal artery damage results in analgesia, thermoanesthesia.
Spinothalmic tract.
Damage to the ____ in the anterior spinal cord following Anterior spinal artery infarct causes loss of bladder and bowl control.
Descending autonomic tracts.
Damage to the Anterior gray horns near their enlargement, as with damage to the Anterior spinal artery, causes ___
weakness of limb muscles.
Damage to the Anterior spinal artery will affects the __, ___, ___, and ___ in the anterior region of the spinal cord.
Corticospinal, Spinothalmic, descending ANS, anterior gray horns.
The front bottom part of the cerebellum, the flocculum, and the lateral caudal part of pons is supplied by ___.
The tonsils of the cerebellum, lateral parts of the rostral medulla, and the back bottom part of cerebellum are supplied by what artery?
Blood supply to the pons:
Basilar artery's paramedian and circumferential branches. Caudally, AICA supplies lateral part.
Blood supply to the medulla:
Vertebral artery: paramedian and lateral branches.
Anterior spinal artery helps supply midline.
Blood supply to the midbrain:
Mostly Posterior Cereberal artery. SCA supplies the superior cerebellar peduncle, Basilar helps some with cerebral peduncles.
Posterior Cerebral artery supplies:
Midbrain, parahippocampal and occipitotemporal gyri, inferior temporal gyri, and the occipital lobe. Deep branch to thalamus, fornix, and tectum.
Superior cerebellar peduncle and the tectum (quadrigeminal bodies) is supplied by the ___
MCA supplies:
Most of lateral surface of brain. Middle and inferior frontal gyri, superior and middle temporal gyri, Broca's area (on left side), Wernicke's area, all language areas, most of primary motor cortex and somatosensory cortex, frontal eye field, auditory cortex.
Arteries that branch off the MCA; supply basal ganglia and the posterior limb of the Internal capsule.
Lenticulostriate arteries.
Parts of the primary motor and somatosensory cortex NOT supplied by MCA:
lower limb, perineum
Lenticulostriate arteries are the blood supply for ___
basal ganglia
Lower limb and perineum part of motor and somatosensory cortex are supplied by ___
Anterior cerebral artery
Anterior cerebral artery supplies:
Corpus callosum (except splenium), olfactory bulb and tract, head of caudate, some putamen, Anterior limb and genu of the internal capsule. Cingulate gyrus.
Branch of the posterior cerebral artery that supplies the primary visual cortex.
Calcarine artery.
The superior and middle temporal gyri are supplied by the ___
The parahippocampal, occipitotemporal, and inferior temporal gyri are supplied by the ___
The middle and inferior Frontal gyri, and the orbital gyri are supplied by the ___
The superior frontal gyri, gyrus rectus, and cingulate gyrus are supplied by the __
Uncus, amygdala, and hippocampus are supplied by the ___
anterior choroidal artery.
Anterior choroidal artery supplies:
uncus, amygdala, hippocampus, choroid plexus of inferior horn lateral ventricle, part of thalamus and putamen, globus pallidus.
Posterior limb of internal capsule is supplied by ___ and __
MCA and Anterior Choroidal artery
Supplies the tonsils of the cerebellum
supplies the flocculus of the cerebellum
Lateral medulla is supplied by __
PICA and vertebral artery
Blood supply to pons
Basilar and AICA
blood supply to splenium of corps callosum
Lenticulostriate aa supply:
basal ganglia, post limb of IC
Olfactory bulb is supplied by ___
Uncus is supplied by ___
Anterior Choroidal artery
Most common site of an aneurysm
Anterior communicating artery
Type of hemorrhage secondary to hypertension or a tumor, or following ischemic infarction
Non-traumatic Intracerebral hemorrhage
lacunar infarcts are caused by __
Infarct that may affect thalamus or basal ganglia
Lacunar infarcts
Severe drop in BP can lead to a ____ infarct.
Watershed infarct
"Man in a barrel syndrome", aka arm and leg weakness, may be caused by ___
ACA-MCA watershed infarct
The motor cortex for arms is supplied by ____
ACA-MCA watershed zone