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33 Cards in this Set

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coversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by enzyme
A) thrombin B) thrombuinase
waste product bilirubin is produced from
heme molecules lacking iron
person lives at sea level goes to mountain : A O2 level drops, B) release of erythropoietin, C) rise in hematocrit D) A & B E) A, B, C
E) O2 level drops, release of erythropoietin, rise in hematocrit
adult red bone marrow located in A) sterrnum, & ribs B) diaphysis long bones, C) iliac crest, body of vertebrae D) A,C E) A B C
process of hematopoiesis goes on in all organs except: A spleen B) kidney C) liver
B) kidney
all true of neutrophils except:
A) granular leukocytes B) phagocytic C) aslso known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes D) important in coagulation E) active in fighting bacterial infection
D) not important in coagulation
Platelets function in all the following except
A) diapedesis and emigration B) form temp clump in injured area C) contration after clot D) initiate clotting process E) release chemical that stimulate clotting
A) diapedesis and emigration
common element of both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of coagulation begins with A) sticking of platelets to damage tissue B) conversion of factor X to prothrombinase
B) conversion of factor X to prothrombinase
activates plasminogen useful for A) cause clot dissolution to proceed faster B) cause clot to form faster
A) cause clot dissolution proceeds faster
Hemolytic disease of newborn results from A) mother has Rh- and carries Rh+ fetus B) Rh+ mother carries Rh- fetus
A) mother has Rh- and baby has Rh+
blood test:
Blood agglutinates w/Anti A sera but not w/ anti B or D sera, this means
A) Rh+, B) can receive A- blood transfusion, C) can donate whole blood to AB types D) A B C E) plasma contains only the anti B agglutinins
E) plasma contains only the anti B agglutinins
correct order of blood flow entering the systemic circuit:
1. r atrium, 2. l.atrium, 3.r ventricle, 4 tricuspid, 5. l. ventricle, 6. venae cava, 7. aorta, 8. pulmonary trunk, 9. bicuspid valve, 10 pulmonary veins
contraction from papillary muscle prevents A) close of semilunar valve B) prevents atrioventricular vlves from reversing into atria
B) prevents AV valves from reversing in atria
rupture of papillary muscles on left ventricle results in: a. mitral regurgitation
b. mitral valve prolapse
c. bicuspid regurgitation
d. bicuspid prolapse
e. all of above
E all of the aboveb. mitral valve prolapse c. bicuspid regurgitation d. bicuspid prolapse
circumflex branch & ant interventricular artery are branches of the
a. r atrium
b. r. ventricle
c. interatrial septum
C) interatrial septum
abnormally slow depolarization of the ventricles would change shape of the __ in an ECG A.)P-R interval B). QRS complex
B) QRS complex
pacemaker cells in the SA node A) are located in the wall of the left atrium B) show slow spontaneous depolarization C) are connected by gap junctions to atrial myocytes D) B&C E) A&C
D) B&C
show slow spontaneous depolarization &
are connected by gap junctions to atrial myocytes
cardiac output can be invcreased by all of the following except A) decreasing preload
B) decreasing end systolic volume C) increasing stroke volume
A) decreasing preload
is greater during left ventricular systole A) peak pressure in ventricle B)peak pressure in aorta
A) peak pressure in ventricle
during cardiac cycle A) (ECG) P wave occurs btwn 1st and 2nd heart sounds B) QRS cmplx preceds the increase in ventricular pressure C) 2nd heart sound occurs during atrial systole D) 1st heart sounds coincide w/QRS complex E) B and D
E) B and D QRS cmplx preceds the increase in ventricular pressure and 1st heart sounds coincide w/QRS complex
which would cause stroke volume to increase A) when venous return increased B) when venous return decreased C) when diastolic blood pressure in aorta decreased D) A&C E) B&C
D) A&C when venous return increased and diastolic blood pressure in aorta is decreased
which would be greater A) end diastolic volume when heart rate is 150bpm B) end diastolic volume when heart rate is 60bpm
B) end diastolic volume when heart rate is 60bpm
sympathetic neurons of cardiovascular center of medulla causes increase in herat rate and force of contraction T/F
The parasympathetic neurons of the cardiovascular center of the medulla decrease the cardiac output and releases norepinephrine T/F
1)Identify the cell that is most common leukocyte
2. the number of cell that is important in inflammation
3. the of number cell that releases histamine
1. (2) neutophil
2. (6) lymphocyte
3.(4) basophil
structure labels 13, 7, 11
(13) myocardium
(7) chordae tendineae
(11) trabeculae carnae
identify 13, 7, 11
13. myocardium
7 chordae tendineae
11 trabeculae carnae
Identify picture and top to bottom pionts.
cardiac muscle
1 nucleus
2. striations
3. intercalated discs
4. cardiac muscle cell
indentify picture and all points top to bottom 1.
1. basophil
2. cytoplasm granules
id pic and a and b
a. basophil
b granules
id pic and 1 2 3 lines
1. lymphocyte
2. nucleus
3. cytoplasm
id the three points in picture
a. pulmonary vein
b. right atrium
3. interventricular septum
id pic and points
cardiac muscl
a. intercalated disc
b. striations
c. nucleus fiber
d. cardiac muscl fiber