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14 Cards in this Set

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A condition where there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood below normal levels resulting in a deficiency of oxygen being delivered to the cells

An = without

Emia = blood condition

Aplastic anemia

Also known as bone marrow depression anemia it is characterized by pancytopenia

A = without

Plast/o = formation, development

Ic = pertaining to

An = without

Emia = blood condition

Hemolytic anemia

Characterized by the extreme reduction in circulating RBCs due to their destruction

Hem/o = blood

Lytic = destruction

Iron deficiency anemia

Charaterized by deficiency of hemoglobin level due to lack of iron.

Pernicious anemia

A condition that results from a deficiency of mature RBCs and the formation and circulation of megaloblasts (large, nucleated, immature poorly fumctioning RBCs) with marked poikilocyctosis (RBC shape variation) and anisocytosis (RBC size variation)


Sickle cell anemia

Chronic, hereditary form of hemolytic anemia in which RBCs become shaped like a crescent in the presence of low oxygen concentration


An abnormally elevated number of granulocytes in the circulating blood as a reaction to any variety of inflammation or infection


A rare iron metabolism disease characterized by iron deposits throughout the bidy, usually as a complication of one of the hemolytic anemias. Sufferers have an enlarged spleen and bronze skin pigmentation

Hem/o = blood

Chromat/o = color

Osis = condition


A condition that involves different hereditary inadequacies of coagulation factors resulting in prolonged bleeding times

Hem/o = blood

Phil/o = attraction to

Ia = condition


Excessive uncontrolled increase of immature WBCs eventually leading to infection, anemia, and thrombocytopenia

Multiple myeloma

A malignant plasma cell neoplasm that causes an increase in the number of mature and immature plasma cells, which often entirely replace the bone marrow and destroy the skeletal structure.

Polycythemia vera

An abnormal increase in the number of RBCs, granulocytes and thrombocytes, leading to an increase in blood volume and viscosity

Poly = many, much, excessive

Cythemia = condition involving cells ofnthe blood


A collection of blood beneath the skin in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages appearing as red-purple skin discoloration

Purpur/o = purple

A = a noun ending


A hereditary form of hemolytic anemia in which the alpha or beta hemoglobin chains are defective and the production of hemoglobin is deficient, creating hypochromic microcytic RBCs.