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175 Cards in this Set

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blood is 3-4 times more viscous than
most blood cells form in
red bone marrow
types of blood cells are
red blood cells, white blood cells
cellular fragments of blood are
formed elements of blood are
red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
blood volume varies with
body size, changes in fluid, electrolyte concentrations, amount of adipose tissue
blood volume is about ------- of body weight
an average-size adult has ------ liters of blood
hematocrit is
percentage (packed cell volume)
a blood sample is usually -----% red blood cells and remaining -----% plasma
plasma is a mixture of
h2o, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, cellular wastes
less than 1% of formed elements of blood are ----- and 99% are -----
white blood cells and platelets..... red blood cells
blood cells originate in ----- from -----
red bone marrow..... hematopoietic stem cells or hemocytoblasts
a stem cell can differentiate into
more stem cells
thrombopoietin stimulates
large cells-megakaryocytes
red blood cells are also called
red blood cells are ----- in shape
distinct (tiny, biconcave, thin middles, and thick outer rim)
the biconcave shape of red blood cells allow them to
squeeze through narrow capillaries
hemoglobin is
oxygen carrying
each red blood cell is about ----- hemoglobin by volume
oxyhemoglobin is
(bright red) hemoglobin combines with oxygen
deoxyhemoglobin is
(bluish) oxygen is released
red blood cells extrude their ----- as they mature
because red blood cells lack mitochondria they must produce ATP through
glycolysis only, use none of the oxygen they carry
as red blood cells age, they become ----- and are more likely to be damaged and are removed by -----
less active.....the spleen and liver
a red blood cell count is
number of red blood cells in a microliter
a healthy adult male has a red blood cell count between
4,600,000 to 6,200,000 per microliter
a healthy adult female has red blood cell count between
4,200,000 to 5,400,000 per microliter
a healthy child has a red blood cell count between
4,500,000 to 5,100,000 per microliter
the number of red blood cells reflects the bloods
oxygen carrying capacity
erythropoiesis is
red blood cell formation
initially, red blood cell formation occurs
in yolk sac, liver, and spleen
after an infant is born. red blood cells are produced
by tissue lining the spaces in bones, filled with red bone marrow
hemocytoblasts in red bone marrow gives rise to ----- that give rise to erythocytes
reticulocytes are
young red cells containing net-like structure
the average life span of a red blood cell is
120 days
erythropoietin controls ----- and is released primarily from -----
rate of red blood cell formation.....kidneys (a lesser extent from liver)
when the availability of oxygen decreases ----- is released and red blood cell production -----
erythropoietin (EPO) .....increases
two vitamins needed for red blood cell production are
B complex vitamin B12 and folic acid (iron)
two B complex vitamins are needed for
red cell production - DNA synthesis
intrinsic factor is needed for
absorption of B12
iron is needed for
hemoglobin synthesis
anemia is
deficiency of red blood cells or reduction in amount of hemoglobin
damaged red blood cells rupture as they pass through
spleen or liver
in the liver and spleen ----- destroy worn out red blood cells
Macrophages (big eaters)
hemoglobin molecules are broken down into
four component poly peptide "globin" chain (surrounding heme group)
heme decomposes into
iron and biliverdin
ferritin is
iron protein complex
biliverdin is converted into
bilirubin and biliverdin are excreted in
the poly peptide globin chains break down into
amino acids
white blood cells are also called
white blood cells function to
protect against disease
granulocytes have ----- whereas agranulocytes -----
granular cytoplasm..... without cytoplasmic granulations
examples of granulocytes are
Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
Neutrophil granules appear ----- in acid/base stain
Neutrophils have nuclei that are
lobed and consist of 2-5 segments connected by a thin strand of chromatin
Neutrophils phagocytize
bacteria, fungi, and some viruses
Neutrophils account for about ----- of white blood cells in a blood sample
eosinophil granules stain ----- in an acid stain
deep red
the nucleus of an eosinophil is usually
two lobes (bilobed)
eosinophils moderate
allergic reactions and defend against parasitic worm infestation
eosinophils make up ----- of the total number of circulating white blood cells
basophil granules stain ----- in a basic stain
deep blue
basophils migrate to ----- where they release
damaged tissues..... histamine and heparin
histamine promotes
heparin functions to
inhibit blood clotting
basophils usually account for ----- of leukocytes
Less than 1%
examples of agranulocytes are
monocytes and leukocytes
the largest of the white blood cells are
the nuclei of monocytes are
spherical, kidney shaped, and oval lobed
monocytes can leave the ----- to become
bloodstream..... Macrophages and phagocytize (eat) bacteria, dead cells, and other debris
monocytes usually make up ----- of white blood cells in a blood sample
3-9% (live for several weeks or years)
a typical lymphocyte contains ----- nucleus surrounded by a ----- of cytoplasm
large..... thin layer
the major types of lymphocytes are
T-cells, B-cells
T-cells attack
microorganisms,tumor cells, and transplanted cells
B-cells produce
antibodies (proteins that attack foreign molecules)
lymphocytes account for ----- of the circulating white blood cells
25-33% (live for many years)
Diapedesis is
movement of leukocytes squeezing between cells that form the walls of the smallest vessels
amoeboid motion is
self propulsion
the most mobile and active phagocytic leukocytes are
Neutrophils and monocytes
when microorganisms invade human tissues basophils respond by
releasing bio chemicals that dilate local blood vessels
positive chemotaxis is
damaged cells releasing chemicals that attract leukocytes (when combined with Diapedesis it quickly bring many white blood cells into inflamed areas)
pus is
bacteria, leukocytes, and damaged cells accumulate in inflamed tissue (thick fluid)
a white blood cell count is normally between
4500-10000 per micro liter
leukocytosis is ----- and is often caused by
white blood cell count above 10000 per microliter .....acute infection (appendicitis) , follows vigorous exercise, emotional disturbance, or great loss of body fluid
leukopenia is ----- and is often caused by
white blood cells below 4500 per microliter..... typhoid fever, influenza, measles, mumps, chickenpox, Aids, poliomelitis, anemia, or lead, arsenic, mercury poisoning
a differential white blood cell count lists
percentages of various types of leukocytes in a blood sample
the number of Neutrophils increases during ----- and eosinophils increase during
bacterial infections..... parasitic infections and allergic reactions
platelets are also called
platelets arise from cells called
a normal platelet count is normally between
150000-450000 per microliter
platelets help repair ----- by sticking
damaged blood vessels..... to broken surfaces
platelets release ----- which
serotonin..... contracts smooth muscles in vessel walls, reducing blood flow
plasma is
clear straw colored liquid part in which cells and platelets are suspended
about ----- of plasma is water
functions of plasma include
transporting nutrients, gases, and vitamins (helping to regulate fluid and electrolyte balance maintaining favorable pH)
the three main plasma protein groups are
albumin, globulins, fibrinogen
albumin are ----- and are synthesized
the smallest of plasma proteins..... in the liver, because they are plentiful they determin osmotic pressure
albumins function to
maintain osmotic pressure, regulate water movement between blood and tissues
globulins can be divided into the following three groups
alpha, beta, gamma globulins
alpha and beta globulins are synthesized ----- and function to
in the liver..... transport liquids and fat soluble vitamins
Gamma globulins are synthesized ----- and function as
in the lymphatic tissues..... antibodies in immune response
fibrinogen is synthesized ----- and functions to
in the liver..... coagulate blood
the most important blood gases are
O2, CO2
the plasma nutrients are
amino acids, simple sugars, nucleiotides, and lipids absorbed from digestive tract
types of non protein substances in plasma are
amino acids, urea, uric acid, creatine, and creatinine
urea is produced when
protein and nucleic acid catabolize
uric acid is produced when
protein and nucleic acid catabolize
creatinine is produced from
metabolism of creatine
creatine phosphate is
in muscle, brain tissues, and blood as energy in phosphate bonds much like ATP molecules
about half of the NPN substances in blood are
plasma electrolytes include
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate phosphate, and sulfate ions
----- are the most abundant plasma electrolytes
sodium chloride ions
hemastasis refers to
the process that stops bleeding (vitally important when blood vessels are damaged)
three actions that may prevent blood are
blood vessel spasm( Vasoconstriction), platelet plug formation, blood coagulation
vasospasm is
constriction of smooth muscles in the walls of small blood by vessels
following vasospasm blood loss ----- and the ends of the severed vessel may
lessens..... close completely
platelets adhere to
exposed ends of injured blood vessels
a platelet plug is formed when
the contact collagen
the function of the platelet plug is to
control blood loss from a small break
coagulation causes
blood clots
the extrinsic clotting mechanism is triggered by
releasing of bio chemicals from broken blood vessels or damaged tissues
aids in reduction of blood loss
the intrinsic clotting mechanism is triggered by
blood contact with foreign surfaces in the absence of tissue damage
clotting factors are
complex and use many biochemicals
vitamin ----- is necessary for some clotting factors to function
procoagulants promote ----- and anti coagulation inhibits
normally -----prevail and the blood does not clot
the major even in blood clot formation is
conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into insoluble threads of protein fibrin
the extrinsic clotting mechanism is triggered when
blood contacts damaged blood vessel walls or tissues outside blood vessels
tissue thromboplastin is
associated with disrupted cell membranes
the series of reactions in the extrinsic clotting mechanism are dependent on ----- ions
prothrombin activator converts ----- to -----
prothrombin..... thrombin
the function of trombone is to
catalyze a reaction that fragments fibrinogen
once fibrin threads form, they stick to
exposed surfaces of damaged blood vessels creating meagerly that entraps blood cells and platelets
a blood clot is composed of
fibrin threads and platelets
blood clotting is enhanced by ----- system
positive feedback
normally blood clot formation is prevented by
blood flow throughout the body (by rapidly carrying excess thrombin away and keeping its concentration too low to promote further clotting)
blood clotting mechanisms
the ----- factor initiates clotting in the intrinsic clotting mechanism
the intrinsic clotting mechanism occurs when blood is exposed to
a foreign surface such as collagen in connective tissue instead of the smooth endothelial lining of intact blood vessels or when blood is stored in glass container
the reactions of the intrinsic clotting mechanism depend on ----- ions
most of the steps of blood clot formation in the intrinsic clotting mechanism are the same as
extrinsic mechanism
after blood clot forms it soon begins to
serum is
plasma minus fibrinogen and clotting factors
platelet derived growth factor stimulates
smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to repair damaged blood vessel walls
fibroblasts produce ----- which help strengthen and seal
connective tissue..... vascular breaks
plasmin is released from ----- and functions to
plasminogen..... digest fibrin threads and other proteins associated with blood clots
a thrombus is
a blood clot abnormally forming in a vessel
atherosclerosis is
accumulations of fatty deposits change arterial linings sometimes initiating inappropriate clotting
thrombosis in veins is usually caused by
the smooth lining of blood vessels discourages
platelets and clotting factors from accumulating
antithrombin inactivates
additional thrombin binding to it and blocking its action on fibrinogen
heparin is
interferes with formation of prothrombin activator prevents the action of thrombin on fibrinogen and promotes removal of thrombin by antithrombin and fibrin absorption
agglutination is ----- and is due to
clumping of red blood cells..... reaction between red blood cell surface molecules
avoiding the mixture of certain kinds of ----- prevents adverse transfusion reactions
antigens and antibodies
a person with only antigen B has type ----- blood
a person with both antigen A and antigen B has type ------ blood
a person with neither antigen A nor antigen B has type ----- blood
a person with type A blood has ----- antibody in their plasma
a person with type B blood has ----- antibody in their plasma
a person with type AB blood has neither ----- antibodies in their plasma
A and B
a person with type O has both ----- antibodies in their plasma
A and B
antibodies anti-A and anti-B do not cross the
the major concern in blood transfusion procedures is that
the cells in donated blood not clump due to antibodies in the recipients plasma
a person with type AB blood is called a universal recipient because
they lack both anti-A and anti-B antibodies
type O blood is the universal donor because
they lack antigens A and B
a person with type A blood cannot receive type B blood because
type A has B antibodies if they receive type B blood their antibodies would kill off blood
the rH blood group was named after
rhesus monkey
blood is said to be rH positive when
antigen D or rH antigens are present on RBC membranes
blood is said to be rH negative when
red blood cells lack rH antigens
anti rH antibodies form only in rH negative persons when
there is a response to the presence of RBC with rH antigens
when rH negative woman is pregnant with an ------ fetus she will produce
rH positive..... anti-rH antibodies
erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when
(hemolytic disease) anti-rH antibodies cross placental membrane and destroy fetal red blood cells