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186 Cards in this Set

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non-enzymatic glycosylation example
Hemoglobin A1c
antagonistic pleiotropy
no genetic pressure after reproductive age
Hutchinson Gilford Syndrome

children look senile at 11 or 12yo; age of death is 12 from MI/artherosclerosis.
There was no CNS degeneration;

autosomal dominant

mutation in Lamin-A --> this causes deposition of protein forming shell around nucleus preventing nucleus from exchanging material; there is nuclear blebbing.

it's not actually aging
senecence or immortal, what's dominant
senescence is dominant; it's nl growth
what is aging
sum of the deteriorative changes w/ time during post-maturational life that underly an increasing vulnerability to challenges, thereby decreasing the ability of the organism to survive

aging itself does not result in disease but renders the individual more susceptible to dz
examples of primary aging
greying of hair
balding in men
loss of muscle mass
atrophy of thymus

they're on the clock...
measurements of aging
max life span (120 yrs for us)
- seems to stay, but the chance of getting close is increasing

age-specific mortality rates

biomarkers of age
-things that vary with age and are used as surrogates

physiologic age
methods to increase longevity
decrease body tempareature (only for cold blooded animals)

gene manipulations in insulin/growth hormone/IGF-1 ptwy

Caloric restriction

antioxidant enzyme overexpression?
with age more susceptible to disease

the precipice

crosses physiologic reserves;
Visual changes with age
periorbital tissue atrophies

decreased lachrymal gland production

smaller pupil

anterior chamber more shallow

lens yellows (decreased transmission of blue light)

lens less elastic (can't see close objects) - presbyopia

small decrease in static acutiy

marked decrease in dynamic visual acuity

marked slowing of dark and light adaptation

increased need for contrasting colors

impaired glare discrimination - can't drive at night - light get's scattered
auditory changes with age
decreased cerumen production

dull thickened white typanic membrane

loss of organ corti hair cells

loss of choclear neurons

bilateral hearing loss for high frequencies (speech can be cut off - and so it's better to use other sound to say it again)

larger threshold to determine differences in pitch

impaired ability to determine source of sound

decreased speech discrimination

decreased ability to focus on target sound and ignore extraneous noise (central processing auditory deficit)

this process is NOT dementia
implications - keep in mind when talknig to older pt
perform H&P in well lit room

avoid back lighting

increase volume of voice not pitch if necessary

rephrase questions if misheard, don't repeat

eliminate extrinsic noise

let pt see your lips when sparking
body composition changes with aging
total water decreased
body fat increased
muscle mass decreased
bone mass decreased
height decreased
heterogeneitiy with aging
old people are more different from each other than the young people are

interactions with age, disease, past experiences

70yo women 15.5 and 37 s -- how long it takes for them to run - ex

1/3 changes are subclinical
1/3 are disuse
1/3 primary aging
2 main theories about why aging is happening
1) homeostatic failure - either in regulatory control systems (like the immune or endocrine systems) or generalized cellular failure (like free radical or AGE mediated damage)

2) Intrinsic: Genetic program similar to developmental-antagonistic pleiotropy or telomere shortening
-centralized clock theory
-glucocorticoid theory
-immunologic theory of aging

1b ) Extrinsic/Stochastic/Environmental (not quite the same as damage of the homeostatic mechanisms)
-free radical damage
-wear and tear theories
-error catastrophe theory

If we do age because of a genetic program, then we should be able to induce that in culture;
reactive molecules from the outside that are "the devil outside" causing aging (extrinsic causes)
-non-enzymatic glycosylation ( such as Hg A1c)
-AGE (Adcanced glycation end products)

Oxygen/ROS (induced free radicals)

oxidation and glycation can produce damage and modify function of cellular components.
why is the wear and tear theory not good
wear and tear is like how cars break; they break at a constant rate and there are still very old cars still going... people are not cars

but with humans it's not a constant rate of death - but there is an increase in death rate as the age increases;
extrinsic damage can lead to DNA damage

who's more suceptible, who is less so?
the damage can occur to cellular or mitochondrial DNA.

Repair enzymes work to correct the damage, but mito has less active DNA repair. The mitochondrial repair is decreased with age;

repair mechanisms for nuclear DNA seem to keep up pretty well no matter how old
antagonistic pleiotropy
there's no genetic pressure on genes harmful effect after reproductive age -->

so, if there is a gene that provides an advantage when you're young, this might be a disadvantage when you get older: for example a gene causing stronger bone and higher calcium deposition; but later this will lead to arterial calcification;
examples of dysregulation of cell proliferation in aging
inappropriate cell division
-atherosclerosis (smooth muscle cells)
-prostatic hypertrophy

inadequate cell division
-decreased T-cell response to immunologic stimuli
-atherosclerosis (endothelial cells)
-slow wound healing
define cellular scenescence
normal cells, not stem cells, run out of the ability to divide

these cells get bigger, and they happily continue, but never divide to any stimulus;

cells from malignant tumors will not senesce, but will divide ad infinatum

normal cells have limited proliferative potential

typical pattern of cell growth:
Phase 1: adjustment to conditions
Phase 2: rapid growth linear for 20-50doublings
as cells approach their maximum, their growth rate slows
lifespan and fibroblast doublings
they're directly correlated
immortal cells
cancer cells

germ line cells

certain stem cells, likely but it may depend on their "stemness"
what do we learn by taking the nucleus out and putting young nucleus in...
senescent cells produce proteins in their cytoplasm that suppresses replication :

with the young nucleus, cells divide slowly;

put that nuleus into a young cytoplasm --> rapid mitosis

put old nuc into old cytoplasm --> slow mitosis
what do we learn from cell fusion studies:

senescent cell + immortal cell -->
fusion is scenescent

so senescence is a dominant trait
what do we learn from cell fusion studies:

immortal cell + immortal cell -->
senescent or immortal;

if they can senescene together, their mutations/genes making them immortal come from different pathways;

--> we found 4 groups of pathways that determine scenescence from immortalization.

all cancers tested to date fit into the 4 groups:
group A = chromosome 6
group B = chr 4, MORF4
group C = Chr 1
Group D = Chr 7

ex: crossing B with C they will provide each other and scenesce

immortal cells come from B with B etc

take a cell group B (HeLa immortal) and give it chromosome 4, it will senesce
what makes the clock of the cell, how does the cell count?

at end it's AGGGTT

newborn w/ 2000 repeats at end, old poeple have less

requires telomerase to keep up with number, or else few repeats are lost with each division - b/c DNA polymerase can't get to the end of chromosome

tumor cells 90% and germ line have telomerase, not those that senesce

knockout telomerase --> senesce
giving telomerase -->delay in senescence
Hutchinson Gilford syndrome

body looks like it's old.
no changes in CNS developemnt
autosomal dominant
death by MI/heart failure
Lamin-A gene mutation

Lamin-A gene mutant product makes a shell inside the nucleus --> can't get out

progerin is permannetly modified --> stiff cant get in and out the nucleus

it's not accelerated aging
-no cognitive changes, no bone changes, prominent atherosclerosisi(human diseases) ,

it's segmental progeroid syndrome, not aging
normal growth is a _____ process

cells become ______ b/c recessive gene defects

cell proliferation control and cellular senescence are dictated by_________, not random accumulation of damage


active, genetic events,
plane crash scenario in desert:

dehydration of old and young
OLD guy is more likely to become dehydrated:
1) old has decreased ability to retain water and 2) salt; 3) old guys have decreased body water to start with;

4) longer time to reach maximum capacity;

5) decreased recognition of thirst;

young can concentrate up to 1200mOsm, the old has max of 700mOsm
water deprivation test in young vs old
deprivation made old more hyperosmolar and they drank less after that;
they don't sense thirst;
old people are more likely to get hyperthermic because
not as good at sweating

has decreased effectiveness of sweating because of less skin arteriole vasodilation

he has decreased maximal sweat output by sweat glands

old people can't recognize increased body temperature;
why is old kidney not good with water?
the nephrons making the most concentrated urine are the ones that preferentially die
real reasons why people died in the Chicago heat wave
old people won't sleep with the window open due to crime

don't have money to run the AC

didn't have friends to go to

volume overload in older
renal perfusion decreases

takes longer to supress the ADH - so the maxial dilution is reached later; also not as dilute

also 1/3 less kidney by mass

old don't respond as well to ANP and BNP

venous compliance is decreased -

they won't make as much urine to get rid of it
diet of older woman: ask her to be on low sodium diet; she comes back - what changed?
complaining = she's actually doing it

her BP has decreased - the BP meds weren't needed!
drug dosing for elderly : valium story
she's been increasing the dose

now she's stopped using it but even afer detox she's still tired

Valium likes fat - so it's stored there - and that's also why it can get to the brain well;

so she's storing it, so the washout can take weeks
hypothermia and older people: slept in garden
risks for getting hypothermia:
-impaired temperature recognition
-don't shiver
-brown fat is decreased
-pili in skin are not used - no goosebumps
-old brain is very sensitive to changes in temperature
-vasoconstriction impaired - continue to send warm blood to cold areas
-decreased heat production per body weight - less lean weight = less metabolic weight

you're not dead till you're warm and dead:
-heart rate drops when you're really cold
-hypothemia protects the brain

hypothermia instead of hyperthermia usually means overwhelming sepsis has a poorer prognosis - with infection, cold is bad
formation of the placenta: initial steps - how does the blastocyst even implant?
blastocyst attaches to the uterine endometrium during implantation

trophoblastic cells produce enzymes to digest the extracellular matrix

thus, the bastocyst invades into the uterine lining
what are the extra-embryonic membranes, and what do they do
Amnion - creates fluid space around the embryo

yolk sac - some vertebrates need yolk sac for nutrition; humans don't; contains early blood cells

Allantois - small membrane that becomes part of the umbilical cord

chorion- embryo's contribution to the placenta
formation of the placenta: the actual formation
The chorion proliferates and creates finger-like projections that invade further into the uterine wall

These chorionic villi secrete enzymes that break down endometrial stroma and surrounding capillaries

Capillary rupture causes formation of small, blood-filled cavities --> intervillous spaces
NOTE: Maternal and fetal circulations are entirely separate
why is there not thrombosis of the placenta?
Placental Anti-Thrombotic Activity

Placental vascular thrombosis can result in pregnancy loss
Trophoblasts actively secrete substances into the intervillous space to prevent platelet and leukocyte adhesion and aggregation
functions of placenta
1) Allows exchange of nutrients, gases, waste

2) Releases hormones:
-Prevent menstruation (hCG, progesterone)
-Prepare mammary glands to produce milk
-Prepare body for labor and delivery (estrogen)
what's the placenta made of
Combination of fetal and maternal tissue
Fetal tissue --> chorion
Maternal tissues --> part of endometrium
which antibodies can pass through placenta?
IgG only
nontransferrable substances (mom to baby)
heparin, transferrin, IgA IgM IgD
harmful and transferrable via placenta
Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV, Herpes, HIV, Syphillis,

drugs, CO, other poisons, strontium 90
CO goes to
globus pallidus
Mechanisms of transfer of materials via the placenta
-Bulk flow (aka “solvent drag”)
-Simple diffusion (passive transfer of solutes in response to concentration/electrical gradients)
-Facilitated diffusion (channels, carrier mediated active transport)
what moves by bulk flow
most electrolytes
what moves by simple diffusion
O2, CO2, FA, Steroids, highly charged electrolytes, fat soluble vitamins, most drugs
what moves across placenta via active transport
Amino acids, some big ions (Ca2+, Fe, I-, PO43-), water soluble vitamins
moves by facilitated diffusion
sugars, IgG
how do drugs cross placenta?
Mainly simple diffusion

Factors that affect transfer include:
-Molecular weight (<600 Daltons diffuse easily)
-Degree of ionization (non-ionized diffuse easily)
-Lipid solubility (liphophilic molecules diffuse easily)
-Protein binding (non-protein bound diffuse easily)
hCG made by Placenta - why?
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Produced by trophoblasts
Prevents dissolution of corpus luteum, thereby sustaining progesterone production by CL until placenta takes over
Detectable by 8 days post-conception, peaks at 8-9 weeks, and falls precipitously by 13-14 weeks


hCG stimulates trophoblasts to produce estrogens
Placenta does NOT have sufficient machinery to produce estrogens de novo
The fetal adrenal gland produces abundant dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) --> to placenta to be converted to estrogens (estriol, estrone, and estradiol)
Stimulates growth of myometrium and maternal mammary glands
At a high threshold level (estrogen lvl is high enough), myometrial oxytocin receptors are upregulated
progesterone made by placenta - why?

Necessary for maintenance of a quiescent, non-contractile uterus (contra-estrogen work)

Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions --> protect conceptus from immunological rejection by mother
placental size - affecting factors
Placental weight is influenced by the hormonal milieu
Other factors include: placental blood flow, nutrient delivery, oxygen delivery
Placenta Accreta
accreta, increata, percreta,

Placenta attached to wall of uterus
1:5000 pregnancies
More common in women with previous Cesarean deliveries
High maternal and/or fetal morbidity and mortality
Symptoms manifest during labor and delivery, usually with massive bleeding
Interferes with normal post-delivery contractions --> severe hemorrhaging
Mother may need hysterectomy if bleeding cannot be controlled

3 “variants”
Accreta (~75-77%) – placenta invades to the muscular layer (but not into it) of uterus
Increta (~15-17%)– placenta invades into muscular layer of uterus, but not through serosa
Percreta (~5%) – placenta invades through muscular layer and serosa and attaches to other organs
Placenta Previa
Presence of placental tissue overlying or proximate to the internal cervical os
In up to 1:250 pregnancies

Most common complication: bleeding (spotting --> hemorrhage)
Risk factors:
-Multiple gestation
-Previous uterine surgery (c-section in the lower uterine segment)

3 types: 1/3 1/3 1/3 (they can change overtime)
marginal 40%
partial 30%
complete 20-30%

Affects on fetus:
-Fetal malpresentation
-Premature rupture of membranes
-Intrauterine growth restriction – not entirely clear
-Vasa previa (cord stayed where it is bc the placenta retreated- can rip!) and velamentous cord insertion (portion of fetal vessels are naked and enter marginally into placenta)
-Amniotic fluid embolism (high incidence seen with ANY placental pathology)
Placental Abruption
contraction and separation after birth is normal; if this is before it's born, the child doesn't get oxygen anymore;

Placental separation from uterus prior to birth
1:100 pregnancies
Risk factors:
-Abdominal trauma
-Premature rupture of membranes

Location matters

-Asymptomatic (bad)
-Vaginal spotting
-Uterine/lumbar pain (lumbar pain can be normal, but a change in lumbar pain - more pressure/pain..)
Can have fatal consequences for fetus
Fetal Conditions Associated with Placental Abnormalities
Intrauterine growth restriction

hydrops fetalis
inflammation of the chorion and the amnion:

Ascending infection by usual vaginal colonizers after rupture of membranes;
it's a CLINICAL diagnosis:
Maternal fever during labor ≥100.4°F
And two of the following
Maternal or fetal tachycardia
Uterine tenderness
Foul vaginal discharge
Maternal leukocytosis

Risk factors:
Age <21 years
Low socioeconomic status
Prolonged rupture of membranes (>18-24 hours)
Internal fetal monitoring

Fetal consequences
Mortality ~15% in preterm infants
Cytokine storm results in increased risk for development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and poor neurodevelopmental outcomes

Intrauterine Growth Restriction IUGR
def: something pathological
(not small for gestational age def: < 10th percentile, large for gest age is >90th)

Implies pathology - differentiate from SGA infants
Obstetric diagnosis (fetus falling off curve)
Major cause: inadequate delivery of substrates to the fetus (abnormalities in utero-placental unit)
Other causes:
Toxins, infectious agents, maternal diseases, genetic: trisomy 13...

what's affected first:
weight, length and then head

Either symmetric (head, length and weight are equally affected) or asymmetric (weight is most affected, length less affected, and head circumference least affected)
Symmetric implies either: congenital infection* or low genetic potential for growth
Asymmetric implies: chronic malnutrition and implicates the placenta
Amniotic Fluid
Early production is fluid from placenta and fetal lung
After 16 weeks most is fetal urine
Volume is controlled by some reabsorption across the placenta and by fetal processing, through swallowing
Functions: allows free movement, cushions against injury, bacteriostatic, necessary for normal fetal lung development
< 400 ml or AFI < 8

Decreased production
absent kidneys, poor renal blood flow

Flow problems
obstruction to urine flow

Increased loss
rupture of membranes

kid is stuck - lung problems
Fetal consequences
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Cord compression
Orthopedic deformities
> 2,000 ml
Absent fetal swallowing (obstruction, neuromuscular)
Upper GI obstruction (duodenal atresia)
Hydrops (excessive fetal extracellular fluid)
Hydrops fetalis
Refers to the presence of two or more of the following abnormal fetal fluid collections:
Pleural effusion
Pericardial effusion
Skin edema
Fetal/neonatal mortality rate is 50-90%

Etiologies: (first 2 are most important)
1) Genetic (most common; aneuploidy, metabolic storage diseases)
2) Cardiovascular (structural, arrhythmias; high output failure)

Vascular malformations
Thoracic or abdominal lesions that obstruct venous return to the heart
Severe anemia
Infectious diseases
Management depends on etiology
Hydrops fetalis as cause or effect of polyhydramnios and high output cardiac failure?

causes of HF?
Hydrops can cause polyhydramnios if the severity of the edema causes obstruction of the esophagus, and prevents the normal passage of amniotic fluid through the GI tract. Also, it can cause polyhydramnios if the etiology of they hydrops is such that the infant's swallowing mechanisms are affected.

Hydrops, by definition is NOT high output cardiac failure. Hydrops simply implies that there are abnormal fluid accumulations in >/= 2 body compartments, specifically, skin edema, ascites, pericardial and pleural effusions. Polyhydramnios is usually a consequence of the impaired passage of amniotic fluid, as above, and is usually the last "abnormal fluid collection" to appear. Hydrops can cause polyhydramnios if the severity of the edema causes obstruction of the esophagus, and prevents the normal passage of amniotic fluid through the GI tract. Also, it can cause polyhydramnios if the etiology of they hydrops is such that the infant's swallowing mechanisms are affected.

Understand that the diagnosis of hydrops is a fetal one; a neonate that develops these fluid collections after birth has anasarca, the differential for which is entirely different!

High output cardiac failure can cause hydrops, as hydrops is a manifestation of in utero congestive heart failure (whether is it high output failure or low output failure).

The etiology of hydrops is multifactorial, and can result from any of the items listed in the slide presentation (the most common, as I had mentioned) are genetic and cardiovascular. Not that you need to know this for my class, remember to differentiate immune hydrops from non-immune hydrops. The difference is simple; the cause of immune mediated hydrops, far and away, is immune mediated hemolysis (Rh incompatibility, ABO incompatibility), versus non-immune causes (essentially the long laundry list of things in my slide presentation).
Can you clarify what is meant by "symmetric" and "asymmetric" intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)?
Symmetric IUGR means that the weight, length, and head circumference are all equally affected. The most common cause for symmetric IUGR is genetic (things like Trisomy 13 or 18) or congenital infections that occur early (in the 1st trimester) during organogenesis, disrupting the entire fetus' normal growth potential.

If the congenital infection occurs later in preganancy, you may get asymmetric IUGR. By asymmetric, it is implied that the first growth measure to suffer is weight gain. If the insult causing growth restriction persists, or is severe enough, linear growth will then suffer, and lastly, head circumference. The most common cause of asymmetric IUGR is a deficiency in nutrient delivery, implicating the utero-placental unit.
hydrocephalus ex vacuo
water took up space after brain atrophied
neuronal numbers over age
losses of large neurons are not as significant as those of the small ones
sites of neuronal loss over age
significant loss over post central and superior temporal
changes of the neuronal synapses over age
less interconnected with less branches in between the neurons with age
recovery after lesion compared in old
is impaired in old rat brain
aging on the number of neural progenitor cells in the hippocampus
aging does not alter the number of neural progenitor cells in the old hippocampus
changes in neurotrophins with age
neurotransmitter changes with age
Acetylcholine are decreased, but not uniform; this NT is so important for memory; decrease is max in nucleus basalis of meynert; very different from alzheimers disease

decrease in 5HT - depression in age

decrease in NE

decrease DA - striatum
enzyme changes in age
not uniform decrease...
MAO - increase in hindbrain, frontal cortex

choline acetyl transferase - down in caudate, hippocampus; while it's normal in other areas- but not the generalized fall seen in alzheimers
the changes in cognition w/ age are trainable?
yes, they're not irreversible
Impaired long or short term memory

suficent to interfere w/ work, normal social activities, or relationships with others
-impaired abstract thinknig/judgement
-impaired naming
aphasia, apraxia, agnosia
visual spacial difficulties
-personality change

these are not normal agning
plaques and tangles

helical fibers make up the tangles
delerium comes when?
old brain + systemic stress

-infxn, MI, drugs ---> can make a cognitively normal person confused

this confusion is associated with increased mortality

marker for brain reserve limitation
delerium def
reduced ability to maintain and shift attention

disorganized thinking

at least two of the following
-reduced consciousness
-perceptual disturbances
-sleep-wake cycle disturbance
-psychomotor activity increased or decreased
-disorientation to time, place or person
-memory or learning impairment

features that develop over hours or days and fluctuate during the day
attention and inattention test for older pple
say months backwards - care about whether they stay on task - not really if they get the answers right
fMRI shows young vs old
old brain has to work harder to get an answer

they're compensating/using reserves

since the reserves are all being used, it's easier to cross the precipice
spinal cord changes w/ age
drop in lumbosarcal then in the thoracic cord

30-50% decrease in anterior horn cells in lumbosacra

30% loss of myelinated fibers in posterior root ganglia

similar losses in lateral white columns
implications of age changes on PE
absence of achilles tendon reflex
decreased vibratory sense in both feet
limited up gaze beyond horizontal
impaired rapid altering movements
sluggish pupillary reflexes
diminshed light touch
can't stand on one leg and can't draw a 2D representation of 3D objects;
age changes in SNS
baroreceptors decreased
heart response to b-agonists is decreased
dilitation response to b-agonists is decreased

plasma NE is increased, NE turnover is increased, ..
NE when standing up
response of NE is actually increased with age - the responsiveness seems to be maintained
that's an alpha phenomenon

whierd since we know that the responsiveness of the SNS is decreased;
sinus arrythmia with age
very small changes in heart rate with respiration - with age
falls, orthostatic hypotension and old people
falls are common

20min after breakfast is increased bc blood going to intestine

risks: increased sway without visual input - decreased proprioception, loss of cerebellar neurons, slower light dark accomodation, weakness of ankle muscles, orthostatic hypotension, slowed reaction time, 50% are accidental - so all this might not help/explain the fall
% of body weight in newborn vs adult
In the newborn, the brain makes up over 10% of the body weight, while it constitutes 2% in adults
In full term infants, the brain weighs 350 g
By 1 year of age, the brain weighs 1000 g
At puberty the brain weighs 1250 g in girls and 1375 g in boys.
major events in brain development
Major events in brain development:
Neural tube formation
Gross brain development
Neuronal proliferation and migration
Neural tube formation
The nervous system develops from the neural plate (composed of embryonic ectoderm)
The neural plate subsequently forms the neural tube and the neural crest
The neural tube and neural plate will form the brain and spinal cord

Closes by 27-28 days of development

Fusion of NT starts in the cervical region and progresses both in a cephalad and caudad direction
Prevalence of 9.4/100,000 live births
2-4% recurrence risk if one sibling had it, 10% if 2 had it

Risk factors include Caucasian race and mothers at either age extreme

Up to 12.7% can have associated findings of cleft lip/palate, omphalocele

Brainstem function (breathing, sucking, gag) are usually present

Death occurs in vast majority by 2 days, all by 2 weeks

failure to close is in the midline - if you have one, you're likely to have more midline abnormalities - cleft palate, undescended testes...
Herniation of brain and/or meninges through a defect in skull

Can be occipital (~75%), nasopharyngeal, or parietal

Up to 5/10,000 live births

Can be isolated or part of a syndrome (e.g., Meckel Gruber), and recurrence is dependent on this

Size can be highly variable, as well as contents

Impairment dependent on location and size of defect

Management is surgical
material in sac - encephalocele
non functioning neural tissue
Spina Bifida
Most common neural tube defect (NTD)
Failure of the neural tube to close
Associated with Chiari II malformation  downward displacement of cerebellar tonsills and medulla
Impairs flow of CSF through posterior fossa, leading to hydrocephalus

Outcomes depend on level of lesion --> higher the lesion, the worse the outcome
Chiari II Malformation
Cerebellar tonsil herniation – chiari II
Spina Bifida Occulta
May not cause neurdevelopmental diffuculties until later in infancy and childhood
Delay in developing sphincter control
Delay in walking or gait disturbances
Asymmetry of legs/feet
Pain in the back/legs
Gross CNS Development
Division of the neural tube due to formation of vesicles and flexures

Differential growth rates result in formation of cerebral hemispheres, deep nuclei, midbrain, pons, medulla, and cerebellum

3 primary brain vesicles form during 4th week of gestation
(forebrain-prosenecephalon, mesencephalon, diencephalon)

Formation of commissures begins between 6 & 12 weeks
(we look at the Corpus Callosum first)
1 in 15,000 live births (most pregnancies spontaneously abort)
Severe facial anomalies may be present (ex. cyclops)
Up to 30% have normal facies
Most infants are severely affected, exhibiting total failure of neurodevelopmental advancement

maybe just one central incisor
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
Can be an asymptomatic malformation
If neurodevelopment is abnormal, this malformation is not isolated (associated anomalies: Chiari malformation, encephalocele, holoprosencephaly)

if there are any developmental delay it's probably not isolated agenesis, but syndromic

gyri become more radial without the corpus
Neuronal Proliferation & Migration
All neurons and glia are derived from the subependymal cells located in the ventricular and subventricular zones

defects in migration are worse

Neuronal proliferation largely occurs between 40-110 days of gestation

Migration occurs between 40-190 days

During this proliferation and migration, fissuration of the brain occurs

The relative size and proportions of the brain and its subdivisions do not match the adult brain until 2 years of life

As opposed to proliferation disorders, migration disorders result in overt brain malformations, whose hallmark is aberrant gyral development
Due to impaired proliferation -> a small but well-formed brain is seen

Newborns may not show neurologic abnormalities

Subsequent striking neurodevelopmental delay occurs

not 100%, Dr. Feign was micrencephaly
split in the brain

Agenesis of a portion of the germinative zones, resulting in a gap in the cerebral wall (a cleft)
Bilateral --> more likely to result in cognitive, motor disturbances and seizures vs. unilateral
Prognosis depends on size and location of defect
Can have normal head size at birth, then microcephaly
Initial hypotonia, evolving into hypertonia
Paucity of spontaneous movements
Feeding disorders
Multitude of small gyri
Severe hypotonia and weakness
Poor responses to visual, acoustic, tactile stimuli
Seizures and severe developmental delay
Initial Assessment of neonate
Tone and bulk
Able to bear weight
“Primitive” reflexes
gone by 12mo
weak at 3mo, dissapear by 12mo
disseapear by 3-4mo

stimulated by sudden move, loud noise
dissapear by 3-4mo

stimulated by cheek/side of mouth stroke
dissapear by 3-4mo

infant held upright feet touched to flat surface
asymmetric tonic neck
stimulated: while supine, neck turned to one side so that chin is above shoulder

fencer position

dissapear by 2-3mo
changes of the CNS with aging overview
brain weight
loss of neurons (more in the large than in the small neurons - some evidence for regeneration)
reduced synaptic density
neurofibrillary tangles (alzheimers)
neuritic plaques
"intellectual function"
heterogenous loss of neurons with age
post-central gyrus is not decreased,

but the superior temporal is decreased, as well as pre-central
synapses density with age
decreased synaptic connections
recovery after injury change with age
worse recovery with age,

it takes way longer, and less
changes in neurotrophins with age
nerve growth factor and IGF-1 both produced locally
keys to happy and healthy neurons

local decreases in both neurotropins in old rats

data suggestive but less conclusive in older healthy people
muscle mass in age
mass decreases, there is replacement of fat in between; also there is fat inside the muscle

30-40% from age 30-80
not linear, loss may accelerate with age
muscle loss makes up most of the loss of the lean body mass seen iwth aging = Termed "sarcopenia"

Creatinine production (primarily in muscle) decreases 50% from 25-90

kidney function goes down by 30%, creatinine goes up by 30% so if you measure the serum creatinine of an old person - guess what - it hasn't changed at all! it fools you because the creatinine production also goes down
implications of sarcopenia
is bad
implicated in decrease performance and increase number of falls

removes reserves do that bed rest may be permanent

contributes to metabolic abnormalities of elderly
-insulin resistance
-cold intolerance
what is so bad about the loss of muscle bulk with age?
major factor in decreased muscle strength with aging is decrease in muscle bulk:

-young are stronger then mass predicts
-old are slightly weaker than mass predicts

increased intramuscular fat with age:
-at age 40, non-contractile tissue is 8% of CSA
-at age 70, non-contractile tissue is 18% of CSA

old muscle is injured more easily and recovers more slowly
decreases in strength with age

legs vs arms?
men vs women?
grip experiment?

From age 20-70, strength decreases 50% in legs
-non-linear decline
-accelerates with increasing age
-30% decrease in strength from 50-70
-80 year olds are 30% weaker at knee extensor than at 70

Loss of smaller when corrected for loss in muscle mass (bc there is an independent factor: the nerves)

decrease is same in men and women, so old women are the ones getting in trouble

Legs loose faster, but arms and hands also decrease: grip strength decreases with age in a non linear fashion - it's maintained till about 50 and then it plummets

GM study of assembly line: you can counter this age related decrease by use ..
decreased endurance of muscles with age?

Decreased strenght (review):
40% decrease overall (average of arms and legs), wide variation between muscle groups

upper body strength decreases LESS rapidly than leg

Important role of activity - you can counteract the changes

Decrease in endurance:
Older pple fatigue faster than young ones,
remaining muscle working at greater percentage of maximum function

Decrease in number of capillaries per motor unit

decreased maximum blood flow

when you students contract there is no flow normally - in the old, however, they can't make enough force to close off their arteries - so some actually have more endurance-? not all obvious

no, the endurance is less, because any perfusion that gets there is not going to make that old muscle contract harder

modest decrease in blood flow at rest

important decreases in maximal flow

maximal oxygen extraction decreased with age

muscle capillary density unchanged with age
Which fibers are most sensitive to aging?
Fibers with highest myosin ATPase most sensitive to aging.
muscle transplantation

gives insight into site of lesions

young to old - looks bad
old into young - looks ok

-transplant EDL from 24m to 4m rats: graft functions well, not perfect, but the muscle looks pretty good

-transplant from 4m to 24m rat
poor regeneration, poor function

so the key is the nerve component; the muscle component too, but nerve is more imptt
energetics in the muscle - aging
can't maintain energetics while the muscle is contracting

decreased aerobic potential, and oxidative capacity

decreased mitochondrial mass and mitochondrial concentration per g muscle

non-invasive NMR study showes impaired Creatine Phosphate resynthesis

Anaerobic metabolism is unchanged

but key is, once it stops contracting, the ability to replenish creat phos is very diminished

Altered energetics:
Glycolytic > oxidative decreases in enzyme activity.
Triose-phosphate dehydrogenase decreases with age.
Lactate dehydrogenase decreases.
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase decreases
conctractile protein synthesis problems
decreased rates of synthesis and degradation with aging, BUT the rate of synthesis is slowed less than the degadation --> net protein loss

but there is a discoordination:

old rate have decreased mRNA for a-skeletal actin, normal for b-myosin heavy chain

short term studies unenlightening relevant to long term changes

rate of contraction/relaxation:
force seems same, but it takes a long time to relax and replenish the Ca into the muscle
satellite cells with aging
key for repair, growth and remodeling of muscle;

deficits in repair are apparent early in life

Limited proliferative potential has implications for cell-based gene therapy of muscular diseases
-this is evident in DMD...

dedifferentiation to fat cells
old muscle injury
slower to recover after damage

decrease in pluripotent satellite cells

much smaller colony size in vitro

after 6 wk in a cast: older people never return to pre-cast level of strenght and bulk
aging vs inactivity
diaphragm relatively resistant to change

evidence that some aging effect is due to inactivity
anabolic hormones changes in aging
not enough GH or IGF-1

response to IGF-1 and anabolic steroids is unchanged, but giving IGF-1 doesn't really help for atrophy.
chronic pain syndrome, female with cough
on aspirin -- and then asthma due to lipoxygenases that are not inhbited
staccato cough neonate
Chlamydia trachomatis
resistance training for older ladies showed
huge changes in strength (145%) , less changes in mass (10%);

7.5kg was what they lifted before that's weak!

after 8weeks:


most of the gain they had in the first week - it was a cognitive thing

most of the actual change probably occurred at the neuromuscular junction
cartilage.joints changes with aging
decreased ability to hold water

the proteoglycan aggegates fragment

increased keratin sulphate and hyaluronidase
bone changes with age
not so much like osteoporosis of menopause

the bone loss is parallel in ageing (women lower due to menopausal loss of bone)

deposition slower than erosion, increased likelyhood for collapse,

(bone marrow density does not perfectly predict fracture risk, also some microarchitecture)

imbalance of osteoblast and clast - it is same as the estrogen associated in menopause - there's net bone loss due to:

Osteoblasts are greatly reduced and oseoclasts are reduced but less so,

bone marrow precursors are decreased

skull gets thicker with age

Sun-block problem -->
changes in vit D metabolism

GI CA decreases after age 70

-nutrition, exercise and vascular and neurological
ethnic differences bone mass
blacks have more sk mass at any age
-lower risk of hip fracture...
Sk muscle decreases in mass, strength and quality with aging.

part of changes are due to changes at the NMJ

resistance exercise can modify performance

old joints work less well, but age does not equal osteoarthritis

bone loss is also an age-related phenomenon in men and women
Review of muscle types
type I - slow - dark meat

type II - fast
IIa fast oxidative
IIb fast glycolytic - white meat
IIx fast

motor nerve unit innervates only one type - The nerve determines what type the muscle is - so with reinnervation it can change it's type

type is not intrinsic to the muscle
Age alterations in muscle composition
Preferential loss of type II (fast), especially IIb (glycolytic - white), but type I (oxydative) also decrease

relative enrichment of type I

Loss of strength correlates strongly with decrease in type II fibers

Controversy exists as to the extent of this observation
-Nerve changes can prompt switch from II to I as precursor to fallout

Loss of total number of fibers and decrease in CSA of each fiber, especially type II

Besides the type, also: A look inside:
-increased lupofuscin deposition (long chain oxidized fat)
-reduced size of myofibrils
-loss in cross-sectional area of each myofibril is greater than loss in number of myofibrils
-reduced number of myofibrils
-increased connective tissue and fat
Changes at or proximal to the NMJ
The number of Motor units decrease by 50% with age

Similar to relative denervation
-loss of alpha motorneurons and re-innervation

results in inefficient large motor units (one nerve is innervating more and more muscles)
-mass of muscle preserved
-strength of muscle declines in part bc stimulation failure

In isolated nerve-muscle preparations
-tension developed by old muscle is relatively well preserved after nerve stimulation


-decreased number of motor units
-motor units enlarged as compensation
-newly formed synapses are unstable
-failure of synaptic transmission becomes more frequent
-up to 25% of motor units essentially non-functional
-many motor neurons have huge arbors
-muscle not denervated but hypoinnervated
-nerves provide growth TROPHIC factors for muscle and may determine the muscle fiber type
-this becomes much more important after age 70
Develop a differential diagnosis for limp in children

Infections (septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, synovitis, meningitis)

Orthopedic/Mechanical (DDH (NOT PAINFUL aft first), fractures(pain), osteochondrosis)

Neoplastic (toddler: neuroblastoma, Leukemia, infant/adolescent: osteosarcoma, osteoma, Ewing's sarcoma)

Neuromuscular (Muscular dystrophy, Peripheral neuropathy, hereditary neuropathy)

Rheumatologic (Henoch Schoenlein purpura, SLE, in adoleschents SLE and gout/pseudogout)

Hematologic (sickle cell crisis, hemophilia)

Intra-abdominal (appendicitis, Psoas absess, for adolescents also: PID and testicular torsion)
Identify risk factors for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
Single umbilical artery (kidneys abnormalities go along with this)

Imperforate anus

RUS: malformed, horseshoe kidney

Chromosomes: normal (usually are!) [the karyotype will anyway]

More common in females, type1DM, and cocaine-exposed mothers

Prognosis largely dependent on associated anomalies
Usually neurologic involvement in affected segments
Understand the types of craniosynostoses and their associated abnormalities
Most common: Sagittal Synostosis (Scaphocephaly)

Metopic Synostosis (Trigonocephaly)

Bicoronal Synostosis (Brachycephaly)

Unilateral Coronal Synostosis (Frontal Plagiocephaly)

Occipital Plagiocephaly (Unilambdoid Synostosis)

Associations: Thalassemia
Genetic Syndromes (ex. Apert, Crouzon)
Diseases of the CNS (ex. micrencephaly)

Risk Factors

1. Caucasian mother
2. Advanced maternal age
3. Male infant
4. Maternal Tobacco abuse
5. Mother living at high altitude
6. Fertility treatments
7. Paternal occupation in agriculture, forestry, mechanics
8. Maternal exposure to nitrosatables
1. Nitrofurantoin
2. Chlorpheniramine
Caudal dysgenesis
highly associated with
Maternal Diabetes Mellitus - not well controlled
Skeletal components arise from ...

Differentiation into
mesoderm, in the 3rd week of gestation

Differentiation in the 4th week into:
Osteoblasts --> Bone
Caudal dysgenesis:



neurologic problems?
Defect originating during 3rd week of gestation, with other anomalies

Single umbilical artery (kidneys abnormalities go along with this)

Imperforate anus

RUS: malformed, horseshoe kidney

Chromosomes: normal (usually are!) [the karyotype will anyway]

More common in males, type1DM, and cocaine-exposed mothers

Prognosis largely dependent on associated anomalies
Usually neurologic involvement in affected segments
Case 2: Term female infant
Born with shortened limbs, abnormal facies, moderate respiratory distress

X-ray shows destroyed femur
Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Collagen I is abnormal;

NOT a defect in bone mineralization or calcium accretion
Defect is in collagen: nearly 400 mutations identified
Result in bone fragility and deformity
Collagen also found in ligaments, tendons, skin, sclera, and dentin

there are 4 subtypes:
I is mildest (blue sclera all life)
II severe
III severe
IV mild
4 subtypes of OI
Type I
Mildest type
Can be autosomal dominant
5-15 x increased risk fractures
Distinctive blue sclera throughout life
Conductive hearing loss 2nd decade
Aortic dissection

Type II
Perinatal onset, most severe OI
Short limbs, fractures in utero
Blue sclera
Broad, crumpled femurs
Beading of ribs
Fatal (pump in Ca, but the scaffolding is not present)

Type III
Severe, sporadic
May have fractures at birth (long bones & skull especially)
Postnatal fractures lead to short stature & kyphosis
Triangular face
Shortened life span—pulmonary death

Type IV
Fairly mild
Autosomal dominant
Not uncommonly diagnosed after childhood

I and IV are AD the other sporadic;
I is mildest, IV is mild;
I has blue sclera thoughout;
Limb Development
Limb buds form in the 5th week of gestation
Mesenchyme with cover of ectoderm
Fingers and toes are formed by 8 weeks

Absence of part of limb: meromelia
Absence of a majority of limb: phocomelia
Absence of entire limb: amelia
Extra digits: polydactyly
Fusion of digits: syndactyly
There may be combined defects (i.e., polysyndactyly)
different dactylys
Absence of part of limb: meromelia
Absence of a majority of limb: phocomelia [a flipper-like appendage attached to the trunk]

Absence of entire limb: amelia
Extra digits: polydactyly
Fusion of digits: syndactyly
There may be combined defects (i.e., polysyndactyly)
amniotic band syndrome
amniotic band syndrome = abl fibrous bands through amniotic cavity – and this band will amputate where it hits;
causes of developmental limb disorders
some have genetic basis; some have acquired such as: amniotic band syndrome
A first time mother brings in her 2 week old baby girl for routine examination
Was born breech, but no other complications
On exam, you find:
assymetric gluteal folds..
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip:

Describes abnormal development of the hip with respect to instability of the joint and dysplasia of the acetabulum
Hip instability can be a normal finding in up to 40% of infants
True DDH occurs in 1-2/1000 births
More common in:
Breech position
Left hip

Acetabulum is very shallow at first; the head of the femur keeps banging into it – and this causes the acetabulum to fold; a child without nl kicking motion – not flexing at the hip; child born breech hasn’t has the same movements in utero; there’s a chance it’ll be dislocated and permanently = femoral dysplasia of hip

It can be nl to feel a click in the first week of like – the maternal estrogen makes that joint a little bit lax – when the E fades, that’s when you can truly tell; so you get X-ray in 4-6wks
tests for DDH
Barlow and/or Ortalani maneuvers:

Barlow: posterior pressure with knee in 90degree

Ortalani: same but then abducted;

listen for click or brute clunk

PE: note assymetric posterior thigh creases, leg length discrepancy

BUT: not reliable after 6-8 weeks

U/S is typical diagnostic modality at 4-6 wks.
If not diagnosed in timely fashion, child can have progressive degenerative hip disease
Early diagnosis—may be able to correct with Pavlick harness
-this thing is 24h for 6-9 weeks and they're NOT happy!
babies with DDH most commonly are...
More common in:
Breech position
Left hip
Skull Development: whats cell origin
Viscerocranium—flat bones of face, forms from neural crest cells

Neurocranium—from mesenchyme
-Chondrocranium—base of skull
-Flat bones of the remaining skull (non-facial)
Premature closure of the sutures

Sutures usually fuse around 15-24 months

Can be autosomal dominant

Scaphocephaly is most common (55% of cases)

Boys affected more than girls 4:1

No racial differences

Growth of the skull occurs PARALLELL to the closed suture

More likely to have other associated abnormalities if >1 suture is involved, or for paired sutures, if bilateral involvement
Normal Gait development
At 10-18 months, wide based gait with some bowing of the legs and arms outstretched, flat feet

At 2-3 years, stance becomes more narrow based, with more approximation of knees, still flat feet

At 3-4 years, an adult gait is established

At 4-5 years, vast majority of kids no longer have flat feet
Abnormal Gaits
Toe walking after 2-3 years of age
Metatarsus adductus
Limb Dx, now what?
Every child with a limb also needs a rectal exam

Workup depends on etiology
History will help narrow the DDx
Acuity of onset
Obvious physical findings (joint swelling, pain, erythema, etc.)
Other associated findings (easy bruising, viral prodrome, etc.)
Lab work (elevated ESR, C-reactive protein, imaging, etc.)
Treatment will depend on etiology
Presentation of Primary Immune Deficiency
“Classic” presentation
Newborn – 5 years of age
↑ frequency of “normal” infections (e.g., otitis media)
Autoimmune diseases (vasculitis, hemolytic anemia, SLE)
10 month male
History of H. flu otitis at 6 months
Mom also reports “bad” eye infection in the neonatal period (medical record describes “gonococcus grew from eye discharge”)
Infant presenting with fever, continuous crying (‘inconsolable’), poor feeding x 2 days, and rash x 6 hours

Full sepsis evaluation performed
CBC showed increased WBCs, with left shift in differential
125k WBCs/hpf
GPC in pairs
CSF grew Neisseria meningiditis in 12 hrs.
You check a CH50 [total hemolytic activity of serum—assesses complement system]
CH50 is low
H. flu in an immunized child is not nl

rash is called pupura fulminans - N.meningitidis

point: Of the N.Meningiditis, H.influ, and Gonnorhea, you look at the recurrant N.Meningiditis = think terminal complement deficiency C56789

Complement Deficiency:
Pyogenic infections (H. flu OM at 6 months)
Gonococcal eye infection at 3 months [usually in the first days if it's passed at birth, the topicals don't kill all the gonococcus, but more of the chlamydia]
Meningococcal meningitis currently
Neisseria infections --> think terminal complement deficiency
11 month old male
3 episodes otitis media since birth
Now with fever x 2 months
Mom states “He’s acting sicker than when we came in 3 weeks ago”
“Just completed the medicine for the abscesses that were lanced at that time”
You quickly examine him:
Mouth exam as shown, RR 70s, nasal flaring, intercostal retractions, grunting

Would you like to place a saturation monitor & get a blood gas?
Saturation 81% (room air)
ABG 7.22, pCO2 67, pO2 54
Next step?

Your resident suggests a nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye reduction test
NBT test is abnormal (less blue)
You intubate him; tracheal aspirate grows Candida
CBC is normal
IgG is elevated

NBT - the oxidative burst is tested, the dye can't be changed in color if you're missing it

-Candida pneumonia, thrush
[Thrush in mouth is not abnormal, but Candida is abnormal]
-Normal WBC, elevated IgG
-Think of phagocytic defect
-Check for abnormal NBT

Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Abnormal oxidative killing mechanisms of phagocytes (can’t produce “oxidative burst”)
-Abnormal NBT
Leads to granuloma formation

class of organisms that kids with CGD is more susceptible to:
bacteria that produce catalase. This breaks H2O2, so whatever this kid had left of that is destroyed
[staph aureus]
“Keeps a head cold”
“Keeps a diaper rash”
Mom brought him in for a new rash
Mom states that his previous rashes cleared up pretty good when she used some of Grandpa’s eczema cream on him
‘But this one just keeps getting worse’:
-pustular rash all over
-scraping shows: FUNGUS

Remainder of exam unremarkable
WBC 10k (normal, borderline)
Diff: 10 segs, 75 lymphs, 15 monos
Platelets 78k (low)
Lab calls with an unusual finding on review of the blood smear:

Basophilic giant granule in cytoplasm of neutrophils

Oculocutaneous albinism
Rash (h/o eczema)
CBC with neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
Abnormal granules in WBCs
Rash consistent with disseminated Candida
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Impaired intracellular killing in phagocytosis due to abnormal lysosome packaging
[microtubular polymerization defect]
Giant cytoplasmic granules in peripheral PMNs
class of organisms that kids with CGD is more susceptible to:
class of organisms that kids with CGD is more susceptible to:
bacteria that produce catalase. This breaks H2O2, so whatever this kid had left of that is destroyed
[staph aureus]
9 month male
3 episodes of otitis media
Pneumococcal pneumonia at 6 months
Mom brings him in for “bad diarrhea”
Dry mucous membranes, no tears (mom states diarrhea for a week)
Lungs clear, abdomen soft but somewhat tender (no significant guarding)
Do you want to send a stool sample?

Organism identified in the diarrheal stool:

CBC shows low WBC
Ig G <100mg/dL; no detectable IgM or IgA
Giardia diarrhea, low immunoglobulins = suspect B cell defect
You decide to order
Total B cells
Total T cells, T helper & T suppressor cells & ratio

Normal to increased mature T lymphs
B cells undetectably low
X-linked agammaglobulinemia:
supposed to see a thymic shadow...

XLA patients do not generate mature B cells.[2] B cells are part of the immune system and normally manufacture antibodies (called immunoglobulins) which defends the body from infections by sustaining an immunological humoral antibody response. Patients with untreated XLA are prone to develop serious and even fatal infections. A mutation occurs at the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) gene which leads to a severe block in B cell development (at the pro-B to pre B cell stage) and a reduced peripheral IgG Immunoglobulin antibody production in the serum. Btk is particularly responsible for mediating B cell development and maturation through a signaling effect on the B cell receptor BCR. [3] Patients typically present in early childhood with recurrent infections, particularly with extracellular, encapsulated bacteria.[4] It occurs in a frequency of about 1 in 100,000 male newborns, and has no ethnic predisposition. XLA is treated by infusion of human antibody. Treatment with pooled gamma globulin cannot restore a functional population of B cells, but it is sufficient to reduce the severity and number of infections due to the passive immunity granted by the exogenous antibodies.[4]

XLA is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome of a single gene identified in 1993 and known as Bruton's tyrosine kinase, or Btk

other considerations:

XLA patients are specifically susceptible to viruses of the Enterovirus family, and mostly to: polio virus, coxsackie virus (hand, foot, and mouth disease) and Echoviruses. These may cause severe central nervous system conditions as chronic encephalitis, meningitis and death. An experimental anti-viral agent, pleconaril, is active against picornaviruses. XLA patients, however, are apparently immune to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), as they lack B cells needed for the viral infection.[citation needed]

It is not known if XLA patients are able to generate an allergic reaction, as they lack functional IgE antibodies.

There is no special hazard for XLA patients in dealing with pets or outdoor activities.[4]

Unlike in other primary immunodeficiencies XLA patients are at no greater risk for developing autoimmune illnesses.

Agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is similar to the primary immunodeficiency disorder Hypogammaglobulinemia (CVID), and their clinical conditions and treatment are almost identical. However, while XLA is a congenital disorder, with known genetic causes, CVID may occur in adulthood and its causes are not yet understood. XLA was also historically mistaken as Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), a much more severe immune deficiency ("Bubble boys").
Combined Defect:Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
Lack of T cell differentiation & proliferation, and sometimes also NK
Immunoglobulin production severely impaired (B cells present)
Presents by 3 months
Classic presentation: diarrhea, dermatitis, & FTT
Absent peripheral lymphoid tissue
Small, atrophic thymus (CXR)

Eventually see opportunistic infections (P. carinii)
Common childhood viruses usually fatal
CMV pneumonia common & often fatal
Severe lymphopenia (<1200/mm3)
effect of B cell - aging in mouse
better to have more Ig's
effect of T cell - aging - in mouse

test measured the mouse's response to PHA
depending on the pathogen..
Lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogen in aging

the responsiveness is associated with survival of humans

if they didn't respond to the mitogen at all, it's bad for survival

the responses are decreased for Succinyl CoA

thymus goes away
Antibody response to Flu vaccine with age

why give it?
quantity decreased (1/3)

antibody affinity decreased (the shape is not so good)

it protects them from dying from flu, but not from getting it or spreading it

risk of develop influenza disease after immunization is highest among elderly demonstrating neither antibody not cell-mediated responses

only 17% had an adqaute response to the quadrivalent response. 47% had no immune response to any of the antigens

Fly vaccine is given to elderly bc it decreases with mortality associated with influenza, but it doesn't protect them well from getting and spreading

herd immunity will not occur in old

now we immunize nurses

there's no change in aging with CD4/CD8 cells, so the problem is with the response itself
IL-2 production with age
IL2 is key to stimulate T cells

decreased when old ppls T-cells are activated

the receptor's are decreased in number and affinity.

supplemental IL2 improves mitogen response, but it won't reconstitute the immune system -- the affinity is just too low
memory cells with age
CD45RO+ cells accumulate with age

the naive Tcells CD45RA+ are decreased
Case: 85yo
had no fever, no real cough, no chills, not much WBC, with CXR with streaky lobe, mental changes

how is there evidence for disease? Dx?

Autosomal recessive

X-linked recessive
Enzyme deficiencies (except Hunters and Fabry's which are X-linked)

Be Wise Fool's GOLD Heeds False Hope A
Birte Wolff Has GOLD For A Head

-Fragile X
-Ocular albinism
-Hemophilia A/B
local defenses of elderly
the mucociliary mechanism in the lung does not recover, so then they get sick again, this time with a bacterial infection
...mised slide
missed slide
missed again
prevalence of autoantibodies
increase with age

"anti-Thyroglobulin with normal thyroid can be seen in age"

the effector immune system is messed up, so the factors are there, but they don't respond to disease bc the rest of the apparatus is not working
monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined signifiance
10% of healthy old

some get myeloma

marker for...
Toll-like receptors

with age
worms and flies have not immune system but they have this!

with age in mice, the response to TLR is decreased (IL6) with age - but evidence is not clear in people
Age and:
response of T-cells to mitogens
anti-idiotype antibodies
lvl of specific antibody response
presence of autoimmune antibodies
incidence of serum monoclonal immunoproteins
delayed type hypersensitivity
decreased/absent Thymus,
decreased IL-2
decreased response of T-cells to mitogens
anti-idiotype antibodies not off
decreased lvl of specific antibody response
increased presence of autoimmune antibodies
increased incidence of serum monoclonal immunoproteins
decreased delayed type hypersensitivity