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119 Cards in this Set

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Inferior orbital fissure transmits _____ communicating with _____
infraorbital n and v; Pterygopalatine fossa & infratemporal fossa
Floor of the bony orbit
Maxillary sinus
Superior orbital fissure connects ___ to ____
Middle cranial fossa; orbit
Inferior orbital fissure connects ___ to ____
Pterygopalatine fossa; bottom of orbit
Weakest point of the orbit
Lamina papericia
"Paper thin" medial wall of orbit; but not thinnest
double vision and eye movement
Not moving simultaneously
Numbness of tip of nose and teeth indicates
Infraorbital n.
Paranasal air sinuses (3)
CNs going through superior orbital fissure
3, 4, v1 & 6
CNs going through internal auditory meatus
7, 8
CNs going through jugular foramen
9, 10, 11
Eyelids sweep tears medially toward
Tears collect in the nasolacrimal sac through
Lacrimal glands secrete ___ tears
Watery tears
Tarsal glands secrete ____ forming _____
Wazy substance; hydrophobic seal
Transition from middle cranial fossa goes through ____ to reach back of eye
Walls of cavernous sinus
Optic canal contains
Optic n
Ophthalmic a.
Inferior orbital fissure contains
Infraorbital n.
Communicating v.
Infraorbital a.
Everything coming through superior orbital fissure comes through tendinous ring except
CN 4
Fracture of orbit or zygomatic bone could interrupt ____ secretion
Before foramen rotundume, trigeminal is only ___ fibers, but will pick of ____ fibers after
sympathetic; para
Anything secreted from top of teeth to bottom of eye are innervated by nerves coming from ____ ganglion
-Treat with
-Infection of the lacrimal apparatus
-Usually involves tarsal glands
-Orbital cellulitis
-Infection within orbit, behind septum
-Pushes eyeball forward
Infection of eyelid/eye in front of septum
Allergic, viral, bacterial, edema of conjuctiva; affects blood vessels filing conjunctiva
Extraocular eye muscles (6)
Superior, inferior, medial, lateral rectus
Superior, inferior oblique
Trochlea (of eye)
Pulley system for superior oblique muscle (which is innervated by trochlear n.)
Abduction of the eye is ___ n.
Superior rectus m.
-common tendinous ring
-sclera on the superior eye
-elevates and adducts the eyeball; rotates the superior pole of the iris medially
-oculomotor nerve (III),
-superior division ophthalmic a.
-because this muscle approaches the eye from a medial position, it causes the iris to rotate medially
Inferior rectus m.
-common tendinous
-sclera on the inferior eye
-depresses and adducts the corneal part of the eyeball; rotates the superior pole of the iris laterally
-oculomotor nerve (III),
-inferior division ophthalmic a.
-because this muscle approaches the eyeball from a medial direction, it has a rotational action on the iris
Medial rectus m.
-common tendinous ring
-sclera on the medial eye
-adducts the corneal part of the eyeball
-oculomotor nerve (III) (inferior division)
-ophthalmic a.
-this muscle directly opposes the action of the lateral rectus
Lateral rectus m.
-Dysfunction of n. will cause
-common tendinous ring
-sclera on the lateral eye
-abducts the corneal part of the eyeball
-abducens nerve (VI)
-ophthalmic a.
-loss of function of the abducens nerve will cause the eye to be abducted
Inferior Oblique M.
-floor of the orbit lateral to the lacrimal groove
-sclera on the inferior eye
-elevates and abducts the corneal part of the eye; rotates the superior pole of the iris laterally; when the eye is adducted, this muscle elevates the cornea
-oculomotor nerve (III), inferior division
-ophthalmic a.
Superior Oblique M.
-apex of the orbit above the optic canal
-sclera on the posterior superior eye
-depresses and abducts the eyeball; rotates the superior pole of the iris medially
-trochlear nerve (IV)
-ophthalmic a.
-passes through a fibrocartilagenous pulley known as the trochlea; when the eye is adducted, this muscle moves the cornea inferiorly
Testing function of inferior oblique m.
-ask the patient to look toward the bridge of the nose to test the function of this muscle
M. pulls up and out
Superior rectus
Pulls down and out
Inferior rectus
Medial rectus
Lateral rectus
Down and in
superior oblique
Pulls up and in
Inferior oblique
Pt. says can't walk downstairs, abducting & double vision, dizziness, think ___ lesion
During convergence eyes move in
Most vulberable nerve of extraocular nerves
If pt. can't look out, CN ___ is damaged
If pt. can't look in, CN ___ is damaged
If pt. can't look down & out, CN ___ is damaged
Parasympathetics for sphincter pupilae run with CN
Nerves and arteries in orbit (branches of opthlamic division)
Branches of frontal
4 veins of facial areas that communicated; route for spread of infection
Cranial cavity
Infratemporal fossa
Maxillary sinus
-Inferior ophthalmic v --> ____ fissure ---> fossa/sinus
-Superior ophthalmic --> ____ fissure --> ____ fossa/sinus
-Inferior orbital fissure; infratemporal fossa
-Cavernous sinus
Hit in the eye, numbness of upper teeth, double vision =
Blowout of the orbit floor
Numbness of upper teeth caused by ___ n.
Right optic nerve lesion =
Amaurosis fugax
Amaurosis fugax only lasting for a little while on one side, think ____
Visual fields (2)
Temporal and nasal
Temporal visual field projected to ___ retinal field
Nasal visual field projected to ___ retinal field
Objects coming from lateral go to ____ retinal field
Objects coming from medial go to ____ retinal field
Which retinal fields cross
Amaurosis fugax
short-lived episode of blindness in one eye
Lesion of right optic tract would result in
Left hemianopia
Left hemianopia
Without vision of half of left side
Lesion of chiasm would result in
Bitemporal hemianopa
Bitemporal hemianopa
Lost peripheral field (temporal visual fields)
Chiasm lesion could be caused by ____ tumor
Light strikes pupil, goes through visual pathway to _____ bilaterally
Preganglionic parasympathetic efferent fibers come from _____ (ganglion)
Edinger Westphal - visceral nucleus of oculomotor n.
Parasympathetic pregangs travel with ____; synapse in ____
Division of CN III; ciliary ganglion
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers travel to _____ m. along ____ nn.
Sphincter pupillae m. (in iris); short ciliary nerves
Parasympathetics affect on pupil
Sympathetics affect
Dilation of pupil driven by ___ sympathetic preganglionic fibers to the ___ ganglion
T1; superior cervical ganglion
Postganglionic sympathetics course from ___ ganglion to ____ plexus to ____ m.
Superior cervical; Carotid plexus; Dilator pupilae
-If adduction also impaired, possible ____ n. problem
Unequal pupil size
Defect in bottom of iris
Accommodation reflex
-Affect on medial recti
-Affect on pupils
-Affect on Lens
-Contraction to bring eye
-Constrict to increase depth field
-Round up for close vision
Affect When zonular fibers around lens relax
It rounds out
Closer objects need ___ lens
Harder to see close up because lens stays more oval
Visual disturbance with dysmenorrhea +/- headache, think ___
Thrombus or infection of cavernous sinus most likely to affect
-May cause __ symptoms
-Abducens n.
-Double vision on lateral gaze
Function of ear (3)
1. Convert sounds from waves to neural signal
2. Sense of balance vs. instability
3. Coordinate eye and neck movements
___ parts of ear are air filled; ___ fluid filled
External and middle; inner
External ear is from ____ to ____
External tympanic membrane to pinna
Wax (cerumen) produced in
Lateral 1/3 of external ear
Single complex plate formed from embryological primordis
Auricular cartilage
Pinna aka
Inferior canal is longer because
Tympanic membrane tilt
Tilt of tympanic membrane causes cone of light to be ___ to ___
Anterior - inferior
Motion of tympanic membrane moves ____
Tension pull in middle of tympanic membrane
___ allows handle of malleolus to vibrate with tympanic membrane
Pars flaccida
Tympanic membrane held to the petrous portion of the tempral bone by
Ability to equalized pressure in middle ear and throat accomplished by
Auditory tube
Middle ear is from ___ to ____
Tympanic membrane; Internal auditory meatus
___ sits in oval window
Malleus is attached to
Head of malleus fits into
Incus communicates with
Tympanic membrane attached to what bone
Malleus --> ___ bone ---> bone
Incus; stapes
Chorda tympani crosses what bone
handle of Malleus
Facial n. exits ___ foramen
Roof of the middle ear =
Tegmen tympani
Cochlea and vestibular apparatuses are imbedded in
Petrous portion of temporal bone
Fluid filled part of ear important in eye movemebt
Oval window communicates with
vestibule of inner ear
The "second tympanic membrane"
Round window at end of scala tympani
____ adjust for head and neck movement
Semicircular canals
Active labyrinth:
Semicircular canals
Static labyrinth
Utircle, saccule
Cavernous sinus contents O TOM CAT
Occulomotor nerve (III)
Trochlear nerve (IV)
Ophthalmic nerve (V1)
Maxillary nerve (V2)
Carotid artery
Abducent nerve (VI)
T: When written, connects to the T of OTOM.
When ear pain isn't ear pain
Greater auricular referring angina
Otitis externa will have tenderness around
External auditory meatus