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79 Cards in this Set

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brs. of common carotid a.
caudal thyroid a.
cranial thyroid a.
internal carotid a.
external carotid a.
small vessels of variable origin (br of common carotid); supplies the trachea, esophagus, and thyroid gland
caudal thyroid a.
artery that supplies the thyroid and parathyroid gland, pharyngeal mm., larynx, cervical regions of trachea and esophagus via....
thyroid, pharyngeal, cricothyroid and muscular brs.
@ what structure does the common carotid a. terminate into the internal and external carotid a.a.s?
medial retropharyngeal ln.
1st 2 brs. off of external carotid a.
occipital a.

ascending pharyngeal a.
the internal carotid a. arises near which arteries?
occipital a.

ascending pharyngeal a.
what is located at the origin of the internal carotid a.?
carotid sinus
the 3 structures that the common carotids course under
mandibular gland
digastricus m.
medial retropharyngeal ln.
brs. off of cranial thyroid a.
at the base of the head, on which aspect of the trachea are the common carotids located?
dorsolateral aspect of the trachea
function of the carotid sinus?
what structure is located at the bifurcation of external and internal carotids?
carotid body
function of carotid body
the common carotid aa.s originate from what aspect of the trachea?
the internal carotid a. enters the carotid canal deep in the....and emerges as the....
tympano-occipital fissure

foramen lacerum
T/F: the internal carotid a. loops back on itself and reenters the carotid canal to supply the CNS
trace the internal carotid a.
enters the carotid canal deep in the tympano-occipital fissure, emerges at the foramen lacerum and then loops back on itself and re-enters the carotid canal
T/F: in the cat, the extra-cranial portion of the internal carotid degenerate postnatally
within the cranial cavity, the internal carotid a. penetrates the....and.....and comes to lie in the......
dura mater and arachnoid

subarachnoid space
the internal carotid a. triburcates into the...
middle cerebral a.
rostral cerebral a.
caudal communicating aa.
the trifurcations on the internal carotid a., along with the ........ supply blood to the cerebral arterial circle (which supplies blood to the brain)
basilar a.
which br. of subclavian goes into the vertebral foramen and comes out of the transverse foramen of atlas and joins the occipital a. to supply the brain?
vertebral a.
arterial supply to CNS
internal carotid a.
vertebral a.
occipital a.
external carotid a. brs.
occipital a.
cranial laryngeal a.
ascending pharyngeal a.
lingual a.
facial a.
caudal auricular a.
superficial temporal a.
maxillary a.
br. off of facial a.
sublingual a.
br. off of maxillary a.
continuation of the external carotid a.
occipital a. br. that supplies the meninges
caudal meningeal a.
T/F: the occipital a. has an anastomotic br. with the vertebral a.
br. off of occipital that gives rise to 2 others
condyloid a.
condyloid a. branches into...
muscular brs.

meningeal a.
br. off of maxillary a.
continuation of the external carotid a.
occipital a. br. that supplies the meninges
caudal meningeal a.
T/F: the occipital a. has an anastomotic br. with the vertebral a.
br. off of occipital that gives rise to 2 others
condyloid a.
condyloid a. branches into...
muscular brs.

meningeal a.
artery that supplies the pharyngeal mm. and larynx
cranial laryngeal a.
artery located b/w hyopharyngeus, thyropharyngeus, and thyrohyoideus mm.
cranial laryngeal a.
landmarks of cranial laryngeal a.
hyopharyngeus, thyropharyngeus, and thyrohyoideus mm.
T/F: no internal carotid outside of the brain in the cat
artery that supplies the soft palate and pharynx
ascending pharyngeal a.
which artery in cats contributes to the cerebral arterial circle by entering the external carotid foramen? (morphologically this is the internal carotid a.)
ascending pharyngeal a.
lingual a. supplies the...
br. of of lingual a. that supplies the palatine tonsils
tonsilar a.
proximally, the lingual a. runs with the....
hypoglossal n.
artery that supplies the mandibular and sublingual salivary glands
facial a.
3 brs. of facial a.
sublingual a.

inferior/superior labial aa.

angularis oris a.
br. off of the facial a. that supplies that floor of the mouth (including mylohyoideus and geniohyoideus mm.)
sublingual a.
T/F: sublingual a. is br. off of facial a.
artery that supplies the ear ( additional brs. supplies the facial n., parotid and mandibular salivary glands, brachiocephalicus, sternocephalicus, and temporalis mm.)
caudal auricular a.
3 muscles supplied by the caudal auricular a. (not the caudal auricular muscles)
brachiocephalicus, sternocephalicus, and temporalis mm.
terminal br. of the external carotid a.
superficial temporal a.
3 brs. of superficial temporal a.
transverse facial
rostral auricular
palpebral brs.
after the superficial temporal a. branches off of the external carotid, the external carotid becomes the....
maxillary a.
the external carotid a. gives rise to the...... and then continues as the......
superficial temporal a.

maxillary a.
branches off of maxillary a.
inferior alveolar a.
caudal deep temporal a.
middle meningeal a.
external ophthalmic a.
rostral deep temporal a.
minor palatine a.
descending palatine a.
infraorbital a.
another term for inferior alveolar a.
mandibular alveolar a.
the inferior alveolar a. enters the...... of the mandible and courses through the mandibular canal
mandibular foramen
artery that supplies the roots of mandibular teeth
inferior alveolar a.
br. off of the inferior alveolar a. that supplies the skin of the chin
mental aa.
branch off of maxillary a. that supplies temporalis m.
caudal deep temporal a.
branch off of maxillary a. that supplies the meninges and part of the skull
middle meningeal a.
the middle meningeal a. passes though which foramen?
oval foramen
anastomosing branch of the middle meningeal a. joins a br. of.....
external ophthalmic a.
in the dog, the maxillary a. passes through which foramina and canal?
caudal alar foramen, rostral alar foramen, and alar canal
maxillary a. br. that supplies the structures within the periorbita including the extrinsic eye muscles and lacrimal gland
external ophthalmic a.
2 brs. of external ophthalmic a.
anastomotic rami

external ethmoidal a.
the anastomotic rami of the external ophthalmic a. join which arteries?
one ramus joins the internal carotid and middle meningeal a.

one ramus joins the internal ophthalmic a.
the external ethmoidal a. (br. off of external ophthalmic a.) supplies...
ethmoidal labyrith and nasal septum
the rostral deep temporal a. supplies....
temporalis m.
artery that supplies the hard and soft palates
minor palatine a. ( br. off of maxillary a.)
2 brs. of descending palatine a.
major palatine a.

sphenopalatine a.
the major palatine a. passes through the.....to the......to supply blood tot he hard palate
caudal palatine foramen

major palatine foramen
the sphenopalatine a. passes through the......to the inferior of the nasal cavity
sphenopalatine foramin
which artery is at risk during extractions of maxillary teeth?
major palatine a.
after the descening palatine a. arises, the maxillary a. continues as the....
infraorbital a.
br. off of infraorbital a. that supplies the caudal cheek teeth
alveolar (dental) brs.
infraorbital a. enters the..... and passes through the....
maxillary foramen

infraorbital canal
within the infraorbital canal, the infraorbital a. gives rise to the....
alveolar brs.
the infraorbital a. emerges from the......to supply the nose and upper lip via.....
infraorbital foramen

dorsal and lateral nasal aa.