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60 Cards in this Set

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From what does the urogenital ridge arise?
Intermediate mesoderm
The nephrogenic ridge gives rise to what?
urinary system
Gene responsible for the production of testis-determining factor, and thus the development of the testes.
SRY gene (sex determining region of Y)
responsible for gonadal cords
differentiating into
seminiferous tubules.
Testis-determining factor
47, XXY
Klinefelter syndrome
Most common abnormality of sexual differentiation
(1 in 850)
Klinefelter syndrome
What is Klinefelter syndrome due to?
Non-dysjunction of the
XX homologues
45 X
Turner Syndrome
lack of the paternal sex chromosome
Turner syndrome
Gametes migrate from the ________ into the genital (gonadal) ridge
Gametes migrate from the yolk sac! ON THE TEST!!
______ enter the genital ridge during the latter part of the 5th week of development
Primordial germ cells
In the male, primordial germ cells migrate into the ______
gonadal cords
In the female, primordial germ cells remain in the ______
underlying mesenchyme
Precursors of Sertoli Cells
Gondal cords from the ST
Gonadal cords contain the _____ that have migrated from the yolk sac
(primordial germ cell)
Gonadal cords become the: 3 things
ST, Straight Tubules and Rete Testis
Mesonephric ductules (tubules) become the:
Efferent ductules
From what do the Leydig cells develop?
What stimulates Sertoli cells to produce anti-mullarian hormone
(Mullarian inhibitory substance/factor)?

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin
Substance that suppresses the development of the paramesonephric ducts =
(Mullarian ducts)

Mullarian inhibitory substance
from _____ _____ =
(Stimulated by ___ =)
Sertoli Cells

How many chromosomes does the primary oocyte have?
How many chromosomes does the oogonia have?
Primordial follicle
When oogonia is surrounded by follicular cels enter the prohphase 1 stage of _______ =
The secondary oocyte remains in _______ until fertilization
metaphase 2 of ______ =
The primary follicles with the primary oocyte remain in _______ until a few days before ovulation
prophase 1 stage
Mesonephric ducts aka
What system =

Paramesonephric ducts aka
What system =

The indifferent sexual duct system consists of the:
Mesonephric ( ) ducts Paramesonephric ( ) ducts
Caudal ends of the ________ fuse and terminate on the urogenital sinus between the ends of the mesonephric ducts as the uterovaginal primordium
paramesonephric ducts
In males, anti-müllerian hormone, produced by the _____ ____ causes the ___________
Sertoli cells,

paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts

to degenerate, leaving only the ______ utricle and the
appendix of the _______.
prostatic utricle

and the

appendix of the testis.
Remnants of the paremesonephric duct in the male
Prostatic utricle and appendix of testis
Testosterone produced by the interstitial cells of Leydid causes the mesonephric ducts to become the ____ (3 things)
ductus deferens
ejaculatory duct.
Prostate and bulbourethral glands develop as an outgrowth of the _____
What allows the paramesonephric ducts to develop into the uterine tubes and uterus?
Absence of anti-mullariain horomone (no Sertoli cells!)
The uterovaginal primordium projects into the dorsal wall of _______ to produce the sinus tubercle (Müllerian tubercle).
urogenital sinus

what projects into the Sinus =

& what do the 2 form =
uterovaginal primordium

sinus tubercle
(Müllerian tubercle).
From what does the upper vagina develop?
Paramesonephric ducts
From what does the lower vagina develop?
Urogenital sinus
______ glands are homologous to the bulbourethral glands in the male
Vestibular glands (from urogenital sinus)
Where do Gartner's duct cysts come from?
Remains of mesonephric ducts (possible cause of pain during intercourse)
The process vaginalis becomes what?
Tunica vaginalis
What does the gubernaculum in the female become?
The ligament of the ovary (ovarian ligament) and the round ligament of the uterus
Important of testis descent from abdominal cavity into scrotum
Genital tubercle at cranial end of cloacal membrane becomes the _____
Labioscrotal folds are more of folds of the ____
body wall
divides the cloacal membrane
into a
dorsal anal membrane
and a
ventral urogenital membrane.
Urorectal septum
Which folds fuse to form the spongy urethra
Urogenital folds
aka =
(urethral folds)
From what do the corpora cavernosa penis and corpus spongiosum penis develop?
mesenchyme of penis
What grows in from the glans
connects with spongy urethra?
Glandular plate
Which folds form the scrotum?
Labioscrotal swelling
Male pseudohermaphrodies (46 XY) may be related to what?
inadequate amount of
Urethra opens on the
VENTRAL surface of the penis
Hypospadies is due to what?
Failure in fusion of the urogenital folds,
failure of glandular plate to join the
spongy urethra
Urethra opens on the DORSAL surface of the penis
Epispadias (assoc with exstrophy of the bladder)
In the female, the labioscrotal swellings form what?
labia majora
Urogenital folds
do not fuse in the female,
but form the what?
labia minora
(space between the folds becomes the vestibule)
Femal pseudohermaphrodies (46 XX);

internal organs female,

why are external genitalia male?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
of the fetal suprarental gland producing
excessive androgenic hormones
(androgens from
zona reticularis
of the cortex of adrenal)
Path of Androgen insensitivity syndrome (46, XY)
but looks female phenotypically
Due to lack of androgen receptors
(ineffective testosterone receptors)
Seminiferous Tubuls

filled with sertoli cells,
no production of gametes
Androgen insensitivity syndrome; Leydig cells produce a lot of testosterone but that xs testosterone is converted into estradiol
sinus tubercle aka
(Müllerian tubercle)
Müllerian tubercle aka
sinus tubercle
(urethral folds) aka
Urogenital folds

They fuse to form =
spongy urethra