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16 Cards in this Set

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pre natal stages of hemopoiesis
mesoblastic (blood islands in the yolk sac), hepatic, splenic, myeloid
postnatal hemopoiesis location
exclusively in bone marrow, skull ribs sternum vertebrae pelvis proximial end of femurs
what is the common ancestor of myeloid and lymphocyte stem cells
PHSC pluripotential stem cell
hemopoiesis of erythrocytes
steps after CFU-E
proerythorblast- basophilic erythroblast- polychromatophilic erythroblast- normoblast or orthochromatophilic erythroblast (eccentric nucleus)--- reticulocyte (no nucleus)----mature erythrocyte
what is the first step where no nucleus can be see in erythrocyte development
granulocytopoiesis steps
CFU- (EO, Ba, G- for neutrophil)---myeloblast--- promyelocyte---myelocyte---metamyelocyte---band (stab)--- eosinophil basophil or neutrophil
special feature of the myelocyte
specific granules discernible
special features of the metamyelocyte
indented nucleus
hemopoiesis of monocytes
CFU GEMM---CFU-GM--CFU-M---monoblast---- promonocyte--- monocyte----
megakaryocyte hemopoiesis
CFU-MEG--- megakaryoblast--- promegakaryocyte--- mature megakaryocyte
maturation of the megakaryocyte
exponential division of the committed cell, nuclear replication without cell division:endoreduplication (endomitosis), cytoplasmic maturation, platelet release
platelet formation steps
cytoplasmic invaginations surrounded by demarcation membranes, chains of platelets released into sinuses
lymphocyte hemopoiesis
PHSC---CFU-Ly---- (splits to CFU LyB or Lyt)---- lymphoblast---prolymphocyte---lymphocyte
where does CFU LyT go to become immunocompetent
CFU-LyB goes where to become immunocompetent
bone marrow