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160 Cards in this Set

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which reactions occur in mitochondria?
beta oxidation, TCA, ox phos, heme synthesis, urea cycle, gluconeogenesis
which reactions occur in cytoplasm
glycolysis, FA synthesis, PPP shunt, protein synthesis, steroid synthesis
rate determining enzyme for glycolysis?
rate determining enzyme for gluconeogenesis?
F1,6 bisphosphatase
rate determining enzyme for TCA cycle
isocitrate dehydrogenase
rate determining enzyme for glycogen synthesis?
glycogen synthase
rate determining enzyme for glycogenolysis
glycogen phosporylase
rate determining enzyme for PPP shunt
glucose6phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
rate determining enzyme for de novo pyrimidine synthesis; regulation
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II (CPS2); activated by PRPP, inhibited by UTP
rate determining enzyme for de novo purine synthesis
glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase
rate determining enzyme for urea cycle; regulation
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS1); activated by NAG (N-acetyl-glutamate), which is activated by arginine.
rate determining enzyme for FA synthesis
acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)
rate determining enzyme for FA oxidation
carnithine acyltransferase I
rate determining enzyme for ketogenesis
HMG-CoA synthase
rate determining enzyme for cholesterol synthesis
HMG-CoA reductase
covalent regulation of glycogen synthesis
insulin activates phosphodiesterase activates glycogen synthase
covalent regulation of glycogen break down
glucagon/ epinephrine, via PKA, phosphorylates pohsphorylase kinase, which phosphorylates to activate glycogen phosphorylase
allosteric regulation to encourage glycogen synthesis
G6P activates glycogen synthase ; in liver, glucose inhibits glycogen phosphorylase; ATP inhibits glycogen phosphorylase.
allosteric regulation of glycogen break down
in muscle, AMP activates glycogen phosphorylase; calcium binds to calmodulin and activates phosphorylase kinase w/o PKA phosphorylation; in liver, calcium activates PKC, which phosphorylates to inactivates glycogen synthase
another name for vitamin C. Why is it needed for collagen synthesis?
ascorbic acid; hydroxylates proline & lysine; needed for hydrogen bond;
what is produced from PPP? Regulation of PPP.
NADPH produced; thus NADP+ needed. NADPH inhibits; insulin upregulates G6PD; irreversible.
Important role of NADPH from PPP for RBCs
used by glutathione reductase; anti-oxidant & DNA synthesis
Explain G6P dehydrogenase deficiency
No PPP; PPP only source of NADPH in RBC -> hemolytic anemia
what does oxidative portion of PPP produces? What can it become?
ribulose 5-phosphate; when NADPH high, convert to ribose 5-phospohate for nucleotide ; when NADPH low, fructose 6P or G3P for glycolysis.
when PPP product converts to glycolysis product, what's produced; what enzyme and cofactor?
ribulose 5-phosphate to F6P and G3P. Transketolase and transaldolase; TPP needed. (thiamine derivative)
citrate's role in allosteric regulation
inhibits citrate synthase; inhibits PFK1, activates acetyl-CoA carboxylase; citrate synthase inhibited by ATP
regulation of isocitrate dehydrogenase
its work = irreversible; activated by ADP & ca2+; inhibited by NADH, ATP; requires NAD+
regulation of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
requires TPP, lipoid acid, FAD, NAD+, CoA; inhibited by NADH, ATP, succinyl CoA; activated by Ca2+
regulation of PDH. Distinguish allosteric & covalent regulation. What other cofactors required?
covalent: via PDH kinase, inhibted by ATP, acetyl CoA, NADH, activated by pyruvate; covalent: via PDH phosphatase, activated by Ca2+, Mg2+, ADP, NAD+; allosteric: acetyl coA & NADH inhibitors; req TPP, lipoic acid, coA, FAD, NAD+
what are irreversible enzymes for glycolysis?
gluconeogenesis, how to go from pyruvate to PEP? Regulation?
pyruvate carboxylase for pyruvate -> OAA; biotin, ATP, CO2 needed, activated by acetyl CoA; malate dehydrogenase for OAA -> malate, NADH needed; shuttle, back to OAA, NADH produced; PEPCK for OAA -> PEP, GTP required
gluconeogenesis, how to go from F1,6BP to F6P? Regulation?
F1,6 Biphosphatase; inhibited by AMP and F-2, 6-BP; activated by ATP; glucagon -> PKA -> phosphorylate PFK2/FBP2 (bifunctional); no glucagon -> not phosphorylated PKF2/FBP2;
gluconeogenesis, how to go from G6P to glucose? Regulation?
*** G6Phosphatase; compartmentalizaiton in ER.
defect in G-6-Phosphatase. Impact.
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis inhibited. -> severe hypoglycemia.
glucagon's stimulation of gluconeogenesis
allosteric: increase F-2,6phosphatase -> less F2,6BP; covalent: phosphorylate to inactivate PK; enzyme: increases txn of PEPCK gene
AMP's role in gluconeogenesis
drives glycolysis: inhibits fructose 1,6-biphosphatase, activates PFK-1
futile cycle control for gluconeogenesis, how is PK portion controlled?
futile cycle control for gluconeogenesis, how is PFK-1 portion controlled?
** F-2,6-BP prevents futile cycle;
futile cycle control for gluconeogenesis, how is G6Pase portion controlled?
How is PFK-1 regulated?
activated by AMP, F-2,6-BP; inhibited by citrate, ATP, low pH; Mg2+ req.
How is PK regulated?
PK inhibited by alanine, glucagon, ATP; activated by F-1,6-BP; activated by insulin; Mg 2+ req.
How is G6Pase regulated?
** G6Pase is compartmentalized in ER
two NADH shuttle for glycolysis to ETC, what organs, how many ATPs?
basically reduce first in cytoplasm, then oxidize in mitochondria; Called "G3P shuttle"; DHAP <-> G3P; NADH -> FADH2; 1.5 ATP/FADH2; brain, muscle;; called "malate-aspartate shuttle" malate <-> OAA; NADH; 2.5 ATP/ NADH2; heart, liver
how is HK and GK regulated?
HK inhibited by G6P. GK inhibited by F6P, stimulated by glucose; Mg2+ required.
How is PFK-2 regulated?
PFK-2/FBP-2 is bifunctional enzyme; insulin -> activate PFK-2 via dephosphorylation; glucagon/epinephrine activates F-2,6-biphosphotase
what happens when PK deficient?
hemolytic anemia
What does CPS2 stand for, what pathway, and regulation?
**carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II; de novo pyrimidine synthesis; activated by ATP, PRPP; inhibited by
In de novo purine synthesis, how is balance of nucleotide bases shown?
AMP synthesis requires GTP; GMP synthesis requires ATP; AMP, GMP inhibit their own synthesis from IMP; first step inhibited by GMP, IMP, AMP collectively, so if one of them in access, no go
what are the enzymes of purine salvage? Their regulation?
HGPRT and APRT; HGPRT inhibited by IMP, GMP; APRT inhibited by AMP;
With ALT, what are substrate and product?
alanine, pyruvate
With AST, what are substrate and product?
OAA, aspartate
from purine nucleotide cycle, ammonia and TCA intermediate can be generated. What stage and how?
prolonged fasting; ribose-5P + aspartate -> fumarate + ammonia
How are vitamin B1 and B12 used together in function?
N5-methyl THF -> THF only done with B12. Then homocysteine -> methionine.
fed state, what activates glycogen synthesis
G6P activates glycogen synthase
fed state, what activates PPP
elavated G6P increases PPP activity; FA synthesis -> req. NADPH
fed state, what activates glycolysis
insulin -> glycolysis; GK (liver) has high Km, receives lots of glucose, let them in (GLUT2);
fed state, what activates TCA
pyruvate activates PDH -> lots of acetyl CoA; AA -> lots of TCA intermediates
fed state, what activates FA syn
high acetyl CoA, NADPH -> activated ACC -> FA synthesis
fed state, why no gluconeogenesis
*low acetyl CoA inactivates pyruvate carboxylase
what happens in fed state in liver
protein synthesis, lipid synthesis, AA degredation for E production, increased glycolysis & TCA, increased PPP, increased glycogen synthesis
what happens in fed state in muscle?
glucose absorbed -> glycogen & TCA; AA absorbed -> protein
what happens in fed state in adipocyte?
glucose -> TCA, acetyl coA -> TAG; chylomicrons (from gut) -> TAG; VLDL (liver) -> TAG
what metabolic hormone receptors for muscle?
insulin and epinephrine; no glucagon; muscle doesn't synthesize glucose
during fasting, proteins -> AA. Which two prominent, and where does conversion happen? Purpose of the products?
alanine -> glucose in liver; glutamine -> ammonia & glucose in kidney; ammonia combines w/ ketonic hydrogen to make ammonium (buffer for acidity)
time line of glucose homeostasis during fasting
first ~4 hrs: exogenous glucose, all tissues use glucose; 4~16 hrs: from glycogen, then hepatic gluconeogenesis; glucose used by all, but muscle & adipocytes use less; 16~day 2: more hepatic gluconeogenesis than glycogen, liver doesn't use glucose; adipocytes & muscle use even less glucose; d 2~24: hepatic and renal gluconeogensis, glucose & ketone bodies used by brain, rbcs, renal medulla, small amt by muscle; d24 and on: hepatic & renal gluconeogen, brain, rbcs, renal medulla, more ketone bodies than glucose
from glutamine, how is it introduced to TCA, and in what organ?
in kidney; glutamine -> deaminated to glutamate -> further deaminated & dehydrogenizd (NADH) to alpha-ketoglutarate
PKA activity; where does it happen w/ what hormones? Which pathways does it affect?
glucagon & epinephrine actvates PKA in the liver (no glucagon affect in muscle); PKA increases activity of glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis; decreases activity of glycolysis & lipogenesis
fasting state, what happens in liver
glycogenolysis; gluconeogenesis; beta oxidation from FFA from adipocyte; AA -> pyruvate (gluconeogensis & acetyl coA) & TCA; acetyl coA -> ketone
fasting state, what happens in adipocyte
TAG -> FFA + glycerol; FFA -> TCA in the cell, and ship to liver; glycerol ship to liver
fasting state, what happens in muscle
FFA from adipocyte -> TCA; ketone bodies from liver -> TCA; protein -> ship AA to liver
what hormones during fasting?
cortisol, epinephrine, glucagon, little bit of insulin
How many energy products per TCA cycle? (from one acetyl coA)
3x NADH, 1xFADH2, 1xGTP
what enzyme is embedded in TCA cycle? What does it do?
succinate dehydrogenase; complex 2 in ETC; oxidizes FADH2
which enzymes produce what energy products in TCA cylce? Name the substrate & product of the enzyme
isocitrate dehydrogenase creates NADH (isocitrate -> oxalosuccinate); alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase creates NADH (alpha-ketoglutarate -> succinyl coA); succinyl CoA synthase creates GTP (succinyl CoA -> succinate); succinate dehydrogenase creates FADH2 (succinate -> fumarate); malate dehydrogenase creates NADH (L-malate -> oxaloacetate)
talk about anaplerosis, open & closed cycle; in which tissues?
creation of TCA cycle itnermediates; high in liver & muscle where cycle is open; low in most (closed)
examples of anaplerosis; enzyme, what organ, regulation
pyruvate carboxylase for pyruvate -> OAA; most tissues; biotin, ATP, CO2 needed, activated by acetyl CoA;; glutamate dehydrogenase: glutamate -> alpha-ketoglutarate in liver; ribose-5P + aspartate -> fumarate + ammonia, part of pure purine synthesis;; aspartate -> OAA via AST;
which two AA's are ketogenic?
leucine & lysine
what happens when PDH deficient? Treatment?
excess pyruvate (to restore NAD+) -> lactic acid; congenital lactic acidosis; neurological defects; tx: high fat foods of ketogenic nutrients to enter TCA w/o using PDH, oral citrate supplement;
what other cuase of PDH deficiency besides congenital?
TPP deficiency in alcoholics
There are two types of GLUT we covered. Which GLUT are there and in which organs?
GLUT4 - major transporter in skeletal m.; GLUT2 - liver, pancreas
what's special about RBC?
converts 1,3BPG to 2,3BPG; fast turnover; very dependent on glycolysis & PPP
compare & contrast GK & HK
HK has lower Km and Vmax. Non-cooperative. Inhibited by G6P; GK has higher Km & Vmax (to prevent hyperglycemia). Activated by glucose, inhibited by F6P. Insulin stimulates gene expression of GK
what can pyruvate become?
lactate, acetyl coA, OAA, alanine
gluconeogenesis: sources of carbon in liver
alanine, glutamine most common; glycerol, lactate
what pathways does fructose go into?
non-insulin dependent entry; enter glycolysis as DHAP or G3P. Also can go to TAG synthesis as glycerol
what pathology of fructose can occur?
essential fructosuria: fructokinase problem; hereditary fructose intolerance: aldolase problem (accumulate as F1P); both: fructose in blood/ urine; low ATP -> inhibition of gluconeogensis/ glycogenolysis -> hypoglycemia; tx: remove fructose, sucrose, sorbitol from diet
what pathways does galactose go into?
non-insulin dependent entry; from UDP-galactose, can become lactose, UDP-glucose.
what pathology of galactose?
classic galactosemia: absence of galactose-1-P uridyltransferase -> can't become UDP-galactose; galactokinase deficiency: can't become galactose-1-P; both: too much galactose -> become galactitol: galactose appear in blood/ urine; galacitol in eye (cataract), failure to thrive; tx: no galactose & lactose in diet
general construction of lipoprotein
core TAG, cholesterol esters; shell of apoproteins, phospholipids, cholesterol
essential fatty acids. Pathology for deficiency.
linoleic & alpha-linolenic acid; scaly dermatitis.
destination of TAG's constituents during fasting: organs, pathways
beta-oxidation & TCA from nearly all tissues; ketone bodies in liver
what organ, part of the cell does fatty acid synthesis occur? What are required to run this?
in liver, mammary glands, adipocytes; cytosol; acetyl coA, ATP, NADPH req
transport of acetyl coA to cytosol for fatty acid synthesis. Name enzyme used. What happens to the other product? Its significance?
acetyl coA + OAA -> citrate +coA ----> citrate + ATP + coA -> acetyl coA + OAA; via ATP citrate lyase; OAA (from cytosol) converts to malate then to pyruvate, pyruvate enters mitochondria; malate -> pyruvate creates NADPH.
rate limitting enzyme for fatty acid synthesis; substrate/ product; regulation; what diabetes drug interferes with this pathway?
acetyl coA carboxylase (ACC): acetyl coA -> malonyl coA; rate limiting; activated by citrate; inactivated by palmitoyl coA (end product) & AMP kinase (phosphorylates ACC); glucagon & epinephrine activates PKA which activates AMPK; opposite for insulin; metformin also activates AMPK.; AMP also inactivates ACC allosterically. (low E -> should go TCA -> ETC); biotin & ATP required.
What is the key enzyme for fatty acid synthesis; one after ACC. Regulation. End product.
fatty acid synthase (FAS). Requires NADPH, which comes from PPP & malate-> pyruvate conversion. End product: palmitate..
what are substrates and products of ketone body synthesis? How is it carried in blood? Anything to note about urine test?
substrates: acetyl coA, ketogenic AA's, fatty acyl coA (beta oxidation); products: acetone (deadend) + 3-hydroxybutyrate; soluble in blood; urine test doesn't detect beta-hydroxybutyrate.
which organs use ketone body? Why not liver?
heart, muscle, brain; liver missing enzyme (3-ketoacyl coA transferase)
ketone synthesis' rate limiting enzyme. Its substrate/ product.
HMG coA synthase; substrate: acetoaccetyl coA, product: HMG coA.
how is FFA transported into mitochondria for beta ox? Which proteins are important? Regulation
long FFA: carnithine transport; short, mediam: no carrier; carnitine palmitoyl-transferase I (CPT1) in outer mitochondrial membrane; carnitine palmitoyl transferase II (CPT2) in inner mitochondrial membrane; basic idea: CPT1 removes coA from fatty acyl, adds carnitine; CPT2 removes carnithine and adds coA to fatty acyl; CPT aka CAT (carnitine acyltransferase); malonyl coA inhibits CPT1 (thus rate limiting)
explain beta ox once inside mitochondria
fatty acyl coA -> fatty acyl coA (2 carbons shorter) + acetyl coA; NADH and FADH2 produced. ; last fatty acid (3C long) (propionyl coA) metabolized to succinyl coA (biotin, vitamin b12 req)
what enzyme for TAG breakdown? Regulation?
lipase; covalent regulation: activation via adrenaline/ glucagon, inactivation by insulin
one pathology for beta ox
medium-chain fatty acyl coA dehydrogenase deficiency; can't oxidize these FFAs. Dx: increased in urine; hypoglycemia (these tissues take in more glucose); tx: avoid fasting, carnitine suplpementation
role of branching in glycogen; what linkage is considered branching?
alpha 1->6; branching makes glycogen more soluble; accelerates rate of glycogen synthesis.
what is limiting enzyme for glycogen synthesis; what linkage created? What is substrate
glycogen synthase; creates alpha(1->4) linkage; substrate: UDP-glucose
how are alpha(1-6) and alpha(1-4) bonds lyased in glycogen? Which is rate limiting?
glycogen phosphorylase (rate limiting) breaks alpha(1->4) linkage; 4:4 transferase removes outer three of four residues for alpha(1-6) branch; 1:6 glucosidase removes the last one on alpha(1-6) branch.
name one glycogen storage disorder and mechanism. Treatment.
mcardle's disease: glycogen phosphorylase deficient, too much glycogen, diminished exercise tolerance. Tx: sucrose supplementation, aerobic exercise (non-glucose TCA cycle) w/ creatine & vitamin B6.
branched AA's
leucine, isoleucine, valine.
10 essential AA's; characteristic?
PVT TIM HALL; phenylalanine, valine, tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, methionine, histidine, arginine, leucine, lysine; no acidic; all branched, basic AAs included.
what is coenzyme for aminotransferase?
pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin b6 derivative)
what two AA's not transaminated?
lysine, threonine
how is redox and transamination related?
deamination is oxidative, while amination is reductive; NADPH/NADP+ or NADH/NAD+ used
explain transport of ammonia. From where to where? What happens once arrives in the destination?
glutamine: non-toxic transport, from anywhere to liver, produces glutamate; forms alanine from muscle, shipped to liver, transaminated back to pyruvate. Ammonia then turns to urea.
what's special about branched chain AA? Connection to pathology and vitamin?
different enzymes. Oxidative decarboxylation via branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BKAD); require TPP. Subsequent step also requires biotin and vitamin b12. Defect in BKAD -> maple syrup urine disease; accumulation of branched alpha-ketoacid in urine -> sweet odor -> CNS defects
two one-carbon carriers; their sigficance
THF & SAM; THF derived from folic acid. Folic acid -> THF requires NADPH; conversion from N5-CH3-THF to THF requires b12; THF then aids in methionine production. THF also produced from bacteria; different DHFR enzyme, so inhibitor of bacteria -> antibiotics, inhibitor of human -> chemotherapy; SAM synthesized from ATP & methionine.
list some products from AA metabolism
catecholamines (from tyrosine, which is from phenylalanine); NO from arginine; histamine from histidine
Name most common error in AA metabolism & its mechanism
phenylketonuria (PKU); defect in conversion phenylalanine -> tyrosine; build up of phenylalanine, deficiency of tyrosine; urine: musty odor, elevated phenylalanine level, melanin deficiency (tyrosine) -> hypopigmentation.; tx: restrict phenylalanine, replace tyrosine.
what's an important pathology concerning pyrimidine synthesis? Its significance?
orotic aciduria; inability to convert orotic acid to UMP; megaloblastic anemia (like b12/ thymidine deficiency), but doesn't improve w/ vitamin supplementation; no hyperammonemia like OTC deficiency; tx: uridine supplement
connection between PPP & purine biosynthesis
PPP's product ribulose-5-P -> ribose-5-P (substrate of purine biosyn)
explain mycophenolic acid's role (purine synthesis)
reversible inhibitor of IMP dehydrogenase. Deprives T & B cells of key components of nucleic acid; immune suppressants; to prevent graft rejection
explain methotrexate's role (purine synthesis)
inhibit reduction of DHF -> THF. Slow down DNA replication; chemotherapy
explain allopurinol's purpose and mechanism
treatment option for gout; inhibits xanthine oxidase; xanthine more soluble than uric acid
explain adenosine deaminase deficiency
excess ATP/ dATP inhibits ribonucleotide reductase -> prevent DNA synthesis; inability to complete DNA synthesis in B & T cells -> Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease
explain Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
deficiency of HGPRT; can't salvage hypoxanthine/ guanine; elevated PRPP, decreased IMP, GMP -> elevated purine biosynthesis -> gout; tx: allopurinol
How is uric acid secretion modulated in kidney? Examples of the one that promotes reabsorption?
uricosuric: inhibit URAT1 -> secretion; antiuricosuric -> keep uric acid; ex: lactate, nicotinate, pyrazinoate
general cause of hyperuricemia & treatment
too much synthesis of uric acid or too few excretion of it; allopurinol to reduce synthesis; uricosurics to underexcretors; anti-inflammatory drugs for gout.
what are probenecid or sulfinpyrazone. Which mediator does it work w/?
uricosurics; URAT1.
explain cori cycle
lactate released by skeletal muscle & RBCs -> turned to glucose by liver -> glucose goes to muscle & RBCs; net loss of 4 ATPs/ cycle
EtOH's impact on biochem
Too much NADH -> decreased gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle inhibited, increase in ketone bodies
sources of two ammonia from urea cycle, starting nw/ glutamine
one from oxidative deamination of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase & another from transamination of OAA by AST
what is OTC deficiency? Tx?
one of urea cycle disorders. One of the enzymes missing. High ortic acid in blood/ urine. Hyperammonemia; restriction of protein intake;
dietary treatment to newborns of urea cycle disorder
IV dextrose
phenylbutyrate & benzoate's role
in urea cycle disorder: alternative route for nitrogen disposal;
describe hemoglobin; describe type A & F; describe difference.
4 polypeptide subunits; each binds heme moiety; cooperative binding; 2 forms: Tense (deoxy)/Relaxed(oxy); HbF: fetal, alpha & gamma, higher O2 affinity; HbA: alpha, beta; HbF has weaker binding of 2,3-BPG (which reduces O2 affinity)
explain bohr effect
decrease in pH, increase in temp -> reduces O2 affinity
role of 2,3-BPG
reduces O2 affinity; allows body to adjust to environment (anemia, altitude, hypoxia, doping)
saturation curves of myoglobin & hemoglobin -> advantage of sigmoid curve
not too adherent, not too loosely adherent for O2 = just right; too adherent -> can't give O2 to tissue; too weak -> gives O2 to any tissue, not the ones that are deoxygenated; this precision is required to accommodate the difference in partial pressure of oxygen from lung & peripheral tissues are different;
mechanism of CO poisoning
binds to iron, increases affinity for oxygen; unable to release O2; no O2 -> inhibition of complex 4 for ETC
what forces run the ETC; products of ETC.
pH gradient (hydrogen in intermembrane space) & electrical potential (negative in matrix); ATP, CO2, H2O
what are two mobile e- carriers in ETC?
CoQ & cytochrome c
steps and constituents of ETC.
1 (NADH dehydrogenase), 2(succinate dehydrogenase - FADH2) -> CoQ -> 3 -> cyt c -> 4; ATP synthase/ ATPase (F0, F1)
Describe ATP synthase of ETC
F0 (transmembrane); F1: cytosolic; F1 rotates, changing from open, loose, tight (catalytic) conformation; F0 pump H+ down the gradient to fuel ATP synthesis.
what is 2,4-dinitrophenol
synthetic uncoupler. Creates proton leak w/o ATP formation; releases heat
mechanism of brown fat; regulation
beta oxidation -> TCA -> ETC; uncoupling via UCP-1 -> heat.; regulated by norepinephrine & thyroid hormone.
describe function of rotenone.
binds complex I of ETC -> no reduction of CoQ from complex 1. reduced efficiency. Complex 2 still functions.
explain apoenzyme, holoenzyme, cofactor, coenzyme,
holoenzyme: enzyme w/ non-protein part as activator; apoenzyme: holoenzyme w/o its activator; cofactor: metal ion serving as activator; coenzyme: small organic factor like vitamin as activator
explain cosubstrate, prosthetic group, synthetase, synthase
cosubstrate: coenzyme transiently associated; prosthetic group: coenzyme permanently associated; synthetase: requires ATP; synthase: doesn't require ATP
describe carboxylase
adds 1 carbon w/ help of biotin
factors affecting enzyme rxn velocity
temp: increase T -> increased rxn, until it is too high -> denature; pH: can change ionization of AA residues, extreme change -> denature
explain steady state assumption
[ES] doesn't change; same rate of formation as breakdown.
explain the affect of competitive, un-competitive, noncompetitive inhibitors
competitive: increases Km; un-competitive: decreased V max and Km; non-competitive: decreased V max
what is collagen made of, what structure, constituents
glycoproteins; triple alpha-helix; 1/3: glycine, 1/3: proline, 1/3: hydroxylated proline & lysine
regulation of collagen synthesis; possible pathology w/o the cofactor
vitamin c to hydroxylate proline/ lysine -> no H bond; deficient -> scurvy's;
describe osteogenesis imperfecta: etiology, sx, dx
point mutation in COL1A1 or COL1A2 genes (type 1 collagen); affect glycine residue; heterozygous -> mixture of abnormal collagen; sx: blue-greyish sclera (blue choroid shown), weakened teeth due to lack of dentin, hearing impairment, brittle bone; dx: skin bx to check fibroblasts, genomic DNA from WBCs to see mutation
describe pamidronate for collagen synthesis
tx for osteogenesis imperfecta; anti-resorptive agent for calcium; inhibit osteoclast activity
describe difference between point mutation & nonsense mutation for osteogenesis imperfecta
point mutation -> mixture of bad collagen; stop codon: reduced normal, only normal is translated.
describe folic acid deficiency
neural tube defects; THF -> methionine -> purine & pyrimidine synthesis; path -> megaloblastic anemia w/o neurological sx;
Vitamin b12 deficiency (cobalamin)
odd chain FFA oxidation & THF formation for methionine synthase; path: abnormal FA accumulation -> neurological sx; megablastic anemia
thiamine (b1) deficiency
as TPP, coenzyme in formation/ degradation of alpha-ketols, PPP, PDC, BCAA, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex; path: beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome; reduced ATP production and accumulation of ketoacids
vitamin c deficiency
collagen synthesis, iron absorption, norepinephrine synthesis; pathology: scurvy
vitamin d defiency
regulate calcium; rickets (bending bone)