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228 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic pathway for sensory stimuli to be perceived?
stimulus -> sensory receptors -> spinal cord -> medulla/brainstem -> thalamus -> cortex
What is the direction of sensory pathways?
go up (periphery to cortex)
What is the direction of motor pathways?
go down (cortex to muscles)
Receptive field
the area in the periphery where application of an adequate stimulus causes response
three general categories of sensory receptors
exteroreceptive, proprioceptive, interoceptive
exteroreceptive receptors
code information from the external world, mainly via skin. mechanoreceptors (touch), thermoreceptors (warming and cooling), nociceptors (sharp and burning pain).
propioceptive receptors
code information about muscle length, muscle tension, joint angles. Muscle afferent receptors = golgi tendon organs (tension) and muscle spindles (length).
interoceptive receptors
code information about changes inside the body; visceral afferent receptors; localize sensation and pain poorly.
stimulus transduction
at peripheral terminal stimulus activates receptors and ion channels -> generates receptor potential (depolarization) -> if receptor potential is strong enough, generates action potential -> signal conveyed to spinal cord
rate code
frequency of action potential firing
spatial summation code
number of neuron firing
what two things does the conduction velocity depend on?
axon diameter
thickness of myelin
A-alpha and A-beta fibers
large myelinated fibers that conduct APs very fast
A-delta fibers
thin myelinated that conduct APs moderately fast
C fibers
unmyelinated fibers that conduct APs slowly
slowly adapting response
respond best to a sustained, unchanging stimulus; sense pressure and shape of objects.
rapidly adapting response
respond only when stimulus changes (on and offset); sense impact and motion of objects on skin
spatial resolution for stimulus depends on ______ and ______.
receptive field size
innervation density
T/F superficial receptors have a large receptive field size.
False; superficial receptors have a small receptive field size; deep receptors have a large receptive field size.
innervation density
density is high in very sensitive areas; low in insensitive areas. 2-point discrimination best for fingers, mouth; worst for back and calves
mediate tactile/touch sensation; very sensitive to force; don't respond to painful stimuli; silent w/o stimulation (don't fire APs spontaneously); myelinated axons; fast conduction velocities; signal reaches spinal cord quickly.
what are the two types of superficial mechanoreceptors and where are they located?
Merkel discs and Meissner's corpuscles; found in border b/t epidermis and dermis
what are the two types of deep mechanoreceptors and where are they located?
Ruffini endings and Pacinian corpuscles; found in dermis
Merkel disks
Fine touch, 2-point discrimination; sharpest resolution of surface texture; bumpy vs. smooth. Receptive field: multiple small spots. Several disks innervated by single axon. SLOWLY adapting response (encodes force).
Meissner's corpuscles
Fine touch, 2-point discrimination; sense abrupt changes in edges, bumps, corners; help adjust grip and release when lifting objects; receptive field - single spot; RAPIDLY adapting response encodes on/offset of skin indentation; corpuscle encloses a stack of flattened epithelial cells with sensory terminal entwined b/t layers; axon myelinated.
Ruffini Endings
sense stretch of skin; help determine shape of grasped objects; receptive field - large and diffuse; ending encapsulated; myelinated axon surrounds collagen fibrils; SLOWLY adapting response responds to stretching of skin
Pacinian Corpuscles
respond to high frequency vibration; MOST SENSITIVE, even distribution through skin; receptive field - large and diffuse; fluid filled capsule wrapped around bare nerve endings; filters out sustained stimuli; RAPIDLY adapting response
Hair Follicle
receptive field: around base of hair follicle
bare axon wraps around base of hair follicle; axon myelinated
rapidly adapting response
encode skin temperature and discharge continuously at normal skin temperature
cooling receptors
increase firing rate when skin is cooled. stop firing when skin is warmed. free nerve endings with myelinated axons. small receptive fields; infrequent distribution.
warming receptors
increase firing rate when skin is warmed above 32 degrees. stop firing when cooled. free nerve endings with UNmyelinated axons. very small receptive fields.
cooling and warming receptors respond best to _______ in skin temperatures
pain receptors; respond to stimuli that damage or threaten to damage tissue (70% of receptors in the dorsal root ganglion); all innervation to tooth pulp and cornea
what are the two types of nociceptors?
A-mechanonociceptors (axon myelinated)
Polymodal nociceptors (axon unmyelinated)
respond to intense mechanical force, sometimes intense heat; free nerve endings; small receptive fields; slowly adapting response; mediate fast, initial pain, sharp "prickling" quality; easy to localize
polymodal nociceptors
respond to intense mechanical force, high heat, noxious chemicals; free nerve endings, no sheath; small receptive fields; slowly adapting response; mediate slow, aching, "burning" quality of pain; difficult to localize
dorsal columns
(1) fasciculus gracilis
(2) fasciculus cuneatus
convey tactile, vibration, joint position information to brain
anterolateral tracts
convey pain, temperature info to brain
dorsal horn
receives sensory input
ventral horn
contains motor neurons that send efferent info to muscles
Laminae I/II
receive nociceptive primary afferent input from dorsal roots (Marginal zone & substantia gelatinosa)
Laminae III/IV
receive tactile/vibration afferent input from dorsal roots
what does damage to the dorsal column system pathway cause?
loss in fine touch and vibration sensation carried by the dorsal column on the same side immediately below the spinal level of the lesion
dorsal column system
relays somatosensory input from body (neck-toes) to cortex; relays input about 2-point discrimination, fine touch, vibration and limb position
what is the primary afferent input to the dorsal column system?
all mechanoreceptors afferents that mediate fine touch (Merkel, Meissner, Pacinian, Ruffini, hair follicle afferents)
how many segments are in the human spinal cord?
31 (8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal)
what arteries supply the lateral aspects of the midbrain (including the corticospinal tract)?
PCA (posterior cerebral artery) and the superior cerebellar artery
what arteries supply the medial aspect of the midbrain?
basilar artery and posterior communicating artery
what artery supplies the lateral aspect of the caudal medulla?
posterior spinal a.
what arteries supply the medial aspects of the caudal medulla (including the corticospinal tract)?
anterior spinal a. and penetrating branches of the vertebral a.
what arteries supply the lateral aspects of the rostral medulla?
vertebral a. and posterior inferior cerebellar a. (PICA)
what arteries supply the medial aspect of rostral medulla?
anterior spinal a. and penetrating branches of the vertebral a.
what arteries supply the pontine tegmentum and dorsolateral quadrant of the pons?
anterior inferior cerebellar a. (AICA), long circumferential branches of the basilar a. and the superior cerebellar a.
what artery supplies the lateral aspect of the rostral pons?
superior cerebellar a.
occlusion of PCA
Weber's syndrome
occlusion of superior cerebellar a.
lateral pontine syndromes
cervical enlargement
extends from C5 to T1; supplies the upper extremities
lumbar enlargement
extends from L2 to S3; supplies the lower extremities
condus medullaris
the conical termination of the sacral spinal cord, located between the L1 and L2 vertebrae
filum terminale
a condensation of pia mater from the conus medullaris to the coccygeal ligament
cauda equina
large number of lumbosacral roots surrounding the filum terminale
dermatome for upper arm (lateral surface)?
dermatome for thumb and lateral forearm?
dermatome for middle finger?
dermatome for little finger?
dermatome for nipple?
dermatome for umbilicus?
dermatome for big toe?
dermatome for heel?
dermatome for back of thigh?
gray matter is divided into ____ and white matter is divided into ____
anterolateral sulcus
marks the exit of the ventral roots
posterolateral sulcus
marks the entry of the dorsal roots
dorsal horn
sensory (receives sensory input; mediates synapses; neurons give rise to ascending efferent pathways)
ventral horn
motor (houses alpha motoneurons, gamma motoneurons, and interneurons; neurons innervate extrafusal and intrafusal muscle fibers)
lateral horn
intermediolateral cell column from T1 to L2-3; thoracolumbar sympathetic outflow
the intermediolateral cell column from T1 to L2-3 gives rise to what type of fibers and where do they synapse?
preganglionic sympathetic that synapse in the paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia
what types of neuron fibers are found from S2-4 and where do they synapse?
preganglionic parasympathetic that synapse in terminal ganglia within walls of the pelvic viscera
dorsal root lesions
hypesthesia or anesthesia
ventral root lesions
may lead to complete flaccid paralysis and atrophy of the muscles; involvement of autonomic preganglionic fibers may result in autonomic dysfunction
spinal cord transection
destruction of ascending and/or descending tracts produces sensory, motor, or mixed deficits
Rexed's Lamination
subdivides the gray matter into 9 (I-IX) laminae plus area X surrounding the central canal
I-V=sensory (I & II=pain & temperature)
V=dorsal nucleus of Clark
IX=groups of motor neurons
spinal cord hemisection (Brown-Sequard Syndrome)
(1) loss of fine touch, vibration and proprioception ipsilateral to & below lesion
(2) loss of pain & temperature contralateral to & below lesion
(3) spastic paralysis ipsilateral to & below lesion
damage to crossing fibers around the central canal
spinal shock
flaccid paralysis and anesthesia initially (acute), over time there is spastic paralysis and pain sensation (chronic)
a zone of localized dysfunction with the CNS or PNS
T/F somatosensory information above the lesion in that pathway is intact
what deficits occur with a lesion on one entire side of cord?
(1) ipsilateral loss of fine discrimination, joint position, vibration below lesion
(2) contralateral loss of pain and temperature by 2-3 segments below lesion
(3) minor loss of crude touch
an alternating sensory loss in body (fine discrimination loss on one side; pain and temperature loss on the other) indicates what type of lesion?
what deficits result from lesions in brainstem (above caudal medulla) or higher?
contralateral loss of both tactile and pain/temp in body
white matter increases caudal to rostral OR rostral to caudal
caudal to rostral
function of thalamus
processes and relays information between sensory or motor systems and the cerebral cortex
function of hypothalamus
regulates endocrine system by influencing secretion of the pituitary gland; involved with the autonomic nervous system; makes numerous connections with other parts of the brain
function of pineal gland
secretes melatonin
medial geniculate nucleus (MGN)
located at the posterior pole of the thalamus just lateral to the superior colliculus; function = relay in the AUDITORY pathway
lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
located at the posterior pole of the thalamus in the region of the superior and inferior colliculi; function = relay in the VISUAL pathway
the midbrain is divided into what two regions by the cerebral aqueduct?
(1) tectum
(2) tegmentum
superior (dorsal) to the cerebral aqueduct and consists of two bumps (superior colliculi-VISUAL relay and reflexes and inferior colliculi-AUDITORY relay and reflexes)
cerebral peduncles
bundles of nerve fibers that make up two halves of the midbrain
interpeduncular fossa
part of the subarachnoid space located between the cerebral peduncles; ventral side of midbrain; contains mamillary bodies and oculomotor nerves
middle part of the brainstem characterized by narrow transverse grooves and elevations
medullary pyramids
elongated elevations on the anterior surface of the medulla on either side of the midline; function=ipsilateral fiber tracts carrying motor information from the primary motor cortex en route to the spinal cord
pyramidal decussation
the region where pyramidal fibers cross the midline of the medulla located at the inferior end of the medulla just superior to the spinal cord
elevations just lateral to the pyramids
substantia nigra
heavily pigmented nuclear mass within the cerebral peduncle
crus cerebri
ventral part of the cerebral peduncle; consists of several fiber tracts
red nucleus
oval structure centrally located within the midbrain tegmentum; dark in color due to its vascularity; functions as a relay between the cerebral and cerebellar cortices and the spinal cord
CN III-oculomotor
located in the midline, just superior to the pons; emerge from the interpeduncular fossa b/t the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries
CN IV-trochlear
only CNs to emerge from the dorsal surface of brainstem (just below each inferior colliculus)
CN V-trigeminal
emerge from the lateral sides of the pons
CN VI-abducent
located near the midline, they emerge at the jx of pons w/ medulla
spinal neurons
gray matter on inside of spinal cord contains cell bodies of neurons
nucleus or nuclei
clusters of neuronal cell bodies that connect functional systems
bundles of projecting axons that have similar connections course through the white matter on the outside of the spinal cord; sensory tracts transmit sensory information up toward the brain; motor tracts transmit information down toward muscles
lumbar: fasciculus gracilis or cuneatus?
fasciculus gracilis only
thoracic: fasciculus gracilis or cuneatus?
T7 and below: fasciculus gracilis only
T6 and above: both
cervical: fasciculus cuneatus or gracilis?
somatotopy of axons in dorsal columns
medial -> lateral
leg -> trunk -> arm -> neck
VPL nucleus receives input from which two systems?
spinothalamic & dorsal column medial lemniscal
what are the three major tracts involved in the anterolateral system?
(1) spinothalamic tract
(2) spinoreticular tract
(3) spinomesencephalic tract
central lateral nucleus of thalamus
3rd order axons project to many areas of cortex, particularly limbic cortex (affect/mood); involved in emotional suffering
functions of thalamus
(1) process nociceptive information
(2) relay information to cerebral cortex by 3rd order neurons that pass through posterior limb of internal capsule and corona radiata
rod monochromacy
rare hereditary condition d/t absence of cone-based vision in the eye; rod monochromats experience glare in bright conditions (photophobia); acuity is very poor (20/200 at its best); poor fixation, nystagmus, visual field defects and serious refractive errors
what causes rod monochromacy?
mutations in CNG channel subunits or GNAT2 (cone transducin), so cones are unable to hyperpolarize in response to light
red-green dichromacy
missing the function of one of the three cone types
what types of dichromacy are sex-linked?
(inherited recessively through the L/M gene array located on the X chromosome)
characteristics of congenital color vision defects
present at birth
type and severity same throughout life
type can be classified precisely
both eyes equally affected
visual acuity is unaffected
predominantly protan or deutan
higher incidence in males
characteristics of acquired color vision defects
onset after birth
type/severity can fluctuate
type not easily classified -combined defects
monocular differences often occur
visual acuity is often reduced
predominantly tritan
equal incidence in males/females
Usher's syndrome
most common form of deaf-blindness; progressive vision and hearing loss, also associated with reduced odor identification, vestibular dysfunction, and reduced sperm motility; in general, defects with sensory cilia (proteins found in actin core of stereocilia and the CC & Calycal process)
retinitis pigmentosa
primary rod loss
autosomal dominant
have difficulty seeing in dim light
have a gradual peripheral vision loss
lots of glare
lots of contrast sensitivity
what is the function of the geniculostriate system?
conscious visual perception (helps you understand what you are seeing)
what is the function of the retinotectal system?
directing eye movements and visual attention (helps you not to miss important things)
geniculostriate system pathway
retina (ganglion cells) -> CN II -> optic chiasm -> optic tract -> lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) -> optic radiation/Meyer's loop -> VI (primary visual cortex, Brodmann's area 17 & 18), extra striate cortex
retino-tectal system
retina (ganglion cells) -> CN II -> optic chiasm -> optic tract -> superior colliculi -> pulvinar nucleus of thalamus -> extra striate cortex
what is a common side effect of temporal lobectomies?
damage to the temporal lobe could damage Myers' loop and produce a restricted visual field defect
what is the function of the pupillary control system?
pupillary control of light intensity
consensual light reflex
bilateral control of constriction even if light enters only one eye due to linkage via the posterior commissure
pathway for pupillary constriction
retina -> CN II -> pregeniculate body -> pretectal area -> edinger-westphal nucleus -> CN III -> ciliary ganglion -> constrictor pupillae muscle
why can emotion cause dilation?
dilation pathway has input from arousal systems via the sympathetic autonomic system
pathway for pupillary dilation
retina -> CN II -> midbrain reticular formation -> thoracic cord -> (sympathetic ganglion) -> superior cervical ganglion -> dilator pupillae mm.
what is accommodation?
focusing the eye
what does contraction of ciliary muscle cause?
thickening of the lens
what three things happen when visual attention is directed to a nearby object?
(1) convergence of the two eyes (so the image of the object falls on both foveae)
(2) contraction of the ciliary muscle to thicken the lens (increase in optical power)
(3) pupillary constriction (increase depth of field)
how does the accommodation reflex differ from the pupillary reflex?
-can be voluntarily controlled
-regulated by a "negative feedback" mechanism that automatically adjusts the focal power of the lens
-pathway includes cerebral cortex (to determine if the image is blurry)
what does cortical magnification refer to?
fovea is over-represented in the calcarine cortex; corresponds to enhanced acuity at the center of gaze; lesions of visual cortex that affect the foveal representation result in severe deficits for the patients, while lesions in the periphery can go unnoticed
loss of vision in a hemifield
loss in a quadrant
corresponding loss in each eye
non-corresponding loss in each eye
what is the basis for fMRI?
flickering annulus=as the annulus expands, you activate different photoreceptors at greater eccentricities; measure the brain response (for which site responds best); used to predict which area would be affected by resecting a tumore
what are the two specialized systems of the extrastriate visual areas?
(1) Termporal lobe pathways for recognition of objects ("what is it?")
(2) Parietal lobe pathways for localization ("where is it?") - involved in directing visual attention to an object of interest (lesion= "attentional neglect")
lesion of hMT+
results in motion blindness
lesion of V1 (striate cortex)
causes blindness
lesion of V2 (fusiform face area)
causes inability to recognize faces (prosopagnosia)
lesion of V4/V8
loss of color vision (cerebral achromatopsia)
lesion of PVA (primarily right side)
attentional neglect (primarily on the left side of fixation of objects)
surgical cutting of dorsal roots; used for pain relief, b/c adjacent dorsal root territories overlap, surgeons typically cut dorsal roots adjacent to affected dermatome; lose fine discrimination, joint position, vibration, pain/temperature in dermatome innervated by cut dorsal roots
surgical cutting of anterolateral fiber tracts in spinal cord; used for pain relief of terminally ill, cut 2-3 segments above dermatome where highest level of pain begins; if cut 1 side=lose pain & temp on contralateral side; pain often recurs w/i 6 mo
what is the basis of age related macular degeneration (AMD)?
progressive loss of central visual field; degeneration of macular cones
dry form AMD
90%; accumulation of drusen (lipid and protein) in Bruch’s membrane between the choroid and RPE -> macular RPE atrophy
wet form AMD
10%; coroidal neovascularization (growing too many blood vessels -> damages cones)
somatic motor - function?
innervate skeletal muscles in the head and neck that are derived from myotomes
branchial motor - function?
innervate skeletal muscles derived from branchial arches: muscles of mastication, facial expression, pharynx, larynx, middle ear, trapezius m.
visceral motor - function?
preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to cardiac m, smooth m, and glands
visceral sensory - function?
special - taste
general - control of cardiorespiratory and digestive functions
somatic sensory - function?
convey touch, pain, temperature, position and vibration from skin, muscles and joints of the head
special sensory - function?
hearing and balance
somatic motor - brainstem nuclei & CN?
oculomotor - III
trochlear - IV
abducens - VI
hypoglossal - XII
branchial motor - brainstem nuclei & CN?
motor nucleus of V - V
facial nucleus - VII
nucleus ambiguus - IX and X
spinal accessory nucleus - XI
visceral motor - brainstem nuclei & CN?
Edinger-Westphal - III
superior salivatory - VII
inferior salivatory - IX
dorsal motor nucleus of X - X
visceral sensory (special) - brainstem nuclei & CN?
rostral nucleus solitarius (gustatory nucleus) - VII, IX and X
visceral sensory (general) - brainstem nuclei & CN?
caudal nucleus solitarius (cardiorespiratory nucleus) - IX and X
somatic sensory - brainstem nuclei & CN?
trigeminal nucleus - V, VII, IX, and X
special sensory - brainstem nuclei & CN?
cochlear nucleus - VII
vestibular nucleus - VIII
brainstem functions (3)?
(1) integrative: regulate consciousness as well as motor, respiratory and cardiovascular fx (reticular formation)
(2) conduit: ascending sensory and descending motor tracts pass through brainstem
(3) cranial nerve functions:
-CNs emanate from brainstem
-cell bodies of CNs are located in brainstem
-CN nuclei are arranged in functional columns
where are nociceptors located?
skin, muscle, joints, bone and internal visceral organs
what type of pain do A-delta fibers mediate?
first pain (immediate, short-lasting, pricking quality)
what type of pain do C fibers mediate?
second pain (delayed, long lasting, burning quality)
primary neurons - anterolateral system
enter spinal cord dorsal horn (lateral part) and synapse in Lamina I/II (marginal zone and substantia gelatinosa); some synapse on Lamina V and few near central canal (Lamina X) (NT=substance P and glutamate)
secondary neurons - anterolateral system
cross to contralateral side of spinal cord with 2-3 segments and ascend in ventrolateral funiculus
three major pathways for termination in higher brain centers - anterolateral system
1) spinothalamic tract
2) spinoreticular tract
3) spinomesencephalic tract
spinothalamic tract
majority of 2nd order ascending fibers terminate in the thalamus; mediates discriminative aspects of pain and temp sensation, such as location and intensity of the noxious stimulus; in the thalamus, axons terminate in:
(1) VPL nucleus
(2) Central lateral nucleus
VPL nucleus of the thalamus
3rd order axons project to ipsilateral SI cortex; principle relay nucleus for discriminative somatosensory info from body (neck-toes); somatotopically organized
central lateral nucleus of the thalamus
3rd order axons project to many areas of cortex, particularly limbic cortex (affect/emotion); involved in emotional suffering, not somatotopically organized
where do 3rd order neurons pass through on the way to the SI cortex (spinothalamic tract)?
posterior limb of internal capsule and corona radiata
spinoreticular tract
2nd order axons ascend from spinal cord and terminate in medulla and pons in a region called the reticular formation; other axons then relay info from reticular formation to thalamus and diffusely to many areas of the cortex; mediates changes in level of attention to painful stimuli and involved with forebrain arousal and affective response
spinomesencephalic tract
some 2nd order axons terminate in the midbrain in the superior colliculus and in a region of gray matter surrounding the cerebral aqueduct (Periaqueductal Gray - PAG); activation leads to stimulating the central modulation of pain
what areas of the cortex do thalamic neurons project to (pain stimulus)?
(1) somatosensory cortex: SI areas 3b, 1, 2 and also SII (help localize stimulus on body)
(2) cingulate gyrus: part of limbic system (processes emotional component)
(3) insular cortex: processes info on the internal, autonomic state of body; integrates sensory, affective, and cognitive components of pain
what happens with a lesion of the insular cortex?
asymbolia for pain (patients can perceive noxious stimuli as painful and localize the pain to a body part, but don't display appropriate emotional responses to pain)
mechanism for endogenous pain control
spinomesencephalic ascending pathway activates the PAG (periaqueductal gray) -> raphe nuclei (medulla) & locus ceruleus (pons) -> negative feedback down spinal cord (synapse on inhibitory interneurons which supress ascending signals)
when do we see referred pain and why?
visceral pain is poorly localized - refers to a dermatome innervated by the spinal segment to which the visceral afferent project; both signals synapse onto the same secondary spinothalamic neuron (convergence)
lack of sensation
lack of pain
lack of thermal sensation
increased pain from normally painful stimulus
pain from a normally non-painful stimulus, light touch
decreased pain from normally painful stimulus
unpleasant, abnormal sensation; tingling, prickling, tickling
acute pain
serves critical function; warning that injury should be avoided or treated
chronic pain
when pain does not go away or adapt; pain continues after healing or in absence of apparent injury; serves no useful purpose
nociceptive pain
pain resulting from tissue damage; well-localized, throbbing quality, activation of nociceptors and release of inflammatory chemicals that act on C fibers
what kinds of drugs are used for nociceptive pain?
NSAIDs, opioid drugs
neuropathic pain
direct damage to nerves in the peripheral or central nervous system; often has burning, lancinating, electrical quality
what kinds of drugs are used for neuropathic pain?
tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants
examples of neuropathic pain
-post herpetic neuralgia following shingles
-diabetic neuropathy
-entrapment neuropathy (carpal tunnel syndrome)
examples of nociceptive pain
mild: sprained ankle, infected cut, diaper rash
more severe: rheumatoid arthritis, tumor that invades skin or soft tissue, bone fracture
the trigeminal nerve contains peripheral afferent neurons that innervate what areas?
face, head, nasal sinuses, inside of nose, mouth (inc. teeth and gums) and anterior 2/3 of tongue
what are the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve?
(1) opthalmic: nose, nasal cavity, forehead, top head
(2) maxillary: upper jaw, lip, teeth; cheek
(3) mandibular: lower jaw, lip, teeth; chin
trigeminal nucleus for fine touch?
main (chief or principle) sensory nucleus located in pons
trigeminal nucleus for pain/temp?
spinal trigeminal nucleus extending from pons down to cervical spinal cord
thalamic relay nuclei for trigeminal sensory system?
ventral posterior medial nucleus (both fine touch, pain and temp info go through VPM - stay segregated)
somatotopy of head and face in VPM
tongue is medial, face is lateral
what is the pathway for trigeminal discriminative touch?
fine touch receptors enter pons and synapse in chief sensory nucleus V -> 2nd order neurons cross to contralateral pons and form trigeminal lemniscus -> ascend to the VPM nucleus in thalmus -> 3rd order neurons project from VPM to lateral SI cortex
what is the minor pathway for crude touch in the trigeminal pathway?
some mechanoreceptors enter the pons and descend down the spinal tract of V & synapse there -> second order neurons then send fibers that cross the midline and ascend in the trigeminothalamic tract to the VPM
what is the minor pathway for the oral cavity?
dorsal trigeminal tract; second order neurons don't cross but ascend on the ipsilateral side to the ipsilateral VPM (bilateral representation)
what is the pain/temp pathway for the trigeminal system?
primary neuron=nociceptor -> enter in the V in the pons, but do not synapse -> fibers descend ipsilaterally in the spinal trigeminal tract -> synapse in the spinal trigeminal nucleus in the caudal medulla -> secondary neuron crosses to the contralateral medulla and ascends to the VPM (ascends as the trigeminalthalamic tract -> joins up w/ spinalthalamic tract of body) -> tertiary neuron goes to SI cortex through lateral part of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, some project to reticular formation
trigeminal neuralgia
a lancinating, severe pain that lasts seconds to minutes, episodes brought on my chewing or shaving or touching trigger points on the face; unknown etiology; fine touch, vibration, facial sensation is normal
patients with alternating sensory loss indicates what type of lesion?
glove and stocking loss (peripheral neuropathy)
affects multiple dermatomes (most likely caused by diabetes and metabolic disease); lack of fine discrimination, pain and temp in skin, only in parts of limbs
complete cord transection
bilateral loss of all sensation (tactile and pain) below lesion (also loss of motor control); cause - trauma, fracture or dislocated vertebrae that causes cord compression, penetrating injury, tumor
anterior cord syndrome
bilateral loss of pain and temp below lesion, but fine discrimination, vibration, joint position ok; possible cause: anterior spinal artery embolism
posterior cord syndrome
loss of fine discrimination, vibration, and joint position below level of lesion, but pain and temperature ok
central cord syndrome (small lesion)
cuts anterolateral fibers that cross spinal cord in ant commissure; usually affects only the dermatomes of the spinal segments that have the lesion; presents with "cape-like" sensory loss of pain and temp in upper arms and shoulders
unilateral lesion in VPM of thalamus
contralateral loss of fine discrimination and loss of pain and temperature in face, head
unilateral lesion in VPL nucleus of thalamus
contralateral loss of fine discrimination and pain/temp in body
unilateral lesion in primary somatosensory I cortex
contralateral loss of fine discrimination and pain/temp in body and/or face
brain stem lesion in lateral medulla
loss of pain/temp sensation in body on contralateral side
loss of pain/temp sensation in face on ipsilateral & contralateral sides
if lesion affects entire medulla on one side, get loss of fine touch in body on contralateral side (fine touch intact if medial lemniscus is not affected)