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100 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus Maximus
-Ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
-Gluteal tuberosity, iliotibial tract
-Extend & laterally rotate thigh
-Inferior gluteal
-Inferior gluteal
Gluteus Medius
-Ilium between iliac crest & anterior & posterior gluteal lines
-Greater trochanter
-Abduct, medially rotate, stabilize pelvis over femur
-Superior gluteal n.
-Superior gluteal a.
Gluteus Minimus
-Ilium between anterior & inferior gluteal lines
-Greater trochanter
-Abduct, medially rotate thigh
-Superior gluteal
-Superior gluteal
Tensor Fascia Latae
-Iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine
-Iliotibial tract
-Flex, abduct, medially rotate thigh
-Superior gluteal
-Lateral circumflex femoral
Obturator and gemelli all function as
Lateral rotators
What muscle covers the internal surface of obturator foramen
Obterator internus
Order from piriformis to Quadratus femoris (P Go Go Q)
-Gemellus superior
-Obturator internus
-Gemellus inferiof
-Obturator externus
-Quadratus femoris
Piriformis m.
-Pelvic surface of sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
-Upper end of greater trochanter
-Laterally rotate thigh
-Sacral (S1-S2)
Obturator internus
-Ischiopubic rami, obturator membrane
-Greater trochanter
-Abduct, laterally rotate thigh
-Nerve to obturator internus
-Superior gluteal a.
Superior gemellus
-Ischial spine
-Obturator internus tendon
-Lateral rotation of thigh
-Nerve to obturator internus
-Inferior gluteal a. ?
Inferior gemellus
-Ischial tuberosity
-Obturator internus tendon
-Laterally rotate thigh
-Nerve to quadratus femoris
-Inferior gluteal
Quadratus femoris
-Ischial tuberosity
-Intertrochanteric crest (posterior femur)
-Laterally rotate thigh
-Nerve to quadratus femoris
-Inferior gluteal
Obturator externus
-Obturator foramen/membrane
-Intertrochanterioc fossa of femor (next to crest)
-Laterally rotate thigh
-Obturator n. (posterior branch)
-Obturator a.
Muscles of the anterior compartment
1. Sartorius
2. Quadriceps
3. Pectineus
Muscles of Quadriceps
1. Rectus femoris
2. Vastus medialis
3. Vastus lateralis
4. Vastus intermedialis
Function of quads
Extension of knee
Sartorius m.
-Anterior superior iliac spine
-Upper medial side of tibia
-Flex, laterally rotate thigh; flex, medially rotate leg
-Femoral n.
-Femoral a.
*Crosses 2 joints
-Iliac fossa, ala of sacrum
-Lesser trochanter
-Flex thigh (along with psoas)
Rectus femoris
-Anterior superior iliac spina
-Upper medial side of tibia
-Flex, laterally rotate thigh; flex, medially rotate leg
*crosses 2 joints
Vastus medialis
-Intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity
-Lateral patella, tibial tuberosity
-Extend leg
Vastus Intermedius
-Upper shaft of femur, lower lateral intermuscular septum
-Upper border of patella, tibial tuberosity
-Extend leg
Muscles of the medial compartment
1. Adductor longus
2. Adductor brevis
3. Adductor magnus
4. Pectineus
5. Gracilis
6. Obturator externus
Medial Compartment
-Nerve ( ___ & ___ have another)
-Generalized action
-Obturator; adductor magnus, pectineus
-Adduct thigh
-Pectinal line of pubis
-Pectineal line of femur (proximal)
-Adduct, flex thigh
-Obturator and femoral
-Body & inferior pubic ramus
-Medial surface of upper 1/4 of tibia
-Adduct, flex thigh; Flex, medially rotate leg
-Medial circumflex femoral
Adductor longus
-Body of pubis, below crest
-Middle 1/3 of linea aspera
-Adduct, flex thigh
Adductor brevis
-Body & inferior pubic ramus
-Pectineal line, upper linea aspera
-Adduct, flex thigh
Adductor Magnus
--Anterior belly
--Posterior belly
-Ischiopubic ramus, ischial tuberosity
-Linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
--Adduct, laterally rotate, flex thigh
--Adduct, medially rotate, extend thigh
-Obturator & tibial
Obturator externus
-Margin of obturator foramen/membrane
-Intertrochanteric fossa
-Abduct, Laterally rotate thigh
What muscles is the landmark for anterior and posterior obturator n. and a.
Adductor brevis
Which muscle contains the adductor hiatus
Adductor magnus
What passes through adductor hiatus
Femoral vessels, becoming popliteal
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh
1. Semitendinosus
2. Semimembranosus
3. Biceps femoris
Hamstring muscles
1. Semitendinosis
2. Semimembranosis
3. Long head of biceps femoris
Definition of a hamstring
Cross 2 joints, tibial n., O: ischial tuberosity
-Blood supply
-3/4 arise from
-Thigh extension, leg flexion
-Inferior gluteal, perforating branch of deep femoral, popliteal
-Ischial tuberosity
-Sciatic (tibial, except biceps short head (fibular)

-Ischial tuberosity
-Medial surface of upper tibia
-Extend thigh; flex, medially rotate leg
-Inferior gluteal
-Ischial tuberosity
-Medial condyle of tibia
-Extend thigh, flex & medially rotate leg
-Deep femoral, gluteal
Biceps femoris
--Long head
--Short head
--Ischial tuberosity
--Linea aspera, supraconduyar line
-Head of fibula
-Extend thigh, flex & laterally rotate leg
--Common peroneal
Which posterior thigh muscle has not action at hip joint
Short head of biceps femoris
Superficial muscles of the posterior leg
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
Deep muscles of posterior leg (Tom Dick ANd Harry)
1. Tibialis posterior
2. Flexor digitorum longus
3. Flexor hallucis longus
Gastroc general function compared to soleus
fast twitch fibers for quick contractions
Soleus general function compared to gastroc
Slower twitch fibers, more suited for maintenance of posture
Tendocalcaneal rupture = loss of ____ function; can still use:
Plantar flexion; Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum, flexor hallucis
2 muscles inserting into base of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis brevis & tertius
Muscles that stabilize the lateral side of the foot
Fibularis tertius and flexor digitorum longus relationship
Really same muscle, different tendon
Adductor hiatus formed by tendon of ____ muscle
Adductor magnus
Muscle that gets bruised while wearing heels
Extensor digitorum brevis
Flexor digitorum brevis is like _____ in the arm/hand
Flexor digitorum superficialis
_____ splits to allow tendons of ______ to go through
flexor digitorum brevis; flexor digitrum longus
2 muscles of foot that have 2 heads
1. Flexor hallucis brevis
2. Flexor digiti minimi
Muscle of foot that has transverse and oblique head
Adductor hallucis
Tendon of ____ sits in the middle of the 2 heads of flexor flexor hallucis brevs
flexor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum brevis
-Dorsal calcaneus
-Tendon of extensor digitorum longus
-Extend toes
-Deep fibular
-Dorsalis pedis
Extensor hallucis brevis
-Dorsal calcaneus
-Base of PIP of big toe
-Extend big toe
-Deep fibular
-Dorsalis pedis
Abductor hallucis
-Medial tubercle of calcaneus
-Base of PIP of big toe
-Abduct big toe
-Medial plantar
Flexor digitorum brevis
-Medial tubercle of calcaneus
-Middle phalanges of lateral 4 toes
-Flex middle phalanges of lateral 4 toes
-Medial plantar
Abductor digiti minimi
-Medial and lateral tubercles of calcaneus
-Proximal phalanx of little toe
-Abduct little toe
-Lateral plantar
-Lateral plantar
-Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
-Proximal phalanges, extensor expansions
-Flex MP, extend PIP & DIP
--Digit 2: Medial plantar
--Digit 3-4 Lateral plantar
Quadratus plantae
-Medial and lateral calcaneus
-Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
-Aids in flexing toes, keeps tendons straight rather than pulled medially
-Lateral plantar
Adductor hallucis
--Transverse head: Capsule of lateral 4 MP joints
--Oblique head: Base of metatarsals 2-4
-Proximal phalanx of big toe
-Adduct big toe
-Lateral plantar
-Lateral plantar a.
Flexor hallucis brevis
-Cuboid, 3rd cuneiform
-Proximal phalanx of big toe
-Flex big toe
-Medial plantar
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
-Base of 5th metatarsal
-Proximal phalanx of little toe
-Flex little toe
-Lateral plantar
Plantar interossei
-Medial sides of metatarsals 3-5
-Medial base of proximal phalanges 3-5
-Adduct toe, flex PIP, extend DIP
-Lateral plantar
Dorsal Interossei
-Adjacent shafts of metatarsals
-Proximal phalanges of 2nd toe (med/lat side), & 3rd and 4th toe (lat side)
-Abduct toe, flex proximal, extend distal phalanges
-Lateral plantar
External intercostal muscle
*Location, starts at ends at
*Fiber Direction
-Lower border of ribs
-Upper border of rib below
-Elevate ribs in inspiration
-Intercostal n.
*Starts at vertebrae, Ends as membrane, not inserting on sternum
*Hands in front pocket
-Intercostal a.
INternal intercostals
*Direction of fibers
*Location, starts at, ends at
-Lower border of ribs
-Upper border of ribs below
-Depress/elevate ribs
*Hands in back pocket
*Sternum, before vertebrae
Innermost intercostals
-Lower border of ribs
-Upper border of rib below
-Elevate ribs
Transversus thoracics
-Posterior lower sternum & xiphoid
-Inner costal cartilage 2-6
-Depress ribs
-Inner lower ribs near angle
-Upper border of ribs 2 or 3 below
-Elevate ribs
Levator costarum
-Transverse process T7-T11
-Subjacent ribs between tubercle & angle
-Elevate ribs
-DPR of C8-T11
Muscles of the anterior leg (4)
1. Tibialis anterior
2. Extensor hallucis longus
3. Extensor digitorum longus
4. Fibularis tertius
-Deep fibular
Tibialis Anterior
-Lateral tibia
-1st cuneiform, 1st metatarsal (plantar)
-Dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial a.
Extensor hallucis longus
-Middle anterior fibular, interosseous membrane
-DIP of 1st toe
-Extend big toe, dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial a.
Extensor digitorum longus
-Lateral tibial condyle, upper fibula, interosseous
-PIP/DIP of lateral 4 toes
-Extend toes, dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial
Fibularis tertius
-Distal fibula
-base of 5th
-Dorsiflex, evert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial
Muscles of the lateral leg
Fibularis longus & brevis
Superficial fibular
Fibularis longus
-Lateral tibial condyle, lateral fibula head
-Base of 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
-Plantar flex, eversion
-Superficial fibular
-Fibular a.
Fibularis brevis
-Lower lateral fibula
-Base of the 5th
-Eversion, plantar flex
-Superficial fibular
-Superficial muscles of posterior leg (3)
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Plantaris
--Medial head: Medial condyle of femur
--Lateral: Lateral condyle
-Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
-Plantar flexion, leg flexion
Muscles of the anterior leg (4)
1. Tibialis anterior
2. Extensor hallucis longus
3. Extensor digitorum longus
4. Fibularis tertius
-Deep fibular
Tibialis Anterior
-Lateral tibia
-1st cuneiform, 1st metatarsal (plantar)
-Dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial a.
Extensor hallucis longus
-Middle anterior fibular, interosseous membrane
-DIP of 1st toe
-Extend big toe, dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial a.
Extensor digitorum longus
-Lateral tibial condyle, upper fibula, interosseous
-PIP/DIP of lateral 4 toes
-Extend toes, dorsiflex, invert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial
Fibularis tertius
-Distal fibula
-base of 5th
-Dorsiflex, evert foot
-Deep fibular
-Anterior tibial
Muscles of the lateral leg
Fibularis longus & brevis
Superficial fibular
Fibularis longus
-Lateral tibial condyle, lateral fibula head
-Base of 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
-Plantar flex, eversion
-Superficial fibular
-Fibular a.
Fibularis brevis
-Lower lateral fibula
-Base of the 5th
-Eversion, plantar flex
-Superficial fibular
-Superficial muscles of posterior leg (3)
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Plantaris
--Medial head: Medial condyle of femur
--Lateral: Lateral condyle
-Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
-Plantar flexion, leg flexion
-Medial tibia, lateral fibula
-Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
-Plantar flex
-Lateral supracondylar line (femur)
-Posterior calcaneus
-Flex leg, plantar flex, lock knee
-Deep muscles of posterior leg (4)
1. Flexor digitorum longus
2. Tibials posterior
3. Flexor hallucis longus
4. Popliteus
-Tibial n.
Flexor digitorum longus
-Medial tibia
-DIP of lateral 4 digits
-Flex digits, plantar flex
-Posterior tibial
Tibialis posterior
-Upper tibia/fibula, interosseous
-Navicular tuberosity, tarsals, metatarsals
-Plantar flex, inversion, support big toe
Flexor hallucis longus
-Lower fibula, interosseous membrane
-DIP of big toe
-Big toe flexion, plantar flexion
-Lateral femoral condyle (posterior)
-Upper medial tibia
-Laterally rotate leg, flex
-Posterior tibial