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72 Cards in this Set

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-Nerve in lower limb analogous to musculocutaneous
--Innervating muscles in front, becoming cutaneous
Lower part of lumbrosacral nerves innervates:
Little digits
Upper part of lumbrosacral innervates
Big toe
"Butt cheeks"
Horizontal Gluteal fold
Butt cheek fold
Much of gluteal region supplied by nerves from:
-The cutaneous sensory innervation to gluteal region
-DPR or VPR?
3 Bones of Coxal Bone
1. Ilium
2. Ischium
3. Pubis
When coxal bones fuse
Point of weakness in acetabulum
Suture inside
What part of the coxal bone do you sit on?
Ischial tuberosity
Greater and lesser sciatic notch separated by
Ischial spine
Everything that leaves the pelvic cavity posteriorly does so through:
Greater sciatic notch
What is the longest and strongest bone of the body
Ligamentum capitis femoris attaches to:
Fovea capitis femoris on femoral head
The iliofemoral ligament attaches to:
Intertrochanteric line
Greater trochanter provides insertion for: (4) (GG PO)
1. Gluteus med.
2. Glut min
3. Piriformis
4. Obturator internus
Greater trochanter receives _____ tendon on medial aspect of _____
Obturator externus; trochanteric fossa
What provides attachment for the 3 intermuscular septa
linea aspera
The coxal joint is stabilized by: (3) LCL
acetabular labrum, fibrous capsule, capsular ligament
What 2 ligaments define the greater and lesser sciatic foramen
Sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligament
Which foramen carries blood vessels and nerves to external genetalia
What portion of coxal bone is attached heavily to sacrum
Ischial spine and tuberosity
Women have a wider _____ than men
Inferior pubic angle
Where the coxal bone articulates with sacrum to form the pelvic girdle
Sacroiliac joint
Which ligament attaches to the intertrochanteric line
Which lig. is the largest/most important in capsule reinforcement
The ileofemoral ligament arises and attaches:
O: Anterior inferior iliac spine
I:Intertrochanteric line
The ileofemoral ligament resists:
Hyperextension and lateral rotation at hip during standing
Structural description of iliofemoral lig.
Inverted Y
The ischiofemoral lig. reinforces capsule _______
Ishiofemoral lig. attaches:
Acetabular rim to medial to base of g. trochanter
Ischiofemoral lig. limits
Limit extension and medial rotation of thigh
Pubofemoral ligaments reinforces capsule ______
Pubofemoral lig. extends from ____ to _____
Pubic portion of acetabular rim & superior pubic ramus to lower part of femoral neck
Pubofemoral lig. limits
Limits extension and abduction
Round ligament from ____ to ____
Acetabular notch; fovea capitis femoris
Round ligament provides path for:
Foveolar a. from the obturator a.
All weight is transferred from vertebral column to femur at ______
The 3 reinforcing ligaments of the hip joint (which are anterior/posterior)
1. Iliofemoral
2. Ischiofemoral
3. Pubofemoral
Trabeculae; indicates:
-Series of band patterns; inside the bone
-Patterns of stress on the bone
Centers of ossification developed from:
Different tissued
Blood supply to different ossification centers
Different blood supply
Branches making up cruciate anastomoses
1. Inferior Gluteal
2. Medial circumflex femoral
3. Lateral circumflex femoral
4. First perforating of profunda femoris
Most arteries cross across _____
Flexor surfaces
Most buttock blood supply comes from
Cruciate anastomosis
Generally, nerves high in lubosacral plexus innervate ____; low innervates ____
Thigh; foot
Head of femur supplied partially _____a. passing through _____
Obturator; round ligament
Femoral n. analogous to _____ n. in arm
Which vein is suitable for use in coronary artery by pass surgery for venipuncture
Great saphenous
Saphenous n. continuation of _____ & follows _____ v.; LABC n. continuation of ______ and follows _____ v.
femoral; saphenous; musculocutaneous; cephalic
Foot drop
-Nerve responsible
Thickening of the fascia lata
Iliotibial tract
Fascia of the thigh
Fascia lata
Thigh "location"
Hip to knee
Leg "location"
Knee to ankle
Best landmark of thigh
Piriformis m.
7 Structures leaving pelvis through GSF
What separates gluteus medius and minimus
Superior gluteal a. and n.
Weakness in muscle is often indicative of _____
Nerve problems
Superficial to piriformis:
Gluteal muscles
Deep to piriformis
Gemellus, obturator internus
Piriformis delineates superior gluteal n. and a. (location) and inferior (location)
Above; below
Superior gluteal a. and n. found in ______ line
Anterior gluteal line
____ ligament closes the greater sciatic foramen
Sacrospinous ligament
____ ligament closes the lesser sciatic foramen
What artery supplies most of gluteal region; except:
Superior gluteal; inferior suplies glut max
Contents of lesser sciatic foramen (3; OOP)
-Tendon of obturator internus
-Nerve to obturator internus
-Internal pudendal vessels and nerve
Contents of greater sciatic foramen (7; PG PS FcOQ)
-Piriformis m.
-Superior/inferior gluteal vessels and n.
-Internal pudendal vessels and n.
-Sciatic n.
-Posterior femoral cutaneous n.
-Nerve to obturator internus
-Nerve to quadratus femoris
Structures traveling through lesser and greater
-Pudendal n.
-Internal pudendal vessels
-Nerve to obturator internus
Lateral and medial intermuscular septa formed by
Fascia lata
Fascia lata attached to
Pubic symphysis, pubic crest, rami, ischial tuberosity, inguinal and sacrotuberous ligaments, and sacrum and coccyx