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44 Cards in this Set

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What is the classis triad for rheumatoid arthritis?
IL-1 and TNF-a activate synovial cells to produce what substances?
Prostaglandins and Matrix Metalloproteinases both degrade bone and cartilage. What substances activate them?
Name the osteoclast activating factors.
TNF-a, IL-1, and lymphotoxin are all ________.
Examination of joint fluid in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis would reveal what findings?
Presence of WBCs (mostly PMNs), Rheumatoid factor (+), and Anti-CCP Antibody in joint fluid are strong indicators of what disease?
What are the diagnostic criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
*Morning Stiffness > 1 hr
*Swelling in 3+ Joints
*Swelling in hands
*Symmetric Joint Swelling
*Present for > 6 wks
Rheumatoid nodules/factor
Hand X-ray erosions/ostopenia
4 of these diagnostic features must be met for what disease?
What is pannus?
Hypertrophic synovium is also known as what?
What joint is spared in rheumatoid arthritis?
DIP joint is spared in what condition?
Testing of rheumatoid nodules will show what 100% of the time?
(+) Rheumatoid Factor occurs in tests of what anatomic abnormality 100% of the time?
What are the inflammatory eye diseases associated with RA?
Scleromalacia Perforans

These diseases are often associated with what condition?
Sjogren's syndrome is characterized by what?
Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Vaginal Dryness
Tracheo-Bronchial Dryness
(+) SS-A (Ro) Ab
(+) SS-B (La) Ab

Are symptoms of what condition associated with RA?
Which cytokines are anti-inflammatory?

These cytokines are _______.
Describe the epidemiology of rheumatoid arthritis in monozygotic twins.
There is a discordance among monozygotic twins in what disease?
Monoarthritis is what until proven otherwise?
Septic Arthritis often appears in how many joints?
The most likely organism involved in adults with septic arthritis is what?
N. gonorrhea is the most common organism involved in _____ with septic arthritis.
The most likely organism in children with septic arthritis is what?
S. aureus is the most common organism involved in ______ with septic arthritis.
Septic arthritis is generally caused by what type of organisms?
Gram negative bacteria are often the culprit in what condition?
How does septic discitis differ from spinal neoplasia?
Crossing the disc space is a major indication that you are dealing with ______ and not ______.
Patient presents oligoarthritis, fever, rash (pustules on erythematous base), and tenosynovitis. He is young. Blood and synovial cultures are negative (pos is rare). What is the most likely diagnosis?
Disseminated Gonococcal Arthritis commonly presents how?
Patient presents with intermittent oligoarthritis with large effusions. He has an expanding rash near the knees. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Borrelia Borgderferi (Lyme Disease) commonly presents how?
Describe the synovial fluid of someone with rheumatoid arthritis?
Low viscosity
WBC 5-75000
50% PMNs

This is the synovial fluid analysis of which arthritis?
Describe the synovial fluid of someone with septic arthritis?
Low viscosity
WBC > 50000
PMNs > 75%

This is the synovial fluid analysis of a patient with which type of arthritis?
Describe the synovial fluid of someone with osteoarthritis?
High viscosity
WBC 200-10000
PMNs < 50%

This is the synovial fluid analysis of a patient with which type of arthritis
T.B. (Pott's disease) is associated with what presentation?
T10-L2 region has a paraspinal cold abscess. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What are the two most common organisms involved in infected joint prostheses?
S. aureus and S. epidermidis are the two most common culprits involved in what arthritis?
Describe the Hepatitis associated musculoskeletal syndromes.
A- transient arthralgias
B- abrubt, systemmic, severe
C- mixed type II, rare

These are the syndromes associated with what organism?
What tests rule out the possibility of false (+) with ELISA and confirm the diagnosis of Lyme Arthritis?
Western Blot test is used to confirm which type of septic arthritis?
Rheumatic Fever can cause arthritis if Jones criteria are met, especially recent infection by what organism?
Strep infection is causative of what type of septic arthritis?
What is the Classic presentation of Psoriatic Arthritis?
DIP arthritis with nail change is _____ presentation for what disease?
What is the Common presentation of Psoriatic Arthritis?
Assymmetric Oligo/Pauciarthritis is the ______ presentation for what disease?
What is the classic triad for Reiter's syndrome (reactive arthritis)?
Anterior Uveitis

Are the main symptoms of what arthritis?
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathis have a strong association with what factor?
HLA-B27 is strongly associated with what group of arthritis?
Schober's test is used to diagnose what type of arthritis?

85% of patients have elevated ESR.
Ankylosing Spondylitis is often diagnosed based on what positive test?

What blood test is indicative of this condition?
What disease usually starts in the vertebrae and SI, chronic progressively limiting back motion/chest expansion, in young adults especially in the morning?
Ankylosing Spondylitis usually starts where?
Management of psoriatic arthritis includes what?
Topical PUVA
Methotrexate etc

Used for what type of arthritis?
Psoriatic arthritis often presents with what?
Sausage digits are most commonly seen in what type of arthritis?
Keratoderma Blenorrhagica is most closely associated with which arthritis?
Reactive Arthritis is commonly associated with what skin condition of the feet/hands?
Circinate Balanitis is most closely associated with which arthritis?
Reactive Arthritis is commonly associated with what skin condition of the penis (STD)?
Oral Ulcers are most closely associated with which arthritis?
Reactive Arthritis is commonly associated with what skin condition of the mouth?
Cool joints are associated with which type of arthritis?
Osteoarthritis has what joint presentation?
Exacerbation with weather change is a common feature of what type of arthritis?
Osteoarthritis is often exacerbated with changes in ______.
Which type of arthritis causes difficulty swallowing?
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) can present with what seemingly unrelated symptom?
What is the basic initiating pathology behind osteoarthritis?

Still followed by metalloproteinase degradation.
Type II collagen defect fails under normal weight bearing


Trauma followed by inadequate repair response and release of degradative enzymes.

Which arthritis?
Marginal spurs or osteophytes are commonly seen in which type of arthritis?
Osteoarthritis commonly presents with what boney deformity?
What are the joints involved in osteoarthritis?
Cervical and Lumbar Spine
1st CMC, PIP, *DIP*
1st MTP