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20 Cards in this Set

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The TD 5/5 for kidney tolerance in the adult is ___Gy and ___Gy in the child
20; 12-14Gy
stage I seminoma patietns are commonly tx'd with dose schedules of ___Gy and ____flds
25Gy; paraortic and ipsilateral pelvic flds
which of the following fields are INCORRECT when tx prostate fields

a. post. includ pelvic and presacral lymph nodes aboe S-3 segment
b ant margins should be 1.5cm post to the prejection of the ant cortex of pubic symphysis
c Lat argin should be 4-5cm beyond the lat bony pelvis
d inf margin shoudl be 1.5-2cm distal to the junction of the prostatic and membranous urethra ( usually at or caudad to the bottom of the ischial tuberosities)
all correct except C

lateral margin actually SHOULD BE 1-2cm beyond the lateral bony pelvis (corrected statement)
the role of hormonal therapy in treating prostat patietns include each of the following EXCEPT

a. administered to low risk prognostic group patients
b used to reduce adrogen-producing tissue, suppression of pituitary gonadotropin release, inhibition of androgen synthesis or interference w/ androgen action in target tissues
c evidence of synergistic interactions btwn hormonal ablation and radiation
d Flutaminde, Megace, DES, Cytadren, Casodex, and leuprolide are agenst often used
all except but A
the best way to localize the kidney is all the following except

all good except palpation
when tx'ing the entire bladder, bladder should be
emptied just before tx
which of the following statements are INCORRECT regarding testicular cancer?

a. nonseminomatous tumors are more radiosensitive than semimomas+
b painless mass most common sign
c crytochidism testicle is the ost comon risk factor
d most common cancer occurring in the male between 25-35years
the most common histopathlogy of prostate cancer is
cumulative doses above____Gy probably will lead to permanent injury to the testis
the curative dose for bladder irradiation alone is ___Gy or adjuvant radiation therapy is ____Gy
64.8-68.4 ; 60-70Gy
TD5/5 and TD50/5 for testes is ____Gy and ____Gy
TD5/5= 1Gy

each of the following statements are correct regarding the anatomy considerations fothe kidneys except

a. enveloped by a fibrous capsule and surrounded by Gerota's fascia
b left kidney drain into the paraaortic lymph nodes while the right kidney drains into the paracaval and interaortocaval nodes
c located in the retroeritoneal space btwn the 11rib and 3rd lumbar; right more inferior than the left due to the right hepatic lobe
d kidneys can move vertically as much as 7cm during normal respirations
all correct except D
most common infiltrative tumor of the bladder is
transitional cell carcinoma/papillary
gynecomastia more commonly occurs in males with each of the following EXCEPT

a. testicular cancer
b bladder cancer
c males placed on estrogen administation
d prostate cancer
all correct except B Bladder cancer
which of the following is INCORRECT regarding renal cancers?

a. hypernephroma, renal cell carcinoma and Grawitz tumors are synonymous for renal cancers
b RT is the only proven curative tx for renal cancer
c cigarett smoking is an associated etiology, while hematuria is the most common symptom
d normal structures often to be considered when tx'ing with RT include small bowel, stomach, liver, spinal cord, and opposite kidney
all correct except B

SURGERY is the only proven curative tx for renal cancer (corrected statement)
a patietn is receiving RT to the prostat should be instructed to ______ bladders
full bladder
when txing patients with bladder cancer each of the following statements are correct EXCEPT

a. high energy photon beam (10-20MV) are preferred
b 4-fld tech with wedges in teh later field often is the preferred dose distribution
c 3fld (PA and laterals) and rotational fld (360 degrees) are the most commonly used setups
d during simulation, Cysto-Conray II and air are used in teh bladder and diluted Barium is placed in the rectum
all correct except C
the ___testis lymphatic drainage is to the lymphatics along the inf. vena cava
common doses prescribed when treating the stageA and B prostate cases are ___Gy
each of the following are correct statements concerning prostate EXCEPT

a. surrounds the male urethra btwn the base of the bladder and urogenital diaphragm
b composed of two lobes
c denonvilliers fascia separates the prostate from the rectum
d first area of nodal spread is to the periprostatic and obturator lymph nodes
B is incorrect
"composed of two lobes"
prostate has FIVE (5) lobes