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234 Cards in this Set

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Harvests chemical energy by converting 1 glucose molecule to 2 pyruvate molecules

1 Glucose --> 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O
Citric Acid Cycle (CAC)
Acetyl CoA is oxidised to CO2
Pyruvate Oxidation
Pyruvate is oxidised to Acetyl CoA in mitochondria
Conversion of electrons by ETC for synthesis of ATP
Energy Investment Phase
Stage of Glycolysis where 2 ATP are "invested" to split glucose

2 ATP --> 2 P + 2 ADP
Energy Payoff Phase
Stage of Glycolysis where 4 ATP are formed by substrate level phosporylation


2 NADH formed by glucose oxidation
Net yield from Glycolysis
2 ATP + 2 NADH
Cellular Respiration
Process where fuel is broken down to form ATP through Glycolysis, Pyruvate Oxidation, The Citric Acid Cycle & Chemiosmosis

Max ATP production per glucose = 30 - 32 ATP (34% efficient)
Does Glycolysis happen if O2 is present?
Name the 3 stages of Pyruvate Oxidation
1) Carboxyl group is removed from Pyruvate as CO2

2) The remaining 2 C fragment is oxidized to become acetate
(e- --> NAD+ --> NADH)

3) Sulfur containing coenzyme-A binds to acetate forming acetyl CoA
What is the net product from the CAC
1 ATP, 3 NADH & 1 FADH2
What electron carrier(s) move electrons from the CAC to the ETC?
Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Collection of molecules (mainly proteins) embedded in the inner layer or mitochondrion membrane which releases energy from the "falling" of electrons in smaller amounts (steps)
Proton Motive Force
The ETC uses the exergonic flow of electrons to pump H+ ions across the mitocondrian membrane to create a H+ gradient. This is used to power ATP synthase
ATP synthase
4 sub unit "molecular mill" that uses the H+ gradient created by the ETC to power the synthesis of ATP molecules
Anaerobic Respiration
ATP production without oxygen -- Uses final e- acceptor other than O2
Alcohol Fermentation
Pyruvate is converted to alcohol via the reduction of acetylaldehyde by NADH which regenerates NAD+
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Pyruvate reduced by NADH to lactate when O2 is scarce
Conversion of light energy to the chemical energy of food
Site of photosynthesis
What do plant cells have that animal cells do not?
Cell wall (strength), Plasmodesmata (connects cells), Central Vacuole (storage & waste breakdown) and Chloroplasts (photosynthesis)
Cell Walls
Consist of microfibrills of polysaccharide cellulose in a matrix of other polysaccharides & protein
Site of gas exchange (O2 & CO2)

Major avenue for water loss

2 Guard cells regulate opening/closing
Fluid inside cholorplast
Third membrane system of sacs in stroma that are stacked in grana
Green pigment that absorbs violet-blue & red light (reflects green) that is found in the thylakoid membrane
Describe photosynthesis as a REDOX process
CO2 is reduced to sugar
H2O is reduced to O2
Light Reactions
First stage of photosynthesis where ATP and NADPH are produced for use in the Calvin Cycle & O2 is produced.

(Occurs in Thylakoid membrane)
List the two stages of Photosynthesis
Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle
Describe the basic process of a light reaction
1) Energy from light drives the transfer of elections and H+ from water to NADP+ --> NADPH

2) ATP is produced using chemiosmosis (and ATP synthase)

3) ATP & NADPH are then used in the Calivin Cycle
Describe the basic process of the Calvin Cycle
1) CO2 from the air is incorporated into organic molecules in chloroplast (Carbon Fixation)

2) Fixed carbon is reduced to carbohydrates (sugar) by addition of electrons using the reducing power of NADPH (requires ATP)
Photosynthetic Pigments
substances that absorb visible light
Energy from light is passed down from pigment molecule to pigment molecule to a primary electron acceptor.
What is the purpose of the 2 chlorophyll a molecules in a photosystem?
They are able to use the energy of light to not only boost their electrons but to transfer that electron to the primary electron acceptor
What happens in PS I?
1) A photon of light excites a pigment which passes the e- to the P680 chlorophyll a pair.

2)P680 passes the electron to the primary e- acceptor.

3) An enzyme splits water into 2 e-, 2H+ and O2 (these e- replace the electrons lost by P680)
What happens after an electron reaches the Primary e- acceptor in PS I?
The photoexcited e- is passed to PS II by the ETC, passing through the cytochrome complex, which contribes to generating a H+ gradient for ATP synthesis
What happens in PS II?
1) Light energy is transferred to PS II from the ETC

2) Carried by pigments to P700 which passes the e- on to the electron acceptor

3) electron is passed down the second ETC through ferredoxin (Fd) and NADP+ reductase (catalyzes formation of NADPH)
Cyclic Electron Flow
A "short circuit" where e- flows back from Fd ETC to cytochrome ETC and then back to the P700 pair. (only ATP is produced)
In what organisms does Cyclic Electron Flow occur
Photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria & eukaryotic photosynthetic species
Calvin Cycle
Carbon Fixation + synthesis of sugar in the Stroma
List and describe the three phases of the Calvin Cycle
1) Carbon Fixation: 1 C from CO2 is attached to a 5C sugar (RuBP) <-- unstable

2) Reduction: Produces G3P using energy from ATP and e- from NADPH

3) Regeneration of RuBP: In a complex series of reactions that require ATP, 5 G3P are rearranged into 3 RuBP
Carbon Fixation is catalyzed by?
Rubisco - Catalyzes the addition of 1 C to a 5 C sugar
Occurs when CO2 is scarce, CO2 is replaced with O2 in the reaction adding 1 C to RuBP in Calvin Cycle
Why is Photorespiration wasteful?
ATP is required and no sugar is produced + Carbon is removed from the Calvin Cycle
In what type of plants does Photorespiration occur?
What is an alternate mode of Carbon Fixation for a C4 plant?
PEP carboylase fixes CO2 as oxaloacetate in outer mesophyll cells

This is later transported to bundle sheaths which release stored CO2
What is an alternate mode of Carbon Fixation for a CAM plant?
CAM plants take up CO2 at night & incorporate it into organic acids then store it in vacuole of mesophyll cells
Stems & Leaves
Absorb CO2 and light & are photosynthetic
Absorb water and minerals from soil via root hairs, anchor plant in soil and storage (tap root)
Vascular System
Connects the 2 systems carrying water/minerals from roots to leaves (xylem) & carries photosynthates (sugars) in both directions (phloem)
Prop/Buttress Roots
Provide structural support
Storage Roots
Store food/water (i.e. radishes carrots)
Project about the surface in swamps to obtain O2
Aerial Roots
Sent out by strangler fig seedlings growing in tree tops
Horizontal shoots with grow underground
Vertical underground shoots consisting of enlarged leaf bases which store food
Horizontal shoots growing along the surface giving rise to new plants
Enlarged ends of rhizomes or stolons (potatoes)
Leaves found in climbing plants
Leaves that provide protections
Storage Leaves
Store water
Reproductive Leaves
Small adventitious plantlets fall of the leaf and take root
"flower like" modified leaves
Dermal Tissue
Plants outer protective covering
--> epidermis in non woody plants
--> periderm in woody plants
Vascular Tissue
Carries out long distance transport (xylem and phloem)
Ground Tissue
Internal (pith) and external (cortex) to vascular tissue. Specialized for storage
Parenchyma Cells
Have thin, flexible primary walls, no secondary walls

Large central vacuoles

Perform most metabolic functions of a plant cell
Collenchyma Cells
Occur in strands & help support young parts of plant shoots

Thick primary walls (strings of celery)

Remain alive at maturity
Sclerenchyma Cells
Supporting cells with thick secondary walls

Contain lots of lignin

Form wood/hard shells of nuts

Dead at maturity, but lasts hundreds of years
Move water over long distances

Two types: Tracheids & Vessels

Dead at functional maturity, and secondary walls strengthened with lignin
Long, thin with tapering ends & pits through with water can pass

All plants have this
Short, wide, thin walled tubes stacked end to end with perforation plates between adjacent cells.

Water can pass through perforation plates

Occurs in angiosperms only
Chains of cells called seive tube elements that contain seive plates

Lack nucleus, ribosomes, vacuole & cytoskeleton (enables easier nutrient transportation)
Companion Cell
Connected to seive tube in Phloem by plasmodesmata & provides metabolic support for both itself and seive tube
Apical Meristem
Lengthens roots/shoots (primary growth)
Lateral Meristem
Increases diameter of roots/shoots (secondary growth)
Root Cap
Protects apical meristem & secretes polysaccharide slime
List the 3 zones of cells behind a growing tip of a plant
1) Cell divison: Mitotic cells revealed by staining for cyclin

2) Cell Elongation: to 10x the original length

3) Cell Differentiation: Dermal, ground, vascular etc
Root Hairs
Increase surface area for absorption of water/minerals
Shoot Apical Meristem
(at tip) shoot elongation occurs due to lengthening of internode cells below tip
Leaf Primordia
Gives rise to leaves
Axilliary Buds
Give rise to branching
What do monocots have that allow leaves to regrow
Some monocots have meristems at the base of stems and leaves (i.e. grass)
Palisade Mesophyll
Elongated parenchyma cells
Spongy mesophyll
Loosely packed cells with air spaces
Ground Tissue is mostly __________
Parenchyma cells
Secondary Growth
Increases the diameter of roots/shoots
Primary Growth
Lengthens roots/shoots
Vascular Cambium
1 Cell thick cylidner of meristem cells

Adds secondary xylem & secondary phloem increasing vascular flow and support
Vascular Cambium meristem cell
Can divide to form another stem cell (C), secondary xylem (X) or secondary phloem cell (P)

Can produce more xylem than phloem
Old secondary xylem layers
New secondary xylem layers (still transfer sap)
Secondary Phloem & periderm
Cork cells which deposit suberin
A wasy hydrophobic material that protects stem
Loss of water from leaves
Phloem Sap
Transfers sugars in both directions from site of production to site of storage
Xylem Sap
Transports water from roots to shoots
Gas Exchange
Through stomata in leaves
Tissue compartment exterior to plasma membrane (i.e. cell wall, tracheids)
Cytosol of all plants living cells and plasmodesmata
Apoplastic route
Movement of water/solutes along continuum of cell wall and extra cellular spaces
Symplastic route
Movement of water/solutes along continuum of cytosol
Transmembrane route
Water/solutes moves out of one cell, across cell wall and across plasma membrane into another cell
Water Potential
Direction of movement of water by osmosis

= osmotic potential + pressure
Water moves from _____ water potential to _____ water potential
Water moves from high water potential to low water potential
Solutes have what effect on water potential
Solutes decrease osmotic water potential
If the cellular water potential > environment water potential
Water moves out of the cell (high to low)

Cell membrane/cytoplasm shrink and pull away from cell wall = plasmolysis
If the cellular water potential < environment water potential
Water moves into the cell (high to low)

Cell swells and is opposed by turgor pressure from elastic cell wall
Bulk flow
Movement of water in response to a pressure gradient

High to low pressure

Occurs in xylem and sieve tube elements of phloem

MUCH faster than diffusion (15 - 45 m/hour)
Symplastic Route in xylem
Minerals already in the symplast have already been "screened" by the selectively permeable plasma membrane

These materials access xylem via the plasmodesmata
Apoplastic route in xylem
Water/minerals diffuse into cortex along matrix of cell walls and extra cellular spaces

These materials enter the xylem after passing through plasma membrane, guided by the casparian strip
Casparian Strip
A belt of suberin which is impermeable to water, that forces materials to pass through the plasma membrane
Secondary Mechanism of Bulk Flow
At night there is no transpiration but root cells continue to pump ions into xylem

Accumulating solutes lower water potential in the xylem and water flows in via osmosis from cortex = root pressure
Describe the generation of Transpirational Pull
1) Water diffuses from moist air spaces to drier air

2) Initially water is replaced from water film that coats mesophyll cells

3) Evaporation of water film generates surface tension (negative pressure)

4) Surface tension pulls water from surrounding cells which pulls water from xylem = transpirational pull
Cohesion - Tension Hypothesis
Water is pulled up xylem molecule by molecule due to adhesion and cohesion forces
Attractive force between water molecules and other polar molecules that offsets the downwards force of gravity
Attractive force between water molecules by hydrogen bonding
How is the rate of transpiration regulated?
Stomatal density (95% of water loss) and the opening and closing of stomata.
Guard Cells
Bow out when they take up water

Become less bowed when they loose water
How do stomata open and close?
Active transport of H+ outside of cell creates H+ gradient

Drives K+ ions into guard cell which decreases water potential

Water enters cell (high to low water potential) by osmosis
Aquaporin Channels
Helps regulate water movement (and thereby opening/closing) in guard cells of stomata
The movement of sugar from sources to sinks by phloem
How is sucrose loaded into phloem?
Active transport involving a H+ pump & co-transporter pump sucrose into phloem (Chemiosmosis)
What are the 9 Macronutrients?
C, H, O, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg
What are the 8 Micronutrients
Cl, Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo
Hydrophonic Culture
Identifies 17 essential elements needed by all plants
Yellowing of leaves due to Mg deficiency
Soil bacteria living on decaying material from dead plants
Live in rhizosphere
A soil layer that forms a microbe-enriched ecosystem bound to plant roots or inside plants
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Live in soil and root nodules + produces NH3 (ammonia)
Mutualistic association of fungi and roots
What is the role of rhizosphere soil bacteria?
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria produce NH3

NH3 + H+ = ammonium (NH4) = main form of nitrogen used by plants
Denitrifying bacteria
Convert NO3- to N2 so N is lost from soil
Fungal mycelium forms dense sheath over surface of roots which leads to and increase in SA
Fungal Hypae
Extend into soil = increase in SA.
How is the relationship between fungal hypae and roots mutualistic?
Fungus gets access to supply of carbs and AA's because hypae extend into roots in extra cellular spaces between root cells
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (endomycorrhizae)
No dense sheath (like ectomycorrhizae)

Hypae penetrate between epidermal cells into root cortex

Digest small patch of cell wall and for tube like processes that invaginate into cell wall without penetrating membrane
Diploid (2n) & dominant
Haploid (n) & microscopic

Contains generative cell and tube cell
Describe the development of a male gametophyte
Anthers contain microsporangium which contain microsporocytes (2n)

Microsporocytes undergo meiosis and form 4 microspores (n)

Microspores undergo mitosis and form a male gametophye
Describe the development of a female gametophyte
Megasporangium contains diploid megasporocytes

Megasporocytes undergo meiosis forming 4 haploid megaspores (only 1 survives)

Megaspore undergos 3 mitotic phases creating 8 haploid nuclei
Polar Nuclei
2 are produced with development of female gametophyte

form endosperm
2 are produced with development of female gametophyte

Guide pollen tube to embryo sac
Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
Sperm + egg =
zygote, which is diploid (2n) = embryo
Sperm + 2 polar nuclei =
endosperm, which is triploid (3n)

Function = food storage
Positive Phototropism
Growth of tip towards light
hormone for stem elongation
Hormone for cell division in shoots
Hormone for stem elongnation
Hormone for cell expansion/divison in shoots
Hormone that inhibits growth in plants
Hormone that stimulates ripening of fruit
Describe the role of Gibberellins (GA) in seed germination
GA sends signals to shell --> secretes enzymes which break down sugars and other nutrients
Epithelial Tissue
Skin, lining of things
Connective Tissue
Structure of other tissues, blood, bone
Nervous Tissue
Neurons and parts of the nervous system
Use internal control mechanisms to regulate and maintain internal environment
Allow internal environment to change with change in external environment
Set point
Physiological variables are maintained near or at this point in the body

**Depends on negative feedback control loops**
The process by which animals maintain an internal body temperature within a certain range
Heat mainly produced by metabolism (thermogenisis)
Heat gain mainly from the environment
Ways to regulate heat loss/gain
Circulatory adjustments
Evaporative heat loss (panting/sweating)
Behavioural Responses
What controls thermoregulation in humans
Hypothalamus (thermostat)
Circulatory responses
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Minimum MR in a non-growing endotherm at rest, no digestion & not thermoregulating

**Linear relationship between body mass and BMR***
Essential Amino Acids
Methionine, Valine, Threonine, Phenylalanine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Tryptophan & Lysine
Essential Vitamins
A, B, C, D
What kind of Fatty Acids are essential to your diet?
Intracellular digestion
Simplest design --> cell engulfs food and breaks in down in vacuoles
Extracellular digestion
Hydrolysis of food in compartments that are continuous with environment

This way, larger food can be processed
Substrate feeders
Live in or on their food source
Fluid Feeders
Suck nutrient rich fluid from a living host
Suspension Feeders
Sift small food particles from water
Bulk feeders
ingest large pieces of food
What are the 4 stages of food processing?
Adaptations in the mammalian stomach for digestion
Elastic stomach wall
Muscular stomach wall = churning
Folded epithelial tissue
Secretion of gastric juices (HCl, pepsin, mucus)
Adaptiations for nutrient absorption in the mammalian digestive system
Highly folded surface -- villi
Each epithelial cell has microvilli
High concentration of membrane bound proteins
Extensive blood supply
Appetite regulating hormones
Gas exchange by diffusion/osmosis is effiecient...
Over short distances
Open circulatory system
Common to arthropods/most mollusks

Circulatory fluid = hemolymph

Bathes organs directly + multiple tubular hears

Low pressure = low energy cost
Closed circulatory system
Common to all vertabrates

Circulatory Fluid = Blood

High pressure = increased O2 delivery effectiveness
Amphibian Circulatory System
3 - Chambered Heart

Pulmocutaneous Circuit = lungs + skin

Capable of Shunting

Incomplete separation of oxygenated & deoxygenated blood
Redistribution of blood flow away from lungs when underwater
Reptilian Circulatory System
3 Chambered heart with partially dividing septum

Incomplete separation of blood in ventricle

Capable of shunting
Reptilian Circulatory System (Crocodiles only)
4-chambered heart with vessel between pulmonary & systemic curcuit
Mammalian Circulatory System
4 Chambered heart with fully divided ventricle

No shunting

Extensive capillary system
Cardiac Cycle
0.8 sec @ 72 bpm
Contraction Phase
Relaxation Phase
Describe the path of blood
Lungs --> Pul. Vein --> L. Atrium --> L. Ventricle --> Aorta --> top/bottom body --> Inferior/Superior Vena Cava --> R. Atrium --> R. Ventricle --> Lungs
Very thick smooth muscle layer to deal with high blood pressure of blood coming from heart
Thin layer of smooth muscle, carries blood to the heart
Cardiac Output
Total blood ejected

= heart rate * stroke volume
Contraction of smooth muscle
Relaxation of smooth muscle
What controls Vasoconstrictions & Vasodilations?
Nervous system (PNS & SNS)
Local Control by endothelium
Precapillary Sphincters
Regulate capillary blood flow by opening or closing
How are substances exchanged between blood and interstitial fluid across endothelium of capillary walls
Fluid is removed by the lymphatic system at a rate that equals the net filtration loss from the capillaries
Gas exchange in air
O2 is plentiful
Less dense/viscous
Reletively easy but not efficient (bi directional)
Gas exchange in water
40x less air
High density/viscous
Energy demanding
Unidirectional = high efficeincy
Gill Structure
Net diffusion of O2 from water to blood occurs in gill lamelli
Tracheal system in Insects
Air filled tubes which permeate the body
Diaphragm contracts = moves down
Diaphragn relaxes = moves up
How is breathing controlled?

Medulla oblongata sets basic ryhtm
Pons = modulates rythm

ph (CO2 concentration) of cerebrospinal fluid and ph sensors in major blood vessels
How does CO2 production affect pH?
CO2 production decreases pH
Low pH
Decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for O2
Bohr Shift
More O2 is unloaded in active tissues
How is CO2 transported?
1) 70% as HCO3-
2) 23% bound to AA in Hb
3) 7% in solution in blood plamsa
Barrier Defenses
First stop pathogens from entering the body (i.e. skin)
Molecular Recognition
Specific receptors dectect a small number of highly conserved molecules present in many different pathogens
Toll Like Receptors (TRL)
Binding of these receptors to a specific molecule initiates a signalling cascade + innate immune response
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Double Stranded RNA (virus)
Bacterial Flagellum Protein
Innate Immunity
In all animals/plants

Response is not adaptive

Rapid response
4 Types of phogocytic cells
Natural Killer Cell
Dendritic Cells
The resetting of set point to higher temp
Adaptive Immunity
Only in vertebrates

Animals produce a vast number and diversity of receptors each recognizing a small part of pathogen molecule

Slower response
Develop and mature in bone marrow
Develop in bone marrow & mature in thymus gland
Humoral Immune Response
Antibodies (B-Cells) mark pathogens for destruction in blood/lymph
Cell Mediated Immune Response
Cytotoxic (T-Cells) destroy infected host using toxic gene products
The balancing of uptake and loss of water & solutes
The removal of excess solutes, nitrogenous metabolites and other wastes
Organisms which allows its osmolarity to change with the osmolarity of the environment
Organism which regulates its osmolarity regardless of the osmolarity of the enivironment
Describe osmoregulatory problems in Marine Fish
Body fluids hypoosmotic to seawater

Lose water via osmosis so they drink lots of water

This causes an excess of solutes
Describe the solution to osmoregulatory problems in Marine Fish
Chloride cells remove Cl- ions and Na+ follow passively

Kidneys also remove Ca, Mg, & SO4-
Describe osmoregulatory problems in Freshwater Fish
Hyperosmotic to freshwater

Continuously gain water

Lose Solutes by diffusion
Describe the solution to osmoregulatory problems in Freshwater Fish
Chloride cells actively transport Cl- and Na+ follows passively