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11 Cards in this Set

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BIS 245 Entire Course DeVry

BIS 245 Entire Course DeVry

BIS 245 All 7 Weeks Discussions

* Week 1 DQ 1 – Databases and Gathering Requirements
* Week 1 DQ 2 – Choosing a Database
* Week 2 DQ 1 – Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
* Week 2 DQ 2 – Database Table Design
* Week 3 DQ 1 – Conceptual Database Design
* Week 3 DQ 2 – Requirements Analysis
* Week 4 DQ 1 – Creating Queries from woodcraft Database
* Week4 DQ 2 – Creating Queries from NorthWeekind Database
* Week 5 DQ 1 – Data Normalization
* Week 5 DQ 2 – Data Validation
* Week 6 DQ 1 – Data Reporting
* Week 6 DQ 2 – Presenting Data Effectively
* Week 7 DQ 1 – Database Navigation
* Week 7 DQ 2 – Database Security

BIS 245 Week 1 Lab

BIS245 Week 2 Lab – Skills Development in Visio

BIS 245 Week 3 Lab – Visio ERD

BIS 245 Week 4 Lab – ER Diagram

BIS 245 Week 5 Lab – ER Diagram and ER Matrix

BIS 245 Week 6 iLab Creating Reports

BIS 245 Week 7 iLab

BIS 245 Final Exam

BIS 245 Discussion Questions All 7 weeks

BIS 245 Discussion Questions All 7 weeks

A+ - Original!!

Week 1 DQ 1 – Databases and Gathering Requirements

Week 1 DQ 2 – Choosing a Database

Week 2 DQ 1 – Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling

Week 2 DQ 2 – Database Table Design

Week 3 DQ 1 – Conceptual Database Design

Week 3 DQ 2 – Requirements Analysis

Week 4 DQ 1 – Creating Queries from woodcraft Database

Week4 DQ 2 – Creating Queries from NorthWeekind Database

Week 5 DQ 1 – Data Normalization

Week 5 DQ 2 – Data Validation

Week 6 DQ 1 – Data Reporting

Week 6 DQ 2 – Presenting Data Effectively

Week 7 DQ 1 – Database Navigation

Week 7 DQ 2 – Database Security

BIS 245 Final Exam

BIS 245 Final Exam

(TCO 1) Which object would you use to enter, delete, or modify data?

(TCO 1) Which object would you use to retrieve customers who live in Germany and the United States?

(TCO 1) To design a report you should do all of the following EXCEPT

(TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT a Report Section?

(TCO 1) A Detail line is used to

(TCO 2) For the following image, which of the following is TRUE?

(TCO 2) A symbol used in ER diagrams for an entity is a

(TCO 3) A property that provides a “user friendly” name to a column in Datasheet View is a

(TCO 3) Summarized data in an easy-to-read view is known as a

(TCO 3) Which of the following is NOT true of a property?

(TCO 4) Which of the following does NOT describe the following one-to-one relationship?

(TCO 5) Which form type displays records in a tabular format similar to a Datasheet view but has more editing options such as adding graphics?

(TCO 5) A calculated control

(TCO 6) Which of the following is a term used to describe the names of controls, fields, or properties?

(TCO 6) Data aggregates

(TCO 7) When making vertical data comparisons, you should use the following chart.

(TCO 7) Discrete data

(TCO 8) A switchboard is a

(TCO 9) To secure an Access database, all of the following should be done EXCEPT

(TCO 9) All of the following describe a certification authority EXCEPT

(TCO 10) Which of the following file format types removes all VBA code from the database and prohibits users from making changes to forms and reports?

(TCO 4) The term “cascading” refers to

(TCO 1) Describe three-tier architecture. Explain the functions performed by each tier.

(TCO 2) Explain business logic and describe how it relates to a relational database

(TCO 4) From first normal form, second normal form, or third normal form, select one of these forms and explain (1) how that normal form is often violated by inexperienced database designers and (2) how to correct such a violation of that normal form

(TCO 4) Explain 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF as related to database design

BIS 245 iLabs 1-7 Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access

BIS 245 iLabs 1-7 Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access

BIS 245 Week 1 Lab

BIS245 Week 2 Lab – Skills Development in Visio

BIS 245 Week 3 Lab – Visio ERD

BIS 245 Week 4 Lab – ER Diagram

BIS 245 Week 5 Lab – ER Diagram and ER Matrix

BIS 245 Week 6 iLab Creating Reports

BIS 245 Week 7 iLab

BIS 245 Week 1 Lab

BIS 245 Week 1 Lab

Lab 1 Part C Questions:

1. Entities in the conceptual model eventually are converted to tables in the database, and the attributes convert to the fields within the tables. Given this information, list the attributes (fields) found in the supplier table.
2. With the Customers table sorted in alphabetical order by city, what is the name of the first customer to appear in the table?
3. Who are the Customers located in the Tennessee?
4. List the tables along with the primary key for each.
5. List the tables “related” to the Orders table.
6. Open query “Inventory on Hold” by double clicking that query. What data is in this query (give the column names)? What is the Quantity on Hold for Northwind Dried Plums?
BIS 245 Week 3 Lab – Visio ERD

BIS 245 Week 3 Lab – Visio ERD

Part A: Create a Visio ERD from Data Requirements and Business Rules

Step 1: Open Visio

a. Open Microsoft Office, Visio application or

b. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder to start Visio.

Step 2: Identify and create the entities

a. Open a new blank Database Model Diagram.

b. Save the file as YourName_Lab3.vsd.

c. Based on the information provided below, create the necessary entities for the Pages in Time database. If you need assistance to create the entities, refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2.

Pages in Time

Pages in Time is a small bookstore carrying a variety of books. The owners have decided to computerize the books available through the store so that they can determine more easily what books are on hand and which books need to be special ordered to meet customer needs. Because customers do not always remember the name of a desired book, the owners want to be able to look for books by author or by type (genre). They also want to be able to find the publisher�s information using the system so that they can order books more easily.

After visiting with the owners, you have gathered the following information on data requirements and business rules to develop a

conceptual design (ERD), prepare it for conversion to an Access database, and then create the actual database.


You have determined that you will need at least the following entities to resolve the relationships that exist in the data.



Name (store data in its smallest parts)


Address (store data in its smallest parts)

Phone Number

E-mail Address

Preferred Contact Method




Received Date

Customer Contacted (Yes or No)


ISBN Number


BIS 245 Week 4 Lab – ER Diagram

BIS 245 Week 4 Lab – ER Diagram

Page 1 of 5

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-4A

B. Lab 4A of 7: Database design based on data requirements and business rules focusing on interpreting business rules to determine relationships.

C. Lab Overview –Scenario/Summary


1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.

2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.


You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience designing, with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of data requirements and associated business rules.

Upon completing this lab, you will be able to

1. create a new Visio file for database design; and

2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths.

D. Deliverables




Step 6

YourNameLab4A.vsd (Visio Diagram)

E. Lab Steps

BIS 245 Week 5 Lab – ER Diagram and ER Matrix

BIS 245 Week 5 Lab – ER Diagram and ER Matrix

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-5A

B. Lab 5A of 7 : Database design using Visio, and based on data requirements and business rules focusing on normalizing data to third normal form.

C. Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary:


2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements,create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.


You have been asked to create a database model using the MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience normalizing the database to third normal form based on limited instructions, data requirements, and associated business rules.

BIS 245 Week 6 iLab Creating Reports

BIS 245 Week 6 iLab Creating Reports

BIS 245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

A. Lab # BSBA BIS245A-6
B. Lab 6 of 7 : Creating Reports
C. Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:

TCO(s): 7. Given a database application with a completed relational schema, populated tables, and business reporting requirements, create the necessary reports and make a business decision.

Scenario: The purpose of this lab is to create Access Reports. After a report is created, the student will sort the fields in different ways. Also the Student can also delete fields in layout view and modify the appearance of the report by applying Themes. In addition to the report generated by Access, the lab also uses Report Design to allow users to design their own reports. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to:
• Create a report and apply a theme for professional appearance of the report.
• Use Report Design to generate your own report.

D. Deliverables: Upload the modified Lab6_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab6.accdb to the Week 6 iLab Dropbox.

Part A Step 1: Create a Simple Report – Lab6_Report1
Part A Step 2: Create a report using Report Design – Lab6_Report2
Part A Step 3: Creating Multi-table Reports – Lab6_Report3
Part A Step 4: Adding a Subreport – Lab6_Report4
Part A Step 5: Create Mailing Labels – Lab6_Report5
Part B Step 1: Create a Report – Lab6_Report6
Part B Step 2: Create a Multi-table Report – Lab6_Report7

BIS 245 Week 7 iLab

BIS 245 Week 7 iLab

BIS 245 Week 7 iLab

BIS245 Week 2 Lab - Skills Development in Visio $9.0

BIS245 Week 2 Lab - Skills Development in Visio $9.0

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-2

B. Lab 2 of 7 : Skills Development in Visio; Creation of MS Access Database

C. Lab Overview–Scenario / Summary:


1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze, and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.

2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.

3. Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the database design for efficiency.

4. Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and integrity, design the physical tables.