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76 Cards in this Set

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What makes up the birth passage?
The bony pelvis and the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum.
The inlet of the true pelvis is widest where? narrowest?
Widest: Transverse
Narrowest: A-P
The outlet of the true pelvis is widest where? narrowest?
Widest: A-P
Narrowest: Transverse
What are the four types of pelvises?
- Android
- Anthropoid
- Gynecoid
- Platypelloid
What two of the four pelvises are adequate for labor and delivery?
- Gynecoid
- Anthropoid
Which pelvis looks more like a male pelvis?
- Android
What are the 5 bones found in the fetal head?
- 2 frontal
- 2 parietal
- 1 occipital
What are the names of the 4 sutures in a fetal head?
- Sagittal
- Lambdoidal
- Coronal
- Frontal
When a fetus is said to be laying longitudinal, in what position is it in?
Up and down, either head up or head down
When a fetus is said to be laying transverse, in what position is it in?
Across the uterus, head is either to the left or right side
Do you want a flexion or extension attitude?
- Flexion
What does it mean if a fetus' attitude is flexion?
The body is tightly flexed, top of the head should come out first
What does it mean if a fetus' attitude is extension?
Head is extended so a face presentation is possible, arms and legs are not tightly flexed against the body
Out of flexion and extension which one would go to a C-section?
What are the three categories for fetal presentation?
- Cephalic
- Breech
- Shoulder
What is cephalic presentation? And what four groups can it be divided into?
- Fetal head presents first and is divided into groups according to the relation of the fetal head to its body
- vertex, military, brow, face
What is a breech presentation? And what 3 groups can it be divided into?
- The buttocks/ feet present first
- frank, full or complete, incomplete
A frank breech is when?
The legs are flexed at the hips and the knees and legs are extended against the abdomen and chest, buttocks is the presenting part
What is the most common kind of breech?
A complete/full breech is when?
The legs are flexed up on the fetal abdomen and the knees are flexed, buttocks and/or feet are the presenting parts
An incomplete breech is when?
the legs are flexed up on the fetal abdomen and one of the legs are flexed a the knee and the other is extended (foot by head)
A shoulder presentation is the same as ?
A transverse lie
Fetal station is defined as?
Measures degree of descent of the presenting part of the fetus through the birth canal
How is fetal station measured?
Up or down in cm from the ischial spines
In measuring fetal station, if the fetus was at the ischial spines what station is it at?
If a fetal station has a negative sign, you know the fetus is above or below the ischial spines?
If a fetal station has a positive sign, you know the fetus is above or below the ischial spines?
Define fetal engagement
when the fetal head reaches the level of the ischial spines
When does engagement usually happen in a primigravida?
About 2 weeks before labor begins
When does engagement usually happen in a multigravida?
May not happen until labor begins
What does effacement mean?
Thinning of the cervix
The pelvis is divided into 4 quadrants, what are they? Are they viewed from your view or the patient's view?
- Right, left, anterior, posterior
- They are viewed from the patient's point of view
What 3 characteristics distinguish true labor from false labor?
- Contractions
- Discomfort
- Cervical change
What is fetal position?
- Relationship of a designed landmark on the presenting part to four imaginary quadrants of the maternal pelvis
How is fetal position described?
By a 3 letter abbrevation
What is the first abbreviation in fetal position?
R or L: Right or left side of the maternal pelvis
What is the second abbreviation in fetal position?
Specific presenting part of the fetus:
Occiput (O): vertex presentation
Mentum (M): face presentation
Sacrum (S): breech presentation
Accordion (A): shoulder presentation
What is the third abbreviation in fetal position?
Location of the presenting part in relation to the maternal pelvis:
Anterior (A)
Posterior (P)
Transverse (T)
What location on the fetus are heart tones heard best?
Fetal back or chest
If a fetus is breech where on the mother's abdomen would you hear them?
Right or left upper quadrants
If the fetus is vertex where would their heart tones be heard?
below maternal umbilicus
What is the purpose of a ctx?
Accomplishes effacement and dilatation of the cervix and facilitates fetal descent through the pelvis
How many mins do you need between ctx?
1 min
True or False
The uterus divides into 2 segments in the process of labor, the upper and lower.
Effacement is expressed in terms of?
If you were to read this on a chart what would it mean, 5/90/+1?
5 cm dilated, 90% effaced, +1 station
How many stages of labor are there?
What is dilatation? how is it measured?
- Widening of cervical opening and cervical canal
- Measured via vaginal exam, in cm 1-10
Can a women push if her cervix is not fully dilated?
No, needs to be completely (10cm) dilated
Do effacement and dilatation take place together in multigravida women? primigravida?
Multigravida- yes
Primigravida- no, effacement starts first
When does the first stage of labor begin and end?
Begins with onset of true labor and ends with complete dilatation
There are 3 phases in the first stage of labor what are they?
- Latent phase
- Active phase
- Transitional phase
When does the latent phase begin and end?
Begins with the initiation of regular ctx and ends when the cervix is 3 cm
How long is the latent phase in nullipara? multipara?
Nullipara: 8.6 hrs
Multipara: 5.3 hrs
What is a women's behavior like in the latent phase?
Comfortable, joking around, talkative, independent
Describe the ctx in the latent phase
- Every 10-30 mins to 5-7 mins
- 30-40 secs in duration
- Mild to moderate intensity
When does the active phase begin and end?
Begins at 4 cm dilatation and ends at 7 cm
How long is the active phase in nullipara? multipara?
Nullipara: 4.6 hrs
Multipara: 2.4 hrs
How is the women's behavior in the active phase of labor?
Helplessness, increased fatigue, restlessness, more dependent
When does the transitional phase begin and end?
Begins at 8 cm and ends at 10 cm
How long is the transitional phase in the nullipara? multipara?
Nullipara: 3.6 hrs
Multipara: mins to hrs
How often should the B/P be taken during the first stage of labor?
Must be taken between every ctx
What is the average amount of amniotic fluid?
1,000- 1,500 mL
If too little amniotic fluid what is the baby at risk for? if too much?
Too little: cord compression
Too much: cord prolapse
What is priority thing to do when a women's water breaks?
Check fetal heart tones
True or False
Meconium is normal in a breech
The second stage of labor begins and ends with what?
Begins with complete dilatation of cervix and ends with birth of baby
How long does the second stage of labor last in nullipara? multipara?
Nullipara: up to 3 hrs, not more than 4 hrs
Multipara: less than 1 hr, usually 15 mins
Is a women usually pushing in the second stage of labor?
How long can a women push for?
max 4 hrs
What are the Cardinal movements of labor?
- Descent
- Flexion
- Internal Rotation
- Extension
- Restitution
- External Rotation
- Explusion
What does the third stage of labor begin and end with?
Begins with birth of the infant and ends with delivery of the placenta
True or False
Every women gets pitocin after delivery.
If a women is having post partum hemorrhage what vital sign will she not maintain?
When are pregnant women screened for GBS?
35-37 weeks
If a women is GBS positive when is treatment most effective for the fetus?
at least 4 hrs before delivery