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39 Cards in this Set

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4 elements of the biosphere
Oceans, Life, Atmosphere, Soil
How long circulation times: 1) Atmosphere, 2) Ocean, and 3) Soil
1) 1 year, 2) 1000 years, 3) 10's-100's of years
Age of the Universe
13.7 BYA
Composition of Universe
73% Dark Energy, 23% Dark Matter, 4% Ordinary matter
We are all star dust?
We are all star dust formed from carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, phosphorous and trace elements of hydrogen that was priomordial
Age of earth/Moon
4.5 BYA/4 BYA
Radiometric/Radioactive clocks
use radioactive decay to tell time, measure decay of elements (most famous potassium-argon dating). Only isotopes decay.

1 half life = 50%
2 half life = 25%
potassium-argon dating
Pottasium (solid) 40k decays into Argon (gas) 40A

look at 40A/40k ratio
1) Replication 2) Variation 3 ) Selection
Lived in deep see vents in ocean, start of life. Thermophiles: High temp. Halophiles: high salt. Aciphiles: high acid
Early Earth
extremohpiles, zero oxygen, high greenhouse gasses
Deep see vents
lots of active chemistry. Some bacteria survived by "chemosynthesis": make organic molecules from co2 w/o light
Panspermia Theory
Life came from outerspace, maybe Mars. Life isn't forming new now, so what was so special about the past. Mars would have reached life-forming ability before earth
Lack a nucleus (Bacteria). Half of history life on earth was prokaryotic
Prokaryotic Bubblers
Mostly Archaea. Methane Generators. Kept Earth warm. Feed on Organic materials
Origin of life?
Fossil Evidence: 3.5 BYA
Carbon Isotope: 3.9 BYA
prokarayotic Breathers
Carbon-DiOxygen generators.
Prokarayotic Blue Greens
Oxygen generators
Cell symbiogenesis
Origin of Eukeryotic Cell.
Power spots of cells. take organic matter with 02, create energy and waste as 02.
Origin of Multiceluar Life
Merger1: Mitochondria resulted from merger between large cell and breather bacteria

Merger2: photosynthesis bacterium (blue-green) which led to chloroplats in plan and algae cells

2-2.5 BYA
If all cells are the same, why do we have different body parts/functions?
various cells learn to turn off parts of DNA not needed for the specialized cell. This is called "methylation"
Cambrian Explosion
540MYA - Eyes were key invention
last universal common ancestor/ Had DNA, Ribosomes
Key invention in Fish
Key invention in Trees
Xylem tubes = water from roots
Phloem tubes = Food from leaves
When did reptiles come`
When did Dinosuars come
230MYA - key invention hip
When wre Mammalls
When was ther Arigona Period
the function that something came in for may be different than what it was later used for
Extinction of Dinosaurs
65MYA, K-t meteroite. mammals had lived for 135my and birds for 100my
KT Meteroite
10 km in diameter, hit with force of 12 hiroshima bombs
Key inventions of humans
bipedality - carry food. great apes have 24 pairs of chromosones while humans have 23. biggest diff between man and ape is y chromosone.
When did chimps split
Bonobo Chimp
make love chimps
Make War chimp
Lucy, 3.2 MYA