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44 Cards in this Set

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Action of the Gulteal Region? 4
extend, abducts, medial and lateral rotation
Actions of Posterior Thigh? 2
extend the thigh
flex the leg
What are the 3 gluteal muscles?
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
What are the Lateral Rotators of the Thigh? 4
Obturator Internus
Superior and Inferior Gemelli
Obturator Externus
Origin (4) & insertion(2): Gluteus Maximus?
O- dorsal aspect of Ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament

I- iliotibial band, gluteal tuberosity
Action: Gluteus Maximus? 2
major extensor of thigh
lateral rotator
Innervation: Gluteus Maximus?
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Origin & Insertion: Gluteus Medius?
O- between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
I- greater trochanter of femur
Origin & Insertion: Gluteal Minimus?
O- between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
I- greater trochanter of femur
Action: Gluteus Medius? 2
abduct the thigh
medially rotate the thigh
Action: Gluteus minimus? 2
abduct the thigh
medially rotate the thigh
Innervation: Gluteus Medius?
Superior Gluteal Nerve
Innervation: Gluteus Minimus:
Superior Gluteal nerve
What are the Gluteus medius and minimus essential role in locomotion?
prevents the unsupported limb from dragging on the ground by keeping the pelvis level
when the gluteus medius and minimus are inactive owing to injury of the superior gluteal nerve
-the supporting and steadying action of these muscles is lost and the pelvis falls to the side of the raised or unsupported limb
Where do all lateral rotators of the thigh insert?
greater trochanter
Origin & insertion: Piriformis?
O- anterior portion of sacrum
I- greater trochanter
Action: Piriformis?
laterally rotate the thigh
Origin & Insertion: Obturator Internus?
O- sacrum
I- greater trochanter
Action: Obturator Internus?
laterally rotate thigh
Innervation: Obturator internus? 2
plexus branches L5 and S1
Innervation: Piriformis? 3
plexus branches S1 S2 L5
Origin & Insertion: Gamellus Superior & Inferior?
O-ischial spine & tuberosity
I- obturator internus tendon, greater trochanter
Action: Quadratus Femoris?
strong lateral rotator of thigh
Origin & Insertion: Quadratus femoris?
O-ischial tuberosity
I- intertrochanteric crest of femur
Innervation: Quadratus femoris? 2
plexus branches L5 S1
Innervation: Obturator externus?
Obturator nerve
Origin & insertion: Obturator externus?
O- obturator foramen
I-trochanteric fossa of femur
Action: Obturator externus?
lateral rotator of thigh
Why are intragluteal injections safe in the upper lateral quadrant of glutes?
sciatic nerve located in the lower half of gluteal region
What 3 muscles make up the hamstrings?
Biceps femoris
Role of hamstring muscles? 2
extensors of thigh
flexors of leg
Innervation of long head of biceps femoris?
tibial nerve
Innervation: short head of bicep femoris?
common fibular nerve
What joints does long of biceps femoris cross? 2
What joints does short head of biceps femoris cross?
Origin & insertion: biceps femoris?
O- ischial tuberosity (long head), linea aspera (short head)
I- head of fibula
Action: Biceps femoris?
extends thigh and flexes leg
Origin & Insertion: Semitendinosus?
O- ischial tuberosity
I- medial side of knee
Action: Semitendinosus?
extends thigh
flexes leg
Innervation: Semitendinosus?
Sciatic nerve
Origin & insertion: Semimembranosus?
O-- ischial tubersoity
I- medial condyle of tibia
Action: Semimembranosus?
extends thigh
flexes leg
Innervation: Semimembranosus?
sciatic nerve