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71 Cards in this Set

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What are the formed elements of blood?
Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
Leukocytes (white blood cells)
What is hematocrit?
The percentage of erythrocytes (red blood cells) out of the total blood volume.
It makes up 45% of the blood
Blood is the body's only ________
Fluid tissue
What percentage of the blood does plasma make up?
What is the buffy coat?
After blood has been put in a centrifuge, it is the thin layer of Leukocytes between the Plasma layer (top) and the Eurythrocytes (bottom)

It is normally less than 1% of the of the blood.
Describe the physical characteristics of blood.
It is slightly acidic.
Usually between 7.35 and 7.45 pH
It has a metallic taste
It accounts for 8% of the body weight
Temperature is slightly higher than normal body temperature (approx 38 degrees centigrade)
Blood transports Oxygen and nutrients from the digestive tract travel via the _____.
Portal Vein
Blood transports Metabolic wastes from cells to the lungs and kidneys for elimination travel via _____.
Intracellular Metablolism
Blood transports Hormones from the _________ glands to target organs.
Blood regulates: (3 things)
Body temperature
Normal pH in body tissues using buffer systems.
Adequate fluid volume in circulatory system
What percentage of CO2 is carried out in the hemoglobin?
Albumin is produced in the ______
Describe the shape of eruthrocytes
How does the body increase blood cells?
They are renewed by the cells of the bone marrow.
They do NOT divide.
What is a unique characteristic of the WBC?
They are the only complete cells within the blood including a nucleus.
How does the body protect from blood loss?
By initiating a clot once a vessel is broken.
Blood prevents infection by: (3 things)
Synthesizing and utilizing antibodies (B Lymphocytes)
Activating complement proteins
Activating WBC to defend the body
Which cells are the killer cells?
T Cells
What do B lymphocytes do?
Secrete antibodies
Blood plasma contains how many solutes?
Over 100
Name 2 characteristics of Erythrocytes
Bi-concave which increases surface area
More than 97% hemoglobin to function in gas transport
What is hemoglobin composed of?
Two alpha and two beta chains with each being bound to a heme group
What is a characteristic of a heme group?
They each bear an atom of iron which can bind to one oxygen.
How many oxygen molecules can each hemoglobin transport?
Four - one for each heme group.
How many hemoglobins does each RBC have?
250 Million resulting in 1 billion molecules of oxygen for each red blood cell.
What is the mama stem cell in blood?
What is the word for blood cell formation?
Where does hematopoieisis occur?
In the axial skeleton and girdles
On the Epiphyses of the humerus and femur

Epiphyses is E for End.
How does the hemocytoblast specialize?
The membrane surface has receptors which respond to different hormones in order to specialize.
What are the characteristics of circulating eurythrocytes (rbc)? 1 main and 2 sub.
The number remains constant to maintain balance. Imbalance results in:
Too few is tissue hypoxia
Too many increases viscosity and also leads to tissue hypoxia.
How long is the life cycle of Erythrocytes? (RBC)
120 Days
What is the term used for the creation of blood?
What hormone is released by the kidneys in order to create blood?
Free iron is (2 things)
Transported in the body by transferrin as a protein complex
Erythropoiesis requires (6 things)
vitamin b12
folic acid
Describe the death of Erythrocytes through the release of amino acids into circulation.
Old erythrocytes become rigid and fragile and hemoglobin begins to deteriorate
Engulfed by macrophages in spleen
Heme and globin are separated
Iron is salvaged for re-use
Globin is metabolized into amino acids and released into circulation
Describe the death of erythrocytes beginning after the globin metabolization.
Heme without iron is degraded to a yellow pigment called bilirubin
bilirubin is bound to albumin
The liver secretes bilirubin into the intestines as bile
bile is used in digestion
the intestines metabolize the bile into urobilinogen
The degraded pigment leaves the body in feces as a pigment called stercobilin
2 characteristics of anemia:
It is a symptom not a disease
it is when the blood has abnormally low oxygen carrying capacity.
3 causes of anemia
Hemorrhagic (loss of blood)
Hemolytic (break down of blood)
Aplastic (under productive bone marrow - indicative of leukemia)
Low iron is
microcytic anemia - cells are small
Low b12 is
Pernicious anemia - requires intrinsic factor
Abnormally large red blood cells is
macrocytic anemia
3 characteristics of sickle cell anemia
Results from a defective gene with a single amino acid substitution in the beta chain (HB S)
This defect causes RBCs to become sickle shaped in low oxygen situations
Patients with sickle cell have a better chance of surviving malaria.
What are granulocytes and thier characteristics?
They have granules
The three types are neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils.
Which leukocytes are the big guns?
Neutrophils - make up 50-70%
Eosinophils _____
Make up 1-4% of wbc's
Lessen the severity of allergies by phagocytizing immune complexes.
Basophils ________
Make up .5% of wbc's
Release histamine and heparin
Agranulocytes _________
Two types: lympohocytes and monocytes
Lack visible granules
The production of Leukocytes is called
Acute leukemia involves what type of cell?
blast type cell
Leukemia is characterized by what three things?
Bone marrow is occupied by cancerous leukocytes (anemia)
Large number of non-functional leukocytes are produced (high wbc count)
Major cause of death is a bleeding infection.
Mono-neucleosis is caused by what?
Epstein barr virus
What are platelets?
Fragments of megakaryocytes
Hemostasis is basically what?
Turning fibrinogen into fibrin in order to stop bleeding.
Describe platelet plug formation.
Blood vessel is damaged
Platelets are attracted to the endothelium
Platelets stick to exposed collagen fibers
This releases seratonin and ADP to attract more platelets.
Coagulation involves what two types of pathways?
Intrinsic and Extrinsic
What are the final three steps of coagulation?
Prothrombin activator is formed
Prothrombin is converted to thrombin
Thrombin catalyzes the joining of fibrinogen into a fibrin mesh.
Why is vitamin K important to clotting?
It is required to synthesize the clotting factors 2,7,9 and 10.
Define Thrombus
A clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel.
Define Embolus:
A free floating thrombus.
What three substances can prevent a clot?
Aspirin (blocks platelet plug)
Heparin (Inhibits thrombin)
Warfarin (aka coumadin - interferes with vitamin K synthesis)
Which blood groups, when improperly transfused, cause a vigorous reaction?
ABO and Rh
In respect to the ABO blood group, what does it consist of?
Two antigens (A & B antiglutinogens) on the surface of the rbc's.
Two antibodies (anti A & anti B) in the plasma.
What is hemolytic disease of a newborn a result of?
An Rh- mother is sensitized after the birth of an Rh+ child. Therefore the next child who is Rh+ runs the risk of being Hemolytic due to the antibodies the mother has developed.
What is polycythemia?
Too many rbc's
What is the percentage of hemoglobin in normal blood?
12-18% g/100 cc
What are causes of polycythemia?
lack of oxygen ie. COPD, emphysema, bronchitis
bone marrow cancer -
heart failure if not enough blood is pumping enough nutrients
High altitude
What are causes of anemia?
Iron deficiency
kidney failure
How do you measure hemoglobin?
add some form of agent to lice the cell and use a heboglobinometer to remove and measure hemoglobin.
If blood types are crossed - the result is:
Cholesterol is made in the _____