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31 Cards in this Set

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what is a coelem?
an internal, fluid filled, body cavity that is lined with mesoderm
what does a coelem do?
acts as a hydrostatic skeleton for support and for motion
what classes in the phylum annalida have a coelem?
oligochaeta, hirudinea and polychaeta
which classes in the phylum annalida have a clitellum and when?
the class oligochaeta has a clitellum at all times.
the class hirudinea has a clitellum during the reproductive season
what is a clitellum and what is it for?
in the classes oligochaeta and hirudinea, the clitellum secretes a viscous fluid that form a cocoon after copulation for sperm and egg to be deposited into.
defining characteristics of the class oligochaeta?
no parapoida and few setae
defining characteristics of the class polychaeta?
segmented, many parapoida and many setae
defining characteristics of the class hirudinea?
mainly parasitic, has no parapoida, two suckers, one at the mouth for feeding and one at the tail for grip
what are the positive effects of earthworms on soil structure?
they leave tunnels in the soil which make water transport easier to the root systems of plants and allow them to receive more nutrients
what is the ecdusozoan?
it is a group of protostome animals consisting of the phylum annalida and nematoda
what are the common names of the phyla Tardigrada and Onychophora
tardigrada = water bear
onychophora= velvet worm
what is cryptobiosis?
a reversible state in which an animals metabolism has come to a virtual standstill
ex: waterbear
what is cryobiosis?
a resitance to cold and ability to survive frigid extraterrestrial environments
what is the earthworn phylum, class, order and genus
annalida, oligochaeta, lumbricus
what is the leech and clam worm, phylum, class, order and genus?
leech= annalida, hirudinea, leech
clam worm= annalida, polychaeta and clam worm
function of the setae?
they prevent backsliding in motion
function of the clitellum?
secretion of an egg sac in annalida reproduction
frunction of the mouth?
ingesting nutrient from their intended medium.
what is the function of the pharynx?
used for getting food into the mouth
what is the function of the calciferous glands?
small round extensions of the esophagus which secrete calcium ions into the esophagus
what is the function of the crop?
a thin walled storage structure in line with the esophagus
what is the function of gizzard?
a grinding structure with thick muscular walls
what is the function of the intestine?
digestion and absorption
what is the function of the anus?
excretion of wastes
what is the function of the hearts?
to circulate blood
what is the function of the dorsal and ventral blood vessels?
main pumping structures in which blood moves through
what is the function of the nephridia?
coiled tubules that form a cone shaped nephrotosome
what is the function of the dorsal ganglion?
nerve fibers that innervate structures in each segment
what is the function of the ventral chord?
the nerve chord responsible communications
what is the function of the seminal vesicles?
the testicle sacs and sperm sacs within the annalida
what is the function of seminal receptacles?
storage of sperm prior to copulation