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27 Cards in this Set

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Gregor Mendel

-demostrated that inheritance occurs through genes.


-composed of DNA

-part of a chromosome


-serves as a model for the synthesis of RNA


-a single strand chemical

-serves as a template for the synthesis of proteins.


-determines the development of the body

-forms part of the structure of the body

-serve as enzymes that regulate chemical reactions in the body.

Human Genome Project

-Genes do not have discrete locations

-they can overlap

-genetic outcome can depend on two or more chromosomes

-we only have about 20,000 genes

-genes constitute only 1% of our DNA

-Protein encoding is a minor job of RNA


-means "above genetics"

-all mechanisms of inheritance except genes

-experience and behavior

-Epigenetic changes can be induced by experiences and can be passed on to future generations.

DNA Methylation

-Methyl groups attach to DNA and reduce the expression of adjacent genes.

Histone Remodeling

-a gene is loosened from the histones

-this causes gene expression

-if a gene is tightened from the histones, it turns the gene expression off.


-if a trait or behavior is found all over the world it must have genetic underpinnings.

Selective Breeding Studies

-select a certain gene you favor

-find the animals with that particular gene and breed them together

-Racehorses and dogs

-Selective breeding only works with a constant environment.

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

-inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine.

-if toxic levels are reached, it can impair brain development.

-mental retardation, irritability

-every child is tested at birth and placed on a strict diet.

Behavioral Genetics

-attempts to quantify the extent to which genetic and environmental differences are associated with differences in traits.

Deprivation Studies

-depriving an organism of some environmental experience.

-if they develop the behavior anyway, the behavior must have genetic underpinnings.

-be sure to deprive the right experience.


-heritability of a certain trait is specif to that population.

-strong environmental influences may cause genetic influences to show less of an effect

-vice versa

-high heritability exists if variations in some characteristic depend largely on genetic differences

The New Twin Studies

-at conception, monozygotic twins are genetically the same.

-an experiment done by Fraga et al showed us that monozygotic twins were identical at the beginning, but showed differences as they aged.

Twin Study by Wong et al

-MZ and DZ twins were studied

-DNA methylation was prominent in both sets of twins at similar ages.

-found that DNA methylation is largely due to experience.


-small genetic changes that occur over a few generations.


-broader patterns of change that occur over thousands of generations

-new species are formed in this way

-gradualism: changes occur at a slow rate

-punctuated equilibrium: short periods of rapid change that interrupt long periods of little change.

Natural Selection

-a type of microevolution that alters the distribution or % of gene combinations in the population.


-random occurrence of new gene combinations


-happens when two populations share alleles.

Genetic Drift

random events in environment eliminate certain genotype.

Charles Darwin

-Father of Natural Selection

-all species produce more offspring than the environment can support.

-those with favorable genes will pass on those particular genes.

True or False: Survival of the fittest means the one in best shape will win..

False... fittest means a reproductive success and having a reproductive trait that increases survival and reproductive success.

Evolution of the human brain

-human brain has increased in size

-the cerebrum has increased the most.

-we know have folds to accommodate the size of the skull.

-no relationship between intelligence and brain size.

-the bigger your body, the bigger you brain however.

Encephalization Quotient

-the ratio of body weight and brain weight to predict intelligent behavior.