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55 Cards in this Set

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hormones composed of long chains of amino acids
ex ?
protein hormones
hormones smaller than protein hormones, composed of fewer amino acids
-both act as activators of second messengers within cell
peptide hormones
-vasopressin, oxytocin
hormones derived from cholesterol and contain four carbon rings
steroid hormones
3 mechanisms of steroid hormones
1. bind to extracellular receptors
2. enter cell and activate proteins in cytoplasm
3. enter nucleus and activate/inactivate certain genes
-released by adrenal gland in response to stress
-induces breakdown of fats and proteins into chemicals the body can use for energy including glucose
-cortisol for humans
-corticosterone for rodents
released by gonads, includes estrogen, progesterones, and androgens
-essential for sexual differentiation
sex hormones
-determines genetic sex
biological father's sperm
when does differentiation of gonads begin?
4-6 weeks after fertilization
pathway for sex gonads differentiation for males
y - sry - tdf - gonads become testes -- make testosterone and Anti-Mullerian hormone
function of testosterone
stimulates development of Wolffian system
function of AMH
-inhibits development of mullerian system (present in females)
-differentiates into male or female genitalia during embryonic development
urogenital sinus
becomes the clitoris or the penis
genital tubercle
becomes the labia or the scrotum
genital folds
-essential for the development of the male external genetalia
-converted from T by 5-alpha-reductase
DHT dihydrotestosterone
results from no androgens
female external genitalia
caused by genetic mutation that prevents formation of functioning androgen receptors
resulting in insensitive to androgens
-internal testes develop but external genitalia is female
-puberty = woman
-androgen insensitivity syndrome
results in incomplete masculinization of external genitalia
-birth - assigned as females
-puberty - male changes in external genitalia
-5-alpha reductase deficiency
condition in females in which too much androgens are produced by adrenal glands and male genitalia develops
-surgery corrects, lifelong hormones needed
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
hormonal organizational control of sexual differentiation
hormonal activational control of sexual differentiation
-after organ differentiation
see slide 19
large lesions impair male sex, sexually dimorphic in size, differentiation occurs during early critical period
preoptic area
enzyme that is abundant in the hypothalamus that converts testosterone to estrogen
describe aromatization
t converted to e by aromatase
-e binds receptors to induce masculine MPOA
-natural cell death drives MPOA differentiation
-more dying cells in females than males
why does estrogen not maculinize females?
alpha fetoprotein
protein that binds to estrogen during neonatal period and soaks up estrogen so it cannot act on the brain
hormone activated at puberty
gonadal trophin releasing hormone
released by the AP to promote growth of a follicle in the ovary
Follicle stimulating hormone
released by the AP to cause the follicle to release the ovum
luteinizing hormone
reproductive behaviors of females vs males
females - few gametes, large energy cost, selective
male - many gametes, small energy cost, not picky
time of maximum fertility and high estrogen levels when ovulation occurs
periovulatory period
-estrogen and progesterone spike at ovulation in day 4 of ovulatory cycle
causes behavioral estrus
castration impairs male sex, but can be treated with testosterone
when microinjected into the MPOA, male sexual behavior is enhanced
dopamine agonists
when microinjected into the MPOA, male sexual behavior impaired
dopamine antagonists
part of the medial preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, larger in males than in females and linked to male sexual behavior
sexually dimorphic nucleus
males use mPOA and females use ventromedial hypothalamus when estrogens affect neurons during sex
mPOA responsible for parental behavior
-maternal behavior in rats
-stimulates contraction of the uterus during delivery of a baby
-stimulates mammary gland to release milk
-released during orgasm
-facilitates formation of pair bonds between partners and mom and infant
larger in hetero males than homo males and hetero females
interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) acts as human SDN
larger in hetero females and homo males than hetero males
anterior commissure
activates brains of hetero females and homo males but not hetero males
pheromonal effects
homo female exposed to fetal androgens results in her?
sexual orientation possibly
overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth resulting in a masculinized female
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
results of CAH
-feminine index of pics for CAH girls significant lower
-masculine index for CAH girls higher than unaffected
-masculine index for CAH not different from unaffected boys
males have larger ___ in hypothalamus while females have larger ____
males: SDN-POA, BNST
females: SCN, AVPv
females have larger structures associated with language such as
temporal planum, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, superior temporal gyrus
females have larger structures connecting hemispheres such as:
corpus callosum, anterior commissure, intermediate thalamus
brains overall larger in males and women have more folds in the frontal cortices
who has higher sensory acuity in all senses except visual?
olfaction and women
-increased response to musk at puberty
-periovulatory and early preggo women have greater olfactory sensitivity
-hormones affect olfaction
-8x greater response than men to smell
taste and women
-women better at discriminating esp bitter
-diffs appear after puberty, increase during preg, decrease after menopause
-increased estrogen = higher pref for sweet tastes
echolike noises produced by all our cochlea in the inner ear
click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAEs)
-womens are louder from birth (organization by hormones)
women with twin bro or homo or bi women produce lower EOAEs and more male-like EOAE