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36 Cards in this Set

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an output of the brain resulting from neural processing of external and internal information
electrically active and responsive to chemical signals

Compute, communicate, transmit information
Information processing
a product of electrical and chemical activity in the brain
Parts of the neuron + how they function together
Soma (5-50 micrometers)
Axon (axons can be few microns - centimeters in brain to spinal cord)
Axon terminals (synaptic terminals = 1microm.)

Input goes from soma, through axon, to axon terminals
3 key concepts about neurons
2) Terminate in thousands of branches
3) Vary in length
Approx how many neurons are there in the brain?
More than 100 billion!
(1000 km laid side by side)
The adult human brain weighs...
3 lbs
3 different types of neurons
Multipolar, bipolar (usually sensory, processing occurs in middle in soma), unipolar (also often sensory)
Nissl stains of nucleus reveal
dense packing of neurons (located in nucleus), white matter (contains axons), purple part/gray matter (contains cell bodies), holes in center = ventricles
dense packing in hippocampus
What is the function of glial cells? What are 2 main types?
To support neurons, gather up/recycle NT . Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes

**Microglia clean up after neuron

Astrocytes support neuron

oligodendrocytes wrap axons with fatty sheath, myelin, to speed up conduction in CNS
Node of ranvier
gap in the sheath that exposes bare axon
Schwann cells
also form myelin but only in PNS
Multiple sclerosis
a demyelinating disease - myelin lost = poor communication in neurons
transmit information from input to output w/ action potentials
Integrate information - gather information from other neurons, have a branched arborization pattern
Axon hillock
part connecting soma to axon, integrates electrical activity from the dendrites to trigger action potentials (if threshold met)
Axon terminals
Contain synapses that release neurotransmitters to transmit info to post-synaptic neuron, can both diverge and converge
Key parts of the synapse
1) Presynaptic membrane - on axon terminal of pre-synaptic neuron
2) Postsynaptic membrane - on dendrite/cell body of of postsynaptic neuron
3) Synaptic cleft - gap that separates the membranes
Electron microscopy can be used to look at...
thin tissue samples (sliced like bread from large brain), high synaptic density, neurons
Neurons transmit information how?
Electrical and chemical activity across neuronal membrane
The neuron membrane is..
a impermeable lipid bilayer (hydrophobic tails, hydrophillic heads). Protein ion channels allow semipermiability
Distribution of ions across membrane is tightly regulated. Ion balance depends on:
Chemical concentration gradient
Electrical gradient
State of protein ion channels (open/closed)
Describe neurons in resting state
1) Extracellular [Na+] high
2) Intracellular [K+] high
3) Na+ permeability low
4) K+ permeability high

**more positive outside, negative inside cell
Why doesn't all K+ ions leave to one side?
because electrical/concentration gradients stay about balanced
What are the two opposing forces that drive ion movement
1) Diffusion - causes ions to flow from areas of high -> low concentration along a concentration gradient

2) Electrostatic pressure causes ions to flow towards oppositely charged areas

Eventually a balance between the two is reached
Sodium potassium pump function
Moves 3Na+ out, 2K+ in So that there are a lot of Na+ outside, a lot of K+ inside
Function of K+/Na+ channels in resting state?
K+ is open, K+ flows outward because of concentration gradient and inward due to voltage (electrostatic) gradient. K+ reaches equilibrium

Na+ (and large protein anions) does nothing since gates are closed

Result = negative resting potential (more positive outside) of about -60V, as a consequence of K+ movement (which is why it's closer to Ek)
The voltage at equilibrium is called...
What is it a function of?
What can it be calculated with?
the Equilibrium potential of K+, which is a function of the concentration gradient, and can be calculated w/ Nernst equation
Steps of action potential (lecture 3)
SETUP (from resting state)
a) Sodium potassium pump moves 3Na+ out, 2K+ in
b) There are lots of K+ inside and Na+ outside. More + charge outside cell. This is due to high permeability to K+ but NOT Na+ in resting state

1) Stimulus causes Na+ gate to open, Na+ floods into cell, potential increases, causing Na+ gate to close
2) K+ gate opens, K+ floods out of cell. Charge becomes too low, K+ gate closes
3) return to resting potential, action potential continues down axon
Need to study!
1) Action potential voltage curve
2) What anatomy of neuron looks like (label)
Definitions from book to know
All-or-none property (threshold)
Local potential
Graded response
Absolute/relative refractory
Conduction velocity + size of axon
Saltatory conduction
Postsynaptic potential
Different neuron structures/shapes signify
Different purposes. Large arborization = collecting info from a large area.

Locust/invertebrate neuron is large, no myelenation, small number of neurons, same neuron configuration for each locust in same spot.
Used for experiments
Brain sizes
Elephant/other animals
Do we need to know this???
Brownian motion
concentration goes from high to low
How do you measure intracellular potentials?
Insert electrodes (reference = outside, recording = inside) , use amplifier, read recording
Current can be injected into neurons but they are...
graded potentials (they dissipate) . If you can depolarize to threshold, an AP will occur. You can also hyperpolarize the neuron.

****AP LOOKS REVERSED! Due to...?