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83 Cards in this Set

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PD is characterized by four principal symptoms:
Rigidity: Stiffness of the flexor and extensor muscles where movement is short and jerk “cogwheel rigidity”.

Resting Tremor: Prominent in the hands. Disappears during sleep. Postural tremor is also common during postural maintenance. As soon as movement becomes purposeful, tremor will go away.

Bradykinesia: Difficulty initiating movement, slowness in movement, and paucity or incompleteness of speech.

Postural Instability: abnormal righting or postural reflexes such that when PD patients trip, they are unable to stop falling, or ease their fall–resulting in injury. Shuffling gate
The MPTP Story
1982 – a backstreet chemist in an attempt to synthesize synthetic Demerol, mistakenly created the compound MPTP.

Several opiate addicts injected the toxic substance and within hours were in the hospital with severe paralysis.

Langston (a neurologist) noticed that the symptoms resembled Parkinson’s. He treated them with a Parkinson’s drug, and symptoms subsided.

The tainted drug was identified and synthesized.

When injected into non-human primates, they too developed Parkinson’s.

due primarily to : metabolite of MPTP seems to selectively destroy Dopamine Neurons in the Substantia Nigra (tegmentum of the Midbrain mesencephalon.)
Cause of PD
Loss of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Substantia Nigra (tegmentum of the Midbrain mesencephalon.)
Disinhibition & Partial Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
“Inhibiting an inhibitor” with the net effect being excitation
**Review Pathway of Basal Ganglia
substantia nigra--> caudate/putamen-->globus pallidus--> VA/VL complex of thalamus--> premotor cortex
PD Drug Treatments
Levodopa*precursor for dopamine synthesis
other drugs that increase dopamine production: MAO inhibitors (also for depression)
PD Surgery: Invasive Techniques
cryothalamotomy, destroys the thalamic brain area that produces tremors
deep brain stimulation
pallidotomy interrupts the neural pathway between the globus pallidus and the striatum or thalamus
transplant stem cells
Huntington's Disease
symptoms dont usually develop until age 35 (most have already had children by the time they realize they have the disease)
characterized by: involuntary movements (chorea) and sometimes rigidity
progressive dementia, irritability, moodiness
weight loss from constant movement
death 15-20 years after onset

profound progressive destruction of GABA and Acetylcholine neurons in basal ganglia
Schizophrenia Prevalence
1% of population
more than 2million americans a year
affects men and women with similar frequency, but develops earlier in men
all races and cultures
onset sudden and intense-can begin with acute psychotic phase
can be brought on by drug use or life stressor(anything that changes homeostasis like a drug)
can be successfully treated with drugs, but the long term prognosis is poor
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
positive symptoms: disorders of thought, hallucinations, delusions (false beliefs)
Causes of Schizophrenia
10% likelihood of developing the disease if a biological relative has it (even if adopted by a healthy family)
concordance rate in identical twins 45%
concordance rate in fraternal twins 10%
genetic regions on chromosomes 6 and 13 have been associated with the disease
can inherit suceptibility-but just because it is in lineage does NOT mean you will definitely have the disease
also due to enlargement of ventricles in the brain due to loss of neurons
decreased cortical volume
Major Breakthrough in Schizophrenia Treatment
Chlorpromazine-first developed as an antihistamine, shown to have calming effects, alleviate symptoms, is a Dopamine antagonist

prolonged use of these drugs produced Parkinson's-like symptoms
the dopamine hypothesis of Schizophrenia
antipsychotic drugs like chlorpromazine block DA receptors: long term usage of phenothiazines often develops parkinsonian-like symptoms (tardive dyskinesia)

Amphetamine psychosis resembles schizophrenia: amphetamine blocks DA transporters, raising DA levels. Amphetamine exacerbates schizophrenia.
Evidence for the Dopamine Theory of Schizophrenia
drugs that block dopamine reduce schizophrenic symptoms
-->most effective antipsychotic drugs block D2 receptors
drugs that block dopamine have side effects similar to PD (caused by a lack of dopa in basal ganglia)
best drugs to treat schizophrenia resemble dopamine and COMPLETELY BLOCK dopa receptors
high doses of amphetamines cause schizophrenic-like symptoms "amphetamine psychosis", a model for schizophrenia b/c drugs that block amphet psychosis also reduce schizophrenic symptoms.
Amphets also make symptoms of Schizo WORSE
first antipsychotic medication developed (for Schizo)
trade name Thorazine
Questioning the Dopamine Theory of Schizo
Amphetamines do more than increase dopa levels, they also alter other neurotransmitter levels
drugs that block dopa receptors act on receptors quickly, however these drugs sometimes take many days to change the behavior of people with schizo
effects of dopa blockers may be indirect, may influence other systems that have more impact on schizo symptoms
new drugs for schizo, like chlozapine, block receptors of serotonine and dopamine
structural abnormalities in the brains of schizos outside the dopamine system
most likely a collection of problems that cause Schizo-not just too much dopa being produced
Neural Degeneration
degeneration: anterograde (cell body to synapse)
retrograde (synapse to cell body)
transneuronal:( anterograde/retrograde transneuronal) from a higher to a lower form, especially change of tissue to a lower or less functionally active form
Apoptosis: active, programmed cell death
Necrosis: passive cell death

when cells arent used normally they die
triggered by variety of conditions
activation of apoptosis associated with chromatin condensation
Neural Regeneration
proceeds readily in lower animals, especially invertebrates
ability to accurately grow axons is all but lost in adult humans
"successful" regeneration depends on the extent of the damage and distance the regenerating axons must travel
PNS neurons more capable of regeneration than CNS
schwann cells: growth factors, cell adhesion molecules
Neural Reorganization
Stregthening of existing connections
"sprouting" of new connections
"New" Neurons in the CNS
How is BrDu Used?
dividing cells can be marked with BrDu
BrDu positive cells have been seen in hippocampus of adult rats, mice, humans
what is neurogenesis?
growth of new neurons
process of detecting and encoding environmental energy
result of organization and integration of sensations into an awareness of objects and environmental events
sensory receptors
specialized neurons that change energy into neural signals
receptor potential
local depolarization or hyperpolarization of receptor membrane
process by which energy is transferred into neural signals
Mullers Law of specific nerve energies
any activity by a particular nerve always conveys the same kind of information to the brain
Structures of the Eye to know
Pupil, Fovea, Blind Spot, Retina, Optic Nerve
rear surface of the eye, lined with visual receptors
specialized neurons that transduce light information
bipolar cells
receive information from photoreceptors and send it to ganglion
ganglion cells
receive information from bipolar cells. Axons make up optic nerve
ID cell types of the optic nerve
tiny area specialized for acute, detailed vision. ganglion cell axons, no blood vessels, each receptor connects to a single bipolar cell which in turn connect to a single ganglion cell (1:1:1) for better acuity

in peripheral retina, several receptors converge onto bipolar and ganglion cells (several photoreceptors can activate a ganglion cell) hence the periphery of your eye is more sensitive in dim light
Rods and Cones
rods: respond to faint light, abundant in periphery
cones: essential for color vision (3 types of cones, sensitive to one of three different wavelengths of light) not active in faint light
chemicals that release energy when struck by light
human rod can contain 10 million molecules consisting of two parts: opsin and retinal, bound together. when exposed to light, break apart
when transduction occurs, what cell types produce action potentials?
GANGLION cells produce action potentials
in the dark, photoreceptors are depolarized
when light breaks apart opsin and retinal, cascade of events hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor, which normally inhibits bipolar cell, light causes DEpolarization of bipolar cell, which excites Ganglion to produce and Action Potential
what does light do to photoreceptors? bipolar cells? ganglion cells?
light hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor. because photoreceptor normally inhibits bipolar cell, light causes a depolarization in bipolar cell, which excites ganglion to produce action potentials
neurotransmitter released by photoreceptors
trichromatic theory
Young-Hemoltz: the preception of color from the relative responding of three kinds of cones, each maximally sensitive to a different set of wavelengths
optical illusion, image continues to appear in ones vision even after image removed
negative color afterimage: see the opposite colors
opponent process theory
we perceive color in terms of paired opposites, red-green, black-white, yellow-blue
BUT perception of color also depends on higher-level processing in visual cortex (retinex theory), this also does not account for color constancy
most common cause of color blindness
lack of one or two cone types, or abnormal cone development
most common where long (red) and medium (green) wavelength cones have same photo pigment --> cant see red or green as well
X chromosomal trait affecting more men than women
lateral inhibition
reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neuron
sharpens contrasts to emphasize borders
one receptor is excited by sensory input, cells next to are inhibited
receptive field
part of the visual field that excites or inhibits neurons in visual system
once visual information leaves the retina...
ganglion cell axons make up the optic nerve, which exits the eye, crosses midline at the optic chiasm, goes to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus.
Information then passed to visual cortex. info from right ends up in left visual cortex
magnocellular and parvocellular layers in the LGN
Magno: large neurons, receive input largely from rods, respond to movement
parvo: small neurons, receive input fron cones and respond to color, detail, shlow or non-moving objects
primary visual cortex
=V1, area of cortex that is the first stage of visual processing, responsible for conscious vision.
imaging a visual scene will increase activity of V1
people with extensive damage in V1 can sometimes still react to visual information that they report not seeing (may orient to flash of light)
visual association cortex
area of cortex that further processes visual information, qualities such as shape, movement, brightness, color etc..
processing of visual information once it gets to the brain
neurons in visual cortex may be "feature detectors", they respond to particular features of visual stimuli, shape, depth, movement. As visual information processed, cells may respond selectively to more and more complex shapes so you might have a circle detector or triangle detector
selective adaption
support for the idea that some neurons respond best to specific type of stimulus
when we view a stimulus with specific property (like movement) for a long time, neurons that respond to that property adapt by:
1. decreasing firing rate
2. less immediate firing rate upon re-presentation of stimulus
simple cells
found in primary visual cortex, have fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones in their receptive field
complex cells
do not have fixed inhibitory and excitatory zones, but do respond to light of a particular orientation anywhere in its large receptive field
response to complex shapes and faces
Inferior Temporal Cortex: neurons have large receptive fields which always include information from the fovea. they often respond to complex shapes.
face recognition is processed in the Fuisform Gyrus , which is part of the inferior temporal cortex
Damage can cause visual agnosia
inability to recognize faces
difficulty determining wether two clas model of faces are different, even using touch, but can describe wether the face is young, old, female, male, but cannot identify the person
any deviation of the body from HomeostasiS
Hans Selye
first person to systematically study stress
HPA axis
Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
Anterior Pituitary
(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)
Adrenal Cortex
end product: cortisol, a glucocorticoid which feed back INHIBITS HPA axis, and help body release stores of FAT for E
(stress response activates 2 systems: Endocrine and autonomic)
HPA part of the endocrine
Effects of Cortisol (Glucocorticoid)
stimulate glucose synthesis
inhibit uptake glucose into fat and muscle
stimulate breakdown of fat
suppress immune system (anti-inflamm)
affects behaviors like fear as well
Cushings Syndrome
caused by tumor of pituitary gland
caused by increased production of cortisol or excessive use of cortisol or other steroid hormones
Stress Response Systems
1. Endocrine: HPA Axis
Glucocorticoids like cortisol in blood help relase stores of fat for E and feedback inhibit HPA axis
2. Autonomic: The Sympathetic Nervous System: Fight/Flight
see 4 effects: increase blood flow to muscles
increase HR
increase blood sugar
piloerection (hair stands up)

Also effects BEHAVIOR
Why are endocrine and autonomic nervous systems catabolic?
help mobilize energy sources in the body (breakdown to use E)
Real Stress Hormone
Manipulation in Learned Helplessness Experiments
Paradigm of Learned Helplessness
two groups of rats receive tail shock from same source. the escapable shock (ES) group can terminate the shock by turning a wheel. The inescapable shock (IS) group receives the same shock but unable to terminate
in order to study stressor: uncontrollability NOT shock
Effects of Learned Helplessness
decrease in : food, water, aggression, social dominance, social interaction
increase in: ulcers, conditioned fear behavior
what evidence suggests that learned helplessness is a good animal model of depression?
more evidence that LH rats are depressed: Chronic treatment with antidepressant drugs before LH treatment blocks the behavioral effects associated with LH
potential flaws of learned helplessness model
behavioral effects last only a few days, whereas DSM requires symptoms to be present for two weeks (however you cannot prolong LH by re-exposing animals to treatment)
antidepressant drugs are only effective as profilactics(low dose, preventative). the experimental design doesnt allow us to administer these drugs after an animal is already helpless, because effects didnt last long enough
what do Maier and colleagues suggest that LH is modeling?
one aspect that is common to depression and many anxiety disorders: uncontrollability of environmental stressors
uncontrollability and the fight/flight response, as well as the fear and anxiety behavior
LH is associated with deficits in escape behavior, assoicated with fight flight
LH also assoc. with increased fear conditioning and anxiety
presynaptic receptor that binds the neurotransmitter released by a given neuron, inhibiting further release
a mechanism for feedback inhibition, help maintain homeostasis
Paradoxically, less norepinephrine in the locus coerulus=more norepinephrine elsewhere
Evidence that the DRN is critical for LH
DRN is a region containing serotonin, also called 5-HT
inhibition of DRN serotonin blocks LH (proving its necessary)
Stimulation of DRN serotonin produces LH (sufficient)

LH mediated by activation of serotonergic neurons in DRN
increased 5-HT activation also associated with increase extracellular 5HT
DRN Hypothesis of LH
inescapable shock activated DRN 5HT neurons more than equivalent escapable shock
this leads to increased 5HT release in DRN and projection areas
increased 5HT release sensitizes DRN 5HT neurons for a period of time after inescapable shock
role of medial prefrontal cortex in LH
executive control
inhibit lower brain regions
emotion regulation
shutting off the medial prefrontal cortex during stress produces LH, even if animal has control over stressor!
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
Damage to Medial Temporal Lobe produces:
Emotional blunting: flat effect, no appropriate response to stimuli
Hyperphagia: extreme weight gain with out strictly monitored diet, tendency to put inedible objects in mouth
Inappropriate Sexual Behavior: mounting inanimate objects
Visual Agnosia: "psychic blindness" inability to visually recognize objects
Part of Brain Assoc with Urbach-Weithe Disease
Darwin on Emotional Expression
expression of emotion evolve from behaviors that indicate what an animal might do next
if signals provided by behaviors enhance animals ability to survive, they will be retained
opposite messages are revealed through opposite behaviors
James-Lange vs Cannon-Bard
J-L: emotional stimuli activate physiological reactions that are then interpreted as emotional experiences
C-B: emotional stimuli simultaneously activate physiological reactions and emotional feelings
What part of the brain is activated by masked faces?
eyes of faces masked, activation of amygdala
Low and High Road fear responding
Ledoux's Idea: brain is wired to learn to associate a fear with a visual image, sound, smell, tactal sensation without mediate by cerebral cortex
low road: fear of stimulus before you even know it
high road: when you realize you are afraid
how is fear in rodents observed
freezing= fear response
change in HR
decreased appetite
increase startle
decrease pain activity
change in motor activity
what structure mediates conditioned fear?
damage to amygdala interferes with fear, conditioned fear