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36 Cards in this Set

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1400 gm, fits in palm of hand
100 billion living cells; 10-100 trillion points of cellular contact or synapses
location of motor neuron soma
spinal cord
sensory neuron
specialized at one end to be highly sensitive to a particular type of stimulation
branching fibers lined with synaptic receptors responsible for bringing in information from other neurons
dendritic spines
short outgrowths that increase the surface area available for synapse on a dendrite
thin fiber, longer than dendrites which is the information sender of the neuron - conveying an impulse towards the other neurons or an organ or mnuscle
myelin sheaths
insulation of axon, absent in invertebrates
afferent axon
brings information into a structure
efferent axon
carries information away from a structure
cell's dendrites and axon are entirely contained within a single structure
application of the principles of biology, in particular neurobiology, to the study of mental processes and behavior in human and non-human animals
cerebral cortex has ____ neurons
12 to 15 billion
cerebellum has ___ neurons
70 billion
spinal cord has ___ neurons
1 billion
glial cells provide support and protection for neurons by...
hold in place
supply nutrients and oxygen
form myelin
destroy and remove decay & debris
clearance of neurotransmitters and prevent toxic build-up
can release certain neurotransmitters
crucial to development
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
neuron doctrine: used cell-staining technique to demonstrate that the individual cells comprising the nervous system remained seperate but connected to each other by small zones (later called synapses)
nodes of ranvier
gaps in the myelin sheath; linked with saltatory conduction (propagation of the neural impulse)
'nerves' are in the ___ nervous system
'tracts' are in the ___ nervous system
multiple sclerosis
autoimmune disease - myelin sheath is destroyed with inflammation and scarring; results in loss of conduction velocity and energy efficiency > impaired coordinated movement and widespread motor, sensory and cognitive sympotomatology
PNS disease similar to MS
Guillan-Barre syndrome
there are ___ glial cells for every ___ neurons in the gray matter
3 glial cells for every 2 neurons
glial cell: help synchronize the activity of the axon by wrapping around the presynaptic terminal and taking up chemicals released by the axon
glial cell: remove waste material and other microorganisms that may be harmful to the neuron
Oligodendrocytes (CNS) & Shwann Cells (PNS)
glial cells: build the myelin sheath
radial glia
glial cell: guide the migration of neurons and the growth of axons and dendrites during embryonic development
consists of dura mater and pia mater (arachnoid membranes directly on brain)
brain vascular bed
400 miles of capillaries
surface area = 100 sq. ft.
internal carotid and vertebral arteries meet at ______
circle of willis
blood brain barrier
structure that surrounds the brain and functions to block most non-toxic and toxic chemical substances from entering: tight endothelial cells of the blood vessels and glial cells
molecules permitted through blood brain barrier
small, uncharged, fat-soluble molecules. active transport pumps glucose and amino acids across the membrane
inflammation of the brain due to an infection that breaches the blood brain barrier; includes viral infections, bacterial infections, and parasitic infections
primary encephalitis
direct viral infection of the CNS
secondary encephalitis
infection first occurs elsewhere in the body
choroid plexus
lines the ventricles and produces CSF
circulates though the ventricles and within the arachnoid layer, exiting though the arachnoid granulations back to venous blood