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54 Cards in this Set

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neurons integrate many thousands of inputs before generating an action potential by engaging in what:
temporal summation of inputs arriving close in time
which ionic event is primarily reponsible for the depolorization phase of an action potential?
-influx of Na+
membrane potential
the difference in electrical charge between the inside and the outside of the cell
intracellular electrodes whose tips are less than one-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. (too small to be seen by the naked eye)
resting potential
a steady membrane potential of about -70 mV. K+ and Protein- on inside. Na+ and Cl- on outside
positively and negatively charged particles
sodium-potassium pumps
Transporters in cell membrane that continually exchange three Na+ ions inside the neuron for two K+ ions outside
Mechanisms in the membrane of a cell that actively transport ions or molecules across the membrane
decrease the resting membrane potential, from -70 to -67 mV
increase the resting membrane potential, from -70 to -72 mV
EPSPs (excitatory postsynaptic potentials)
postsynaptic depolarizations.
Increase the likelihood that the neuron will fire.
IPSPs (inhibitory postsynaptic potentials)
postsynaptic hyperpolarizations.
Decrease the likelihood that the neuron will fire
Graded responses
Amplitudes are proportional to the intensity of the signals that elicit them. Weak signals elicit small postsynaptic potentials and vice versa.
Transmission of postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs)
1)Rapid -- so rapid it can be assumed instantaneous
2)Decremental -- EPSPs and IPSPs decrease in amplitude as they travel through the neuron
axon hillock
the conical structure at the junction between the cell body and the axon
Threshold excitation
the sum of the depolarizations and hyperpolarizations reaching the section of the axon adjacent to the axon hillock at any time is sufficient to depolarize the membrane-- this generates an action potential
action potential
a massive but momentary reversal of the membrane potential from about -70 mV to about +50 mV. Not graded responses (magnitude doesnt relate to intensity)
Differs from EPSPs and IPSPs in two important ways
1)action potentials along an axon is nondecremental; action potentials do not grow weaker as they travel along the axonal membrane
2) action potentials are conducted more slowly than postsynaptic potentials
all-or-none responses
they either occur to their full extent or do not occur at all. (shooting a gun)
adding or combining a number of individual signals into one overall signal
Spatial summation
when local EPSPs are produced simultaneously on different parts of the receptive membrane sum to form greater EPSP. Same for IPSP. EPSP and IPSP can sum to cancel each other out
Temporal summation
postsynaptic potentials produced in rapid succession at the SAME SYNAPSE sum to form a greater signal
voltage-activated ion channels
ion channels that open or close in response to changes in the level of the membrane potential
absolute refractory period
a brief period of about 1 to 2 milliseconds after the initiation of an action potential during which it is impossible to elicit a second one
relative refractory period
the period during which it is possible to fire the neuron again, but only by applying higher-than-normal levels of stimulation
antidromic conduction
axonal conduction opposite to the normal direction; conduction from axon terminals back towards the cell body
orthodromic conduction
axonal conduction in the natural direction; from cell body to terminal buttons
nodes of ranvier
gaps between adjacent myelin segments
saltatory conduction
the transmission of action potentials in myelinated axons.
Signal jumps along the axon from node to node
dendritic spines
tiny nodules of various shapes that are located on the surfaces of many dendrites and are the sites of most excitatory synapses in the mature mammalian brain
directed synapses
synapses at which the site of neurotransmitter release and the site of neurotransmitter reception are in close proximity
nondirected synapses
synapses at which the site of release is at some distance from the site of reception
short amino acid chains comprising between 3 and 36 amino acids; in effect, they are short proteins
synaptic vesicles
release neurotransmitters
neurons containing two neurotransmitters
the process of neurotransmitter release
a protein that contains binding sites for only particular neurotransmitters; thus, a neurotransmitter can influence only those cells that have receptors for it
any molecule that binds to another
A neurotransmitter is said to be the ligand of its receptor
Ionotropic Receptors
receptors associated with ligand-activated ion channels.
Ex. When a neurotransmitter binds to an ionotropic receptor, the associated ion channel usually opens or closes immediately, thereby inducing immediate postsynaptic potential.
Metabotropic Receptors
receptors associated with signal proteins and G-proteins.
More prevalent and slower than ionotropic
second messenger
in metabtropic reception when a subunit of an associated G protein breaks off and triggers the second messenger. various long lasting effects
metabotropic receptors with 2 unusual characteristics
1)they bind to the neurons own neurotransmitter. On presynaptic membrane instead of the postsynaptic membrane.
2)function is to moniter the number of neurotransmitter molecules in the synapse
gap junctions
narrow spaces between adjacent neurons that are bridges by fine tubular channels, called connexins, that contain cytoplasm. Also called electrical synapses
Amino acid neurotransmitters
Glutamate, asparate, glycine, and GABA.
Glutamate is most prevalent excitatory NT and GABA is the most prevalent inhibitory NT in the CNS
Monoamine neurotransmitters
slightly larger than amino acid NTs and their effects are more diffuse. Divided into two groups
Tryosine --> L-dopa --> dopamine --> norepinephrine --> epinephrine
tryptophan --> serotonin
Acetylcholine (Ach)
small-molecule NT at neuromuscular junctions, at many of the synapses in the autonomic nervous system, and at synapses in several parts of the CNS
Unconventional Neurotransmitters
Soluble gas NTs: nitric oxide, carbon monoxide
Drugs that facilitate the effects of a particular neurotransmitter
drugs that inhibit the effects of a particular neurotransmitter
receptor blockers
bind to postsynaptic receptors without activating them and, in so doing, block the access of the usual NT. (example of antagonistic drug)
active ingredient in belladonna (makes your pupils big)
Receptor blacker that is an antagonist
another nicotonic agonist
blocks the release of Ach
occuring naturally within the body