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29 Cards in this Set

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Fluid Mechanics

How an object flow through fluid and the movement created in the fluid

Laminar flow

Smooth flow

High pressure

Low velocity

Increases drag

Turbulent flow

Decreases drag


Changes in momentum

Varied pressure and velocity

Boundary layer

Is the fluid created a layer by 'sticking' to the outside of the object

When the object has a high velocity the boundary layer sticks closer to the back of the object

When the object has a lower velocity the boundary covers the object more evenly and separation develops further forward


As a moving object moves the fluid out the way of it's path the the fluid pushes back on the object creating resistance. This resistance is called drag.

Surface drag

the part of the drag on a body moving through a fluid that is dependent on the nature of the surface of the body.

Dependent of fluid viscosity and surface of object

Wave drag

When a body more through a fluid it produces pressure waves

Interaction between water and air

Pressure drag

Breaking away or separating of a flow of water

High pressure is developed in the leading surface and low is developed in trailing surface

Slipstreaming is when an runs, swims, cycles in the turbulent fluid created by the athlete in front of the to decrease the affects of the form drag

Bernoullis principle

Is as the speed increase in moving fluid the pressure decreases


= size of force×amount of time

More time means less force on the object

More time more accuracy

Conservation of momentum

The total momentum of all the bodies before the collision is equally to the total momentum of all the bodies just after the collision

Factors the effect elasticity

Material rubber compared to stone

Pressure flat ball compare to and inflated one

Surface rebounded from sand compared to pavement

Velocity higher velocity lower elasticity

Temperature warm object have higher elasticity

Strength of drag is determined by

Velocity of movement more velocity more drag

Frontal cross section

Size and shape of object streamline to have more laminar flow over turbulent flow

Viscosity of fiuld


The amount of motion an object has

Coefficient of restitution

Is the measure of elasticity

Elasticity is how quickly an object can return to its original shape.

(Bounce hight/drop hieght)^0.5

Angular momentum

The angular motion of an object is caused by a eccentric force not a concentric force

=angular velocity x angular momentum

Moment of inertia

Is the resistance to rotational motion

=mass × the distance alway from the axis.

1st class

Force axis resistance

⬇ ⬆


Speed and force

3rd class lever

Axis force resistance

Used for creating speed

2nd class lever

Axis resistance force

Used for producing Force


Is the eccentric force that causes objects to more

Torque = force × perpendicular distance of lever arm

Longer arm greater torque less force needed for the same amount of acceleration and object gainsb


The ability to maintain the body's equilibrium



-resistance to movement

-bass support


Coordination continuum

Sequencing and timing body movements to produce speed

High force is simultaneous

High speed is sequential


Are a ridged bar that turns around and axis

Force motion

Law of inertia

Law of acceleration

Law of action reaction




Optimal projection


Flat flight

45° angle parabolic

High flight

Hight of release

Velocity of release

Range of motion

Total range of motion at key joints

Increasing = more force and velocity


Segmental interaction

Body part move in sequence to produce a force

Energy transfered muscle to joints

Large strong muscles to small fast muscle

Sequential interaction

The transferral of energy across body segments and joints to achieve maximal force

Segments must be coordinated

Each segment sequentially stabilised Maximise the number of segments large to small body segments

power/velocity vs
