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18 Cards in this Set

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change in allele frequencies in a population over generations
three mechanisms that alter allele frequency and bring about most evolutionary change:
1. natural selection (good change)
2. generic drift
3. gene flow
generic variation
is caused by differences in genes or other DNA segments
average heterozygosity
measures the average percent of loci that are heterozygous in a population
sources of genetic variation:
1. formation of new alleles
2. altering gene number or position
3. rapid reproduction
4. sexual reproduction
four kinds
describes a population that is NOT evolving
frequency of an allele in a population
p + q = 1

p = % homozygous dominant allele
q = % homozygous recessive allele
frequency of individual genotypes
p² + 2pq + q² = 1

p² = % homozygous dom. genotype
2pq = % heterozygous genotype
q² = % homozygous rec. genotype
conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
1. no mutation
2. random mating
3. no natural selection
4. large population
5. no gene flow
five conditions
genetic drift
describes how allele frequencies fluctuate unpredictably from one generation to another
founder effect
occurs when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population
one form of genetic drift
bottleneck effect
a sudden reduction in population size due to a change in the environment.
one form of genetic drift
gene flow
movement of alleles among populations
reduces variation
three modes of selection
1. directional
2. disruptive
3. stabilizing
sexual selection
natural selection for mating success
sexual dimorphism
marked differences between the sexes in secondary characteristics
intrasexual selection
competition of one sex (often males) for mates of the opposite sex
good kind
intersexual selection
often called mate choice, individuals of one sex (females) are choosy in selecting mates
double edged sword