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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of of the DNA structure

Sugar phosphate backbone plus a base (guanine, cytosine or thymine, adenine)

What are nucleotides

A section of the DNA that contain only a sugar, phosphate and a base

What are genes

A section of the DNA. Each gene tells us how to make a certain type of protein

What are histones

The proteins that the stands of DNA wrap around.

What is a chromosome

Condensed segments of DNA wrapped around histones

Why do we have DNA

Because DNA tell our bodies how to function. They are like the blueprints for our bodies.

How is DNA different from species to species

Different species have different genes

Name all the steps in the cell cycle

1) growth phase

2) "go" (happens during the growth phase)

3) checkpoint 1

4) synthesis phase

5) growth phase

6) checkpoint 2

7) checkpoint 3

8) mitosis

Explain what happens during the growth phase of the cell cycle

Cell increases in size and organelles increase in number

Explain what happens during the "go" phase of the cell cycle

The cells step out of the cell cycle for varying length of time to do their normal functions

What happens during checkpoint 1

They check that the cell is at peak health

What happens during the synthesis phase

DNA replication

What happens during the second growth phase of the cell cycle

The cell makes components for mitosis

What happens during checkpoint 2 and 3 of the cell cycle

1) It checks that did it did DNA replication correct (92 chromosomes)

2) makes sure everything is correct before it divides (mitosis)

What is the purpose of DNA replication

To give the cell enough chromosomes (92) to be able to give both daughter cells enough chromosomes (46) when it divides later in mitosis

When does DNA replication happen

During the synthesis phase

Explain the first step of DNA replication

Enzyme helicase unzips the DNA (breaks the hydrogen bonds)

Explain the second step of DNA replication

New DNA nucleotides pair up with bases on the parental strand

Explain the third step of DNA replication

The enzyme DNA polymerase proof-reads the new DNA and joins the DNA backbone together

What is helicase

The enzyme that unzips the DNA strands

What is DNA polymerase

The enzyme that proof reads the new DNA and joins the DNA backbone together

What is the purpose of mitosis

To divide into 2 daughter cells that can replace it and do its job

What is the different between mitosis and cytokinesis

Cytokinesis divides the cell and mitosis divides DNA

Explain the difference between cytokinesis in plants vs animals

In animal cells it pinches in half and in plant cells a cell wall appears in the middle and it splits into two

Name the steps of mitosis

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Briefly explain prophase

-first step of mitosis

-chromatin condense into chromosomes

-aster and spindle fibres form

Briefly explain metaphase

-Sister chromatids line up along equator of the cell

- spindle fibres attach to kinetochore on each chromatid

Briefly explain anaphase

Chromatids are pulled towards g be centrioles

Briefly explain telophase

-2 Nuclear membranes reform

- chromosomes uncoil

- cytokinesis begins and pinches cell into 2

Name the 5 different types of asexual reproduction

Binary fission, budding, fragmentation, vegetation reproduction, spore formation

Briefly explain binary fission

Parent cell divides into 2 equal cells (offspring). Happens to animals that are single celled organism and bacteria

Explain budding

Unequal growth on parent eventually breaks off into an offspring. Happens to less complex multicellular organisms and plants like hydras and cactuses

explain fragmentation

A piece of the parent breaks off and grows into another adult (clone). Happens to to more complex plants and animals. Ex starfish

Explain vegetative reproduction

Specialized plants divide and grow into an offspring that is still attached to the parent by a specialized stem. Ex: blackberrys

Explain spore formation

Specialized cell forms with with a protective coating

Happens to plants like mushrooms, mold, moss and ferns

What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to asexual reproduction

1) less energy, few mutation and more offspring

2) too many offspring, too close together, all genetically the same

How is DNA different within the same species

The order of the bases (guanine, cytosine...) are different

What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to sexual reproduction

1) offspring are genetically different so there is higher survival rate, fewer young so intense parental care (internal), less energy to find a mate (external)

2) finding mate takes energy (internal), more mutations,

No protection for offspring (external)

What is the difference between internal and external fertilization

Internal= the gametes unite inside the females body and gets parental external=gametes unite outside the females body and generally does not get cared for by parents

What is the purpose of meiosis

To produce 4 gametes (reproductive cells)

Explain what is different between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2

During metaphase 1 they do not line up on top of eachother but beside eachother to make a tetrad

What is meiosis 2 designed to separate

Sister chromatids

What is meiosis 1 designed to separate

Homologous chromosomes

Where are the 2 places in meiosis that variation can occur

Metaphase 1 and 2

What is a tetrad

2 homologous chromosomes paired together. All 4 copies of the same chromosome number.

Explain what happens in meiosis 1

Prophase: sister chromatids condense and pair up

Metaphase: line up at equator and form tetrads *crossing over happens

Anaphase: sister chromatids separate randomly towards centriole

Telophase: splits into 2 cells

How many cells are there at the end of meiosis 1 and how many chromosomes do they have each

2 cells with 46 chromosomes each (23 pairs)

Explain what happens during meiosis 2

Prophase: sister chromatids are paired up. Spindle fibres form

Metaphase: Line up along equator. Variation occurs

Anaphase: pulled towards centrioles

Telophase: nuclear membrane reforms. Cytokinesis occurs

How many cells are there at the end of meiosis 2 and how many chromosomes do they have

4 haploid cells with 23 chromosomes each (single pieces)

Which cells can do meiosis

Gametes (reproductive cells)

What does haploid (n) mean?

They only have 1 copy of each chromosome

What does diploid (2n) mean

It has 2 copies of each chromosome

What are homologous chromosomes

Both copies of the same chromosome # paired together