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43 Cards in this Set

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Offspring acquire genes from... (general term)
Heredity (flow chart)
Gene -> Protein -> Traits
Human somatic cells have... (number of chromosomes)
22 pairs of autosomes
1 pair of sex chromosomes
Each pair of autosomes... (main characteristics)
- have same size and centromere position
- are homologous (similar but not identical DNA sequences)
- carry genes controlling the same inherited characters
Sex chromosomes... (function)
determine sex
The two sex chromosomes are...
X and Y
Females have _____ sex chromosomes
Males have _____ sex chromosomes
We inherit... (chromosome inheritance)
one chromosome from each parent in each pair
Gamete cells (define and give examples)
reproductive cells
e.g. sperm and ova/egg cells
How many chromosomes do gamete cells have of each type?
One set of chromosomes
22 autosomes + 1 sex chromosome
A cell with a single chromosome set is a...
A sperm and an egg fuse together to form...
a fertilized egg (zygote)
Haploid + Haploid = ?
In humans: 23 + 23 = 46
n + n = 2n
Diploid cells have... (number of chromosomes)
2 sets of chromosomes (2n)
Gametes are produced... (location + method)
in the ovaries or testes
by meiosis
Meiosis (function)
produces haploid cells with half the chromosomal content
Fertilization... (function [chromosomes])
restores the diploid condition (reduced by meiosis)
Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from... (terms)
diploid to haploid
The two major steps in meiosis are... (steps + resultant)
I. DNA replication
II. Two cell divisions
- resulting in four daughter cells expressing half the number of chromosomes
DNA starts replicating in the cell during... (phase)
the S phase
First cell division (Meiosis I)
Separates homologous chromosomes
Divided into four phases:
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
Prophase I
- Synapsis: homologous chromosomes pair up to form tetrads
- Chiasma: chromosomes cross; segments are exchanged
process of homologous chromosomes pairing up during Prophase I of Meiosis
Chiasma (plural: chiasmata)
the intersection between homologous non-sister chromatids
Synaptonemal complex
another name for tetrads
Metaphase I
Tetrads arrange at the metaphase plate (equator)
Anaphase I
Homologous chromosomes separate, moving to opposite poles
Telophase I
- Haploid set of chromosomes at each pole
- Sister chromatids linked
- Cytokinesis occurs
the process in which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells
Second cell division (Meiosis II)
- separates sister chromatids
- similar to mitosis
Meiosis produces...
4 daughter cells
Meiosis vs. Mitosis
- haploid (2n -> n)
- 4 different daughter cells (non identical to each other and parents)
- 2 cell divisions

- diploid (2n -> 2n)
- 2 identical daughter cells (clones)
- 1 cell division
Origins of genetic variation (due to?)
Due to meiosis and fertilization
Mechanisms causing genetic variation (three)
1. Independent assortment (metaphase I)
2. Crossing over (prophase I)
3. Fertilization
Independent assortment
- random orientation of tetrads at the metaphase plate
- daughter cells of meiosis I have 50/50 chance of receiving either maternal or paternal chromosome
In independent assortment, homologous pairs are... (position)
oriented/positioned independently of other pairs (e.g. heads or tails does not depend on the last result)
During independent assortment, there are ___ possible combinations of chromosomes.
n: haploid number
e.g. humans 2^23 = 8 388 608
Crossing over... (result)
- produces recombinate chromosomes
- the recombinate chromosomes have genes from each parent
Random fertilization
Any sperm can fuse with any egg
Variation due to independent assortment
sperm: 8 million combination
egg: 8 million combination
zygote : 1 out of 70 trillion possible combinations (without taking cross overs into account)
Independent assortment, crossing over and fertilization cause:
a shuffling of genes
Mutations create...
additional variations.