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25 Cards in this Set

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Biology unifies much of natural science

The study of biological systems is interdisciplinary because solutions require many different approaches to solve a problem

Life defies simple definition

Although life is to difficult to define living systems have seven characteristics in common. They are composed of one or more cells. Are complex and highly ordered can respond to stimuli. Can grow. Reproduce. And transmit genetic information to their offspring. need energy to accomplish work. Can maintain relatively constant internal conditions (homeostasis) and are capable of evolutionary adaption to their environment

Living systems show hierarchical organization

The hierarchical organization of living systems progresses from atoms to the biosphere. At each higher level, emergent properties arise that are greater than the sum of the parts

Much of science is descriptive

Science is concerned with developing an increasingly accurate description of nature through observation and expierimentataion

Science uses both deductive and inductive reasoning

Deductive reasoning applies general principals to predict specific results. Inductive reasoning uses specific observations to construct general scientific principals

Hypothesis drive science makes and test predictions

A hypothesis is constructed based on observations and it must generate experimentally testable predictions. Experiments involve a test in which a variable is manipulated. Hypothesis are rejected if their predictions cannot be verified by observation or experiment

Reductionism breaks larger systems into their component parts

Reductionism attempts to understand a complex system by breaking it down into its component parts. It is limited because parts may act differently when isolated from the larger system

The science of life

Biology unifies much of natural science

Life defies simple definition

Living systems are the most complex chemical systems on earth

Life is constrained by the properties of chemistry and physics

Science is becoming more interdisciplinary

Combining multiple facts

7 characteristics of all living organisms

Cellular organization

Ordered complexity


Growth, development, and reproduction

Energy utilization


Evolutionary adaption

Hierarchical Organization

Cellular, organismal, population

The Nature of Science

Science aims to understand the natural world through observation and reasoning

Science begins with observations, there for much of science is purley descriptive

Classification of all life on Earth

Human genome sequencing

Science uses both deductive and inductive reasoning

Deductive and inductive

Scientists use a systematic approach to gain understanding of the natural world

Observation, hypothesis formation, prediction, experimentation (further experiments) and conclusion

Philiosphical approaches to science

Reduction: to break a complex, process down to it's simpler parts

System biology: focus on emergent properties that can't be understood by looking at simpler parts

Models in science: ways to organize thoughts, parts provided by reductionist approach, model shows how they fit together, suggest experiments to test the model

Nature of Scientific Theory

Scientific theory: is an explanation, will interconnect concepts.

Compare to general meaning of theory

Extend basic research, peer review

Voyage of the HMS Beagle

On the Beagle, Darwin saw that characteristics of similar species varied from place to place.

Galapagos Finches

14 related species differ only slightly

Descent with modification or evolution

Darwin studied Thomas Malthus An essay on the principal of population

Populations of plants and animals increase geometrically

Humans can only increase their food supply arithmetically

Populations of species remain constant because death limits population numbers

Evidence supporting Darwin's theory has only grown

Fossil record: transitional forms have been found at predicted positions in time.

Earth's age: physicist of Darwin's time were wrong,

Earth is very old 4.5 billion years old

Mechanism for hereditary

Mendel's laws of inheritance were unknown to Darwin

Comparative anatomy

Vertebrae forelimbs all share the same basic array of bones

Homologous- same evolutionary origin but now differ in structure and function

Anaologus- structure of different origin used for the same purpose

Molecular Evidence

Compare genomes or proteins of different organisms

Phylogentic trees

Based on tracing origin of particular nucleotide changes to reconstruct an evolutionary history

Unifying themes in biology

Cell theory

All organisms composed of cells

Cells are life's basic units

All cells come from preexisting cells

Molecular basis of inheritance

Decoy ribonucleic acid (DNA)

sequence of 4 nucleotides encode cell's information

Gene- discrete unit of information

Genome- entire set of DNA instructions

Continuity of life depends on faithful copying of DNA into daughter cells

Structure and function

Study structure to learn function

Know a function look for that structure in other organisms


3 domains: eukaroytic. Archea. Bacteria.