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92 Cards in this Set

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Nervous tissue

Neuron cell, neuroglia

Neuron cell

Conduction of electrical signal


Helper cells protect neuron cells

Tissue types

Epithelial cells, connective tissue - blood, fibrous connective tissue

Nervous system functions

Support & posture, mobility,coordination of cell activity, communication system between cells, collection integration and storage of information, learning

Parts of nervous system

Central and peripheral

Central nervous system

Brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Nerve fibers (bundles of neurons), cranial 12 pairs, spinal 31 pairs

Somatic division

Controls voluntarily and involuntarily skeletal muscle movement.

Somatic neurons

Transmit info from spinal cord to skeletal muscles

Autonomic divison

Motor neurons carry info to smooth or cardiac muscle and all other tissues and organs except skeletal muscle

Sensory neurons

Bipolar. Input. Conduct electrical signal into/towards the brain/spinal cord

Motor neurons

Multipolar. Output. Conduct electrical signal from brain/spinal cord


Lie in brain or spinal cord between sensory and motor neurons. Gives you options

Bipolar neurons

2 long cytoplasmic extensions. Dendrites and axon

Multipolar neuron

Many short dendrites extensions.

Myelin sheath

Schwann cells form protective layer around long cytoplasmic extensions creating saltatory conduction along nodes of Ranvier

Myelin sheath functions

Saves neuron energy, speeds up transmission of impulses, helps damaged or severed axons of peripheral nervous system to regenerate

Electrical conduction along neuron 1

1. Resting potential/polarized membrane is a result of unequal in distribution (outside + inside -)

Electrical conduction along neuron 2

Na+ (sodium) transport protein. Calcium floods into cell and reverses polarity. Action potential/depolarized membrane

Electrical conduction along neuron 3

Potassium transport proteins open, potassium floods to outside of cell and reverses polarity across membrane. Repolarization

Electrical conduction along neuron 4

Active transport pump reestablishes original ion distribution (sodium outside/potassium inside)

Chemical conduction 1

Electrical signal moves along the axon membrane causing vesicles containing neurotransmitters to move to edge of axon and are released into synapse

Chemical conduction 2

Neurotransmitters diffuses across synapse, attaches to receptors in dendrite membrane

Chemical conduction 3

Sodium transport protein open and begin depolarization

Brain parts

Cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem


Largest part of brain. Outer surface- cerebral cortex grey matter inside white matter

Cerebrum lobes

Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital

Frontal lobe

Elaboration of conscience thought

Parietal lobe

Sensation of temp, touch, pressure, pain from skin

Temporal lobe

Hearing and smelling

Occipital lobe



Relay center. Info from spinal cord passes through cerebellum to go to cerebrum. Balance and equilibrium center. Gross motor control (large motor actions)

Brain stem parts

Medulla (oblongata), pons, midbrain


Vegetative center. Controls respiration, digestion, controls cardiovascular system, controls exocrine glands


Bridge between cord and other brain areas (regions of cerebellum and cerebrum and thalamus and hypothalamus)


Thalamus/hypothalamus. Cerebrum

Limbic system

Underside of cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, olfactory bulbs

Limbic system controls

Arousal/wakefulness, seat of emotions, seat of pleasure

Coverings of brain and spinal cord

Meninges wrap around brain. Dura matter- outermost. Arachnoid layer. Pia matter

Cerebrospinal fluid

Arises from blood, drains back into blood, forms in arachnoid space. H2O and small amount of protein, glucose, white blood cells. Absorbs shock waves

Spinal cord functions

Reflex center, relay center

Cranial nerve fibers

12 pairs. All sensory, all motor, mixed

Spinal nerve fibers

31 pairs. All mixed

Sympathetic division

Transmit signals that prepare body for emergencies (fight or flight)

Parasympathetic divison

Relaxed. Lowers heart rate and respiration, increases digestion, and permit dedication and urination

Special senses

Detection, conduction, interpretation of sensory info


Respond to waves of sound, changes in fluid pressure, physical touch or pressure, stretching, or forces generated by gravity and acceleration


Respond to hot or cold

Stretch receptors

Muscle and tendon


Chemical. Gustatory(taste) and olfactory

Eye. Conjunctivia

Above cornea

Lacrimal glands

Produce tears, contain bacteriostatic chemicals

Suspensatory ligaments

Suspend lens

Anterior chamber

Aqueous humor

Posterior chamber

Vitreous humor

Structure of eye

Sclera, cornea, choroid, retna


Operate in low light, produce black and white vision


Operate in bright light produce color vision. Blue green red

How eye words

Light ➡️ retinal cells ➡️ chemical change in cell, then regenerates original chemicals (needs vitamin A) ➡️ generates wave of depolarization in sensory neurons

Outer ear

Pinna, auditory canal with sebaceous glands

Middle ear


3 bones in typmonum

Malleus ,incus ,stapes. Small enclosed space with opening to pharynx

Inner ear is

Bony chambers filled with fluid lined with epithelial cells "hair cells" in contact with sensory neurons

Bony chambers in inner ear

Cochlea, vestibule, semi-circular canals, vestibular cochlear nerve


Organ of corti, auditory sense


"Static" equilibrium

Semicircular canals

"Dynamic" equilibrium

Vestibular cochlear nerve

8th cranial nerve

Circulatory system functions

Transport all materials involved in metabolism, homeostasis (temp, pH), fluid regulation, defense, wound healing

Tissues of circulatory system

Muscle- cardiac and smooth, epithelial, connective, nervous


Plasma and blood cells. 5-10% of body weight


55% of blood volume. 90% water 7% protein

Blood cells

45% of blood volume

Where blood cells form

In red bone marrow from stem cells

Types of blood cells

Erythrocytes (RBCs), thrombocytes(platelets), leukocytes(WBCs)

Rbcs stimulus for production

Tissue hypoxia

Rbcs functions

Transport gases, primarly O2 but CO2


Heme (Fe), globin, likes o2 and co2


Recycle Fe. Pyyrole rings to bilirubin


Transported to liver, catabolized to bile and excreted


Blood protein found in plasma used for osmotic balance, carry chemicals

Hemostasis is

Keeping blood inside

Hemostasis steps

1. Contraction of blood vessels 2. Formation of platelet plug 3. Platelets disenigrate and release platelet factors 4. Coagulation


Automatic functions of pituitary gland


About hypothalamus. Recieving, processing, and transfer center


3 membranes of connective tissue

Meninges parts

Dura matter, arachnoid, pia matter


Carry blood away from heart


Site for exchange


Blood to heart


Fragments of cells involved in blood clotting