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72 Cards in this Set

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Water molecules are


The oxygen atom in water is slightly _____ (- or +)

Negative (-)

The hydrogen atoms in water are slightly _____ (- or +)

Positive (+)

The opposite charges of hydrogen and oxygen in water create_____

Hydrogen bonds

Water is a very good _ because it is charged


Charged or polar molecules such as _ _ _ dissolve readily in water

Salts, sugars, and amino acids

Things that readily dissolve in water are called


Things that do not dissolve well in water are called


Uncharged or non-polar molecules such as _ do not dissolve readily in water


Specific heat capacity

How many joules of energy it takes to heat 1 g of something 1 degree Celsius

Water's specific heat capacity

4.2 joules

Water does not change _ easily


Areas close to large bodies of water have _ climates

Steadier and more consistent

Water requires _ to change states from a liquid to a gas

A lot of energy

Latent Heat of vaporization

Water requires a lot of energy to change state from a liquid into a gas

Latent heat of fusion

Water requires a lot of heat to change from a solid into a liquid

Cohesion ( of water )

Water molecules stick together due to there hydrogen bonds


Molecules that are weak acids ionize in solution. Think salt dissolving

Special properties of water: (8)

Solvent, specific heat capacity, latent heat of vaporization, latent heat of fusion, density, cohesion, ionisation, pH


Proton donor - donates hydrogen ions when dissolved in water or donates proton in chemical reaction


Proton receiver - provides OH- ions when dissolved in water

A base can be

Negatively charged or neutral

A base must have

A lone pair of electrons

Water is both _ and a _

Acid, base

Substances that can act as an acid or a base are called


The pH scale ranges from _ to _

0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic or alkaline)

The neutral point on the pH scale is


On the pH scale each transition from number to number represents a _ change in __

A 10-fold change in proton concentration and hence in acidity


Chemicals that resist pH changes - they can accept H+ ions or donate H+ ions

Lipids are made mostly of _ and _ atoms

Carbon and hydrogen atoms

Lipids are _ (polar or non-polar)



Large lipid made from glycerol and fatty acids

The hydrocarbon chain of a fatty acid is


A synonym for fat is


The main function of fats is

Energy storage

Fatty acids with double bonds are


Unsaturated fatty acids are _ at room temperature


Most animal fats are


Most plant fats are


Animal fats in our diets can lead to

Heart disease/ plaque clogging our blood vessels

Phospholipids are a major component of

Cell membranes

Phospholipids are similar in structure to _ except that they contain _ and have _ fatty acids

Fats, phosphorus, 2


One fatty acid linked to an alcohol, lipid


Carbon skeleton forms four fused rings, lipid

All steroids have the same ring pattern: _ _ sided rings and _ _ sided ring

3 6-sided rings and 1 5-sided ring

A common steroid in animal cell membranes is


Animal cells use _ as a starting point to synthesize other steroids such as _

Cholesterol, sex hormones

To much cholesterol in the body can lead to

Heart disease

Anabolic steroids

Synthetic variants of testosterone

Athletes may (illegally) use anabolic steroids to

Increase muscles and performance level

Negative effects of anabolic steroids:

Depression, organ damage, cancer, increased risk of cardiovascular problems, reduced output of natural male hormones - which can cause: shrunken testicles, reduced sex drive, infertility, and breast enlargement in men. In teens growth may be stunted


Fats, phospholipids, waxes and steroids

Waxes are formed by

An ester linkage between a saturated, long chain fatty acid and a saturated, long chain alcohol

The "heads" of phospholipids are


The fatty acid "tail" of a phospholipid is


All lipids are

Non-polar, hydrophobic, and insoluble in water

Lipids are not


Except for hydrogen and helium, atoms of all elements "want" _ electrons in there outer shell


Elements in Main Group 3 of the periodic table have how many electrons in there outer shell?


In an ionic bond one atom

Either gives or receives electrons to/from another atom

Elements in main group 1 tend to (give or receive) how many electrons?

Give 1 electron

If an atom receives 2 electrons it becomes a _ with a (+ or -) charge of what magnitude?

Ion, +, +2

If an element is very electronegative, how strongly does it attract electrons?

Very strongly

A covalent bond is a chemical bond in which

One or more pair of electrons is shared between atoms

If atom a is very electronegative and is covalently bonded to atom B, which is not very electronegative, where will the electron density be highest?

Close to atom A

In a water molecule, describe the density of electrons close to oxygen: _ and close to each hydrogen nucleus: _

High, low

In a water molecule the bond between oxygen and hydrogen is

A covalent bond

Hydrogen bond

A weak bond between neighboring water molecules, partial negative charge on an oxygen atom of one water molecule is attracted to partial positive charge on hydrogen of neighboring water molecules


A 6-carbon monosaccharide: fuel; our blood sugar


A 12-carbon disaccharide


The most common disaccharide, table sugar, C12, H22, O11

The 3 polysaccharides:

Starch, glycogen, and cellulose