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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the Porifera's skeleton made of?
spicules porduced by individual cells. (This deals with support, not locomotion.)
Name three things the spicules are made of.
spongin, calcium carbonate, and silica (glass sponges)
Name the things that have a hydrostatic skeleton.
cnideria, platyhelmenthes, nematodes, annelids, some mollusks
What type of skeleton do cnideria, platyhelmenthes, nematodes, annelids, some mollusks have?
What makes up an Arthropod's skeleton?
They have an exoskeleton of chitin.
How does an exoskeleton help the arthropods?
It provides excellent protection.
Why are there no big arthropods on land?
They are too heavy.
What is the largest arthropod in the world?
Alaskan King Crab
How does an endoskeleton help?
size is no longer limited. great leverage for real strength and speed.
Porifera is made of what?
spicules of spongin, calcium carbonate or silica
Echinodermata is made of what?
calcium carbonate under skin
Chordata is made of what?
bone and/or cartilage
Name three types of joints
ball and socket (circular motion in arms), hinge joints (elbows, knees), pivot joint
What is an inhibitory?
prevents synapse from happening. used to control pathway
What is an excitatory?
continues firing
what does serotonin do?
it has the inhibitory so it allows the synapse to be blocked.
What does LSD do?
It block the inhibitory which creates the hallucinations.
What does depression do?
blocks excitatory
What do muscles do?
They always contract. They are so specialized, no mitosis
Give the hierarchy of contraction
muscle--motor unit--muscle fibers (cell)--myofibrils--sacromere
What is riggormortis?
stiffness after death; calcium gets stick in sacromere after tropomyosin is there
What i stiffness after death; calcium gets stick in sacromere after tropomyosin is there?
The more xx you have around muscles, the more you're able to generate ATP and more stamina.
creatin phosphate
What is a twitch?
a muscle contraction
What are antagonisitc pairs?
when one muscle contracts, it's antagonist relaxes (triceps, biceps)
What is it when one muscle contracts, it's opposite relaxes
antagonistic pairs
what attaches bone to muscles?
what attaches bone to bone?
What are the two types of skeletal muscle?
fast twitch, slow twitch
What is a fast twitch?
explosive power, quickly fatigues, looks white (chicken, turkey)
What is a slow twitch?
steady power, not explosive strength, dark meat because more blood vessels for oxygen. (geese, ducks)
What is tetanus?
muscles never totally relax, semi-contraction ready for action
What is muscles never totally relax, semi-contraction ready for action
Name the 3 kinds of muscle
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
Skeletal muscle is...
voluntary control, usually attached to bone
Cardiac muscle is...
involuntary (only the heart is this muscle), branches have gap junction for cell cell communication, conteacts by itself
Smooth muscle is...
doesn't show striation, spiral twist, not t-tubule system. slow contraction, slow fatigue, entirely involuntary
What is lumen?
an interior of something
What is the interior of something?
What is it called to shed your exoskeleton?