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58 Cards in this Set

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the movement of substance down a concentration gradient


the movement of water from an area of high concentration to low concentration


stays the same


cells shrinks


cells swells

passive transport

does not use energy

active transport

uses energy

how a cell membrane maintains homeostasis

controlling what moves in and out of the cell

supports the cytoplasm

recognizes foreign material

communicates with other cells

name the parts of a phospholipid

polar head - phosphate head

nonpolar tail - fatty acid tail

carrier proteins

transport substances that fit with their "binding site." When the substance binds, the protein changes shape and then it can move

channel proteins

serve as a tunnel through the lipid bilayer

homologous chromosomes

chromosomes that are similar in size, shape and genetic content

Name the four types of asexual reproduction and how they reproduce

binary fission: splits in half

budding: offspring grows off of existing parent

fragmentation :splits in half

parthenogenesis: egg does not need to be fertilized by sperm

what are the offspring of asexual parents going to look like?

genetically identical

explain sexual reproduction

two gametes (egg and sperm) are fused together to create a zygote

will the offspring look like parents?

the offspring will have both genetics from parents but will be unique

give examples of gametes

egg and sperm

how many chromosomes do haploid cells have

has one set of chromosomes or 23

how many chromosomes do diploid cells have

46 or 23 pairs

give an example of a diploid cell

heart cell

give an ex. of a haploid cell

egg and sperm

what is an autosome?

chromosomes with genes that do not determine the sex of an individual

what determines the sex of the baby?

sex chromosomes

how many chromosomes does and autosome have?

44 or 22 pairs (the 23rd pair are the sex chromosomes)

what are the sex chromosomes for a male and female?

male: XY

female: XX

how are karyotypes organized?

largest to smallest

What did Watson discover and Crick discover?

-James Watson and Francis Crick found out the shape of DNA is a double helix in 1953

Who is Gregor Mendel?

"father of genetics"

How are dominant and recessive traits determined?

dominant rules over recessive UNLESS there is no dominant gene present

outputs and inputs of photosynthesis

I: water and co2

O: glucose and oxygen


6CO2+ 6H2O+ light energy---------> C6H12O6 +6O2

cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---------> 6CO2 +6H2O + ATP

what are colonial organisms?

a group of identical cells that live together but are independent

what are multicellular organisms?

*only occurs in eukaryotic cells*

can not survive alone/depend on each other


power house of the cell


a small sac that contains digestive juices

cell wall

gives structure and support and protection


an organelle that goes through photosynthesis


a gel like substance that holds chemicals, water and organelles

Endoplasmic Reticulum

moves substances

nuclear envelope

surrounds and protects the nucleus


makes ribosomes


contains DNA and controls the cell


a structure in a cell that preforms a specific function

cell membrane or plasma membrane

membrane that surrounds the cell

controls what moves in and out of the cell


stores food and pigment


makes proteins


sac that stores water, nutrients and other chemicals

cell theory

all cells have raised from other cells

cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms

all living things are made of 1 or more cells


outside wall of prokaryotic cell

most prokaryotic cells do not have this


helps cell move


helps cells stick to things

invention of microscopes

microscopes were invented in the 1600's but were then able to magnify better in the 1800's allowing scientists to learn more about cells

name the cell membrane proteins

transport: helps moves substances through lipid bilayer

receptor: senses surroundings

enzymes: help w/ chemical reactions

cell-surface marker: identifies cell

concentration gradient

difference in concentration across a distance

concentration of substance

amount of particular substance in a given volume

2 ways human cells vary

size and shape

prokaryotes are always unicellular

(one cell)