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82 Cards in this Set

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Asexual reproduction
Reproduction accomplished by a single organism
Sexual reproduction
Reproduction that requires two organisms
bacteria that look red after the Gram stain
bacteria that look blue after the Gram stain
An organism that feeds on a living host
Non-membrane bounded organelles responsible for protein synthesis
Hairlike projections that extend from the plasma membrane and are used for locomotion
Organisms from the same species that have markedly different traits
Septate hyphae
Hyphae that are composed of individual cells separated from one another by cell walls
Rhizoid hyphae
A hypha that is imbedded in the material on which the fungus grows
A chemical that provides both toughness and flexibility
The anaerobic breakdown of sugars into smaller molecules
The transport of dissolved substances into cells
The breakdown of absorbed substances
The breakdown of food molecules with a release of energy
The removal of soluble waste materials
The removal of nonsoluble waste materials
The release of biosynthesized substances
Endoplasmic reticulum
An organelle composed of an extensive network of folded membranes that perform several tasks within a cell
Passive transport
Movement of molecules through the plasma membrane according to the dictates of osmosis of diffusion
Active transport
Movement of molecules through the plasma membrane (typically opposite the dictates of osmosis or diffusion) aided by a process that requires energy
Hypertonic solution
A solution in which the concentration of solutes is greater than that of the cell that resides in the solution
Hypotonic solution
A solution in which the concentration of solutes in less that that of the cell that resides in the solution
Diploid cell
A cell with chromosomes that come in homologous pairs
Haploid cell
A cell that has only one representative of each chromosome pair
Homozygous genotype
A genotype in which both alleles are identical
Heterozygous genotype
A genotype with two different alleles
Two-letter set that represents the alleles an organism possesses for a certain trait
The observable expression of an organism's genes
Physical change
A change that affects the appearance but not the chemical makeup of a substance
Chemical change
A change that alters the makeup of the elements or molecules of a sucstance
The random motion of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
The tendency of a solvent to travel across a semipermeable membrane into areas of high solute concentration
The sum total of all processes in an organism which convert energy and matter from outside sources and use that energy and matter to sustain the organism's life functions.
Extracellular digestion
Digestion that takes place outside of the cell
An educated guess that attempts to explain an observation or answer a question
The idea that long ago, very simple life forms spontaneously appeared through chemical reactions
An organism that feeds on dead matter
Aerobic organism
An organism that requires oxygen
A relationship between two or more organisms of different species where all benefit from the association.
Phylum Chrysophyta
The greatest producers of oxygen, diatoms.
Organisms that are able to make their own food
Anything that has mass and takes up space
Peptide bond
A bond that links amino acids together in a protein
A collection of atoms that all have the same number of protons
Two different molecules that have the same chemical formula
DNA coiled around and supported by proteins, found in the nucleus of the cell
One of a pair of genes that occupies the same position on homologous chromosomes
Sexual reproduction
Reproduction that requires two organisms
Chromosomes that do not determine the sex of an individual
A radical chemical change in one or more alleles
A section of DNA that codes for the production of a protein or a portion of protein, thereby causing a trait
The criteria for life 1&2
1. All life forms contain DNA. 2. All life forms have a method by which they extract energy from the surroundings and convert it into energy that sustains them.
The criteria for life 3&4
3. All life forms can sense changes in their surroundings and respond to those changes. 4. All life forms reproduce.
The correct order for classifying groups
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Group Species (King Philip Cried Out, "For Goodness Sake!")
Bacteria growth needs _____
Types of cytoplasm
thin and thick
African sleeping sickness
A tsetse fly bites a person and passes on mastigophorites to them. or if a person eats meat that has been bit by a fly. it travels into the bloodstream and causes this.
Phylum with slime molds
Organelles that store starches or oils
Non-membrane-bounded organelles responsible for protein synthesis
Golgi bodies
The organelles where proteins and lipids are stored and then modified to suit the needs of the cell
Organelles that contain pigments used in photosynthesis
Animal cell mitosis
Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
the process of meiosis 1 in animal cells
Late interphase/early prophase, late prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, End of meiosis 1
the process of meiosis 2 in animal cells
Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II, End of meiosis II
Scientific law
A theory that has been tested by and is consistent with generations of data
The part of the fungus responsible for extracellular digestion and absorption of the digested cells
An organism that causes disease
A membrane-bounded "sac" within a cell
aka blue-green algae
Phylum in Kingdom Protista. organism in this phylum have no standard body shape.
The result of sexual reproduction when each parent contributes half of the DNA necessary for the offspring
Living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye
prokaryotic cell
A cell that has no distinct, membrane-bounded organelles
A chemical secreted by a living organism that kills or reduces the reproduction rate of other organisms
Breaking down complex molecules by the chemical addition of water
Organic molecule
A molecule that contains only carbon and any of the following: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and/or phosphorus
How to find the number of electrons in a molecule
Same as the number of protons
Simple carbohydrates that contain 3 to 10 carbon atoms
Saturated fat
A lipid made from fatty acids that have no double bonds between carbon atoms
Unsaturated fat
A lipid made from fatty acids that have at least one double bond between carbon atoms