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134 Cards in this Set

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4 Bases of DNA
adenine thymine cytosine guanine
Abiotic Factors
"The nonliving parts of the environment. ( air, water, weather, temperature, soil, light, etc.)"
active transport
The process that requires an input of energy to help material move from an area of lower concentration to an area of greater concentration
inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival
different forms of a gene
an organ system
"The fourth, and highest, level of organization in a multicellular organism"
3rd stage of mitosis; staged marked by the seperation of sister chromatids
Use energy from the environment to create simple carbohydrates
The portion of the earth that supports life. ( from deep in the ocean to high into the atmosphere)
Biotic Factors
"All of the living parts of the environment ( plants, animals, fungus, bacteria, protists)"
"Main source of energy, stored in the liver, glycogen"
carbohydrates (plasma membrane)
"Attached to Proteins, act as Identification for cell type"
carbon compounds
"Carbon can bond with many elements and create compounds essential for life, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids"
"Heterotrophs, that only eat animals"
carrier proteins (plasma membrane)
Allows larger molecules (glucose) to pass through membrane
the basic unit of life
cell cycle
sequence of growth and division of a cell
cell membrane
"thin, double-layered sheet around the cell"
cell wall
strong layer around the cell membrane that protects the cell
"small, dark cylindrical structures that are made of microtubules and are found just outside the nucleus"
holds the sister chromatids together; plays role in chromosome movement during mitosis
The process of using chemical energy to create carbohydrates
organelles that can use energy from sunlight to create energy-rich food molecules
cholesterol (plasma membrane)
Embedded in Lipid to stabilize membrane
one half of the double structure of the chromosomes
granular material visible within the nucleus
"The distinct, threadlike structures that contain the genetic information of the cell, made of 2 sister chromatids; carries the genetic information that is passed from one generation of cells to the next"
Chromosomes in Human Diploid
Chromosomes in Human Haploid
symbiotic relationship in which one member of the association benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed ( p. 93 )
common descent
all species are derived from common ancestors
A collection of populations.
competitive exclusion principle
ecological rule that states that no two species can occupy the same exact niche in the same habitat at the same time ( p. 92 )
concentration gradient
the amount of Molecules in a solution
The name given to Heterotrophs because they consume (take in food)
the process by which cytoplasm divides in the cell; occurs after telophase
portion of the cell outside the nucleus
"Heterotrophs, such as fungi that break down and absorb nutrients from dead organisms, they allow it to be cycled back into the energy flow"
"Heterotrophs, they feed on plant and animal remains"
the process by which molecules of a substance move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Diploid Cell
2 sets of homologous chromosomes
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
"Nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary, or genetic, information, DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose"
DNA is?
Instructions for making proteins
When the dominant allele is present that it what the organism will express
dynamitic equilibrium
Movement of molecules continues across the membrane even after equilibrium is reached
ecological succession
gradual change in living communities that follows a disturbance ( p. 94 )
The study of how living things (organisms) interact with their environments.
The interactions among populations in a community and its physical surroundings.
End result of Meiosis
4 Gametes
The process of taking material into the cell by enfolding or creating a pocket in the cell membrane around the material and bringing it into the cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum
"The site where proteins, cell membrame lipids, and other matierals are assembled. Two types: 1) Rough ribosomes on surface 2) Smooth no ribosomes"
organism whose cells contain a nucleus
change over time
The process of moving material out of the cell by the vacuole joining membranes with the cell membrane and then releasing the material outside the cell
Facilitated Diffusion
"When diffusion occurs through a carrier protein, a protein channel allows molecules to cross the cell membrane"
Process in sexual reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells join to form a new cell
ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in a specific environment
Fluid mosaic model
"The plasma membrane is call this because the lipids are fluid, proteins can move about and it is made of many different molecules "
Food Chain
"A simple model that scientists use to show how matter and energy flow through an ecosystem, (nutrients move from autotrophs to heterotrophs to decomposers)"
Food Web
All of the possible feeding relationships in a community.
preserved remains of an ancient organism
Haploid cells
sequence of DNA that codes for a protein and thus determines a trait (chem factors that determine traits)
is the branch of biology that studies heredity.
the scientific study of heredity
Golgi Apparatus
"sorts, modify, and package proteins that come from the Endoplasmic Reticulum for storage in the cell or release from the cell"
"the area where an organism lives, including the biotic and abiotic factors that affect it ( p. 90 )"
Haploid Cell
1 Set of chromosomes
"Heterotrophs, they only eat plants"
is the passing on of TRAITS (inherited characteristics) from parents to offspring
Organisms that consume other organisms for their energy
organism with two different alleles for a particular trait
The process by which cells/organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment
homologous chromosomes
one set from male and corresponding set from female
homologous structures
"structures that develop from the same embryonic tissues, but have different mature forms"
organism with two identical alleles for a particular trait
hypertonic solutions
The concentration gradient (amount of molecules) outside the cell is higher than inside the cell
hypotonic solutions
The concentration gradient (amount of molecules) outside the cell is lower than inside the cell
"period of growth that the majority of a cell's life is spent in; during this stage, the cell grows in size and carries on metabolism"
isotonic solutions
The concentration gradient (amount of molecules) outside the cell is the same as inside the cell
Lipid bilayer (plasma membrane)
Two Layers of Phospholipids
"Energy production, cell building, oxygen transport found in cell membrane"
2nd stage of mitosis; double chromosomes attach to spindle fibers by centromeres
The hollow tubes of protein that help maintain the shape of the cell
organelles that convert the stored food in the cell to compounds the cell can use
period of nuclear division following interphase where two daughter cells are formed that each contain a complete set of chromosomes
monohybrid cross
is a genetic cross using a single trait with two alleles.
symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from the relationship ( p. 93 )
natural selection
survival of the fittest
natural variation
differences among individuals within a species
full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which the organism uses those conditions ( p. 91 )
Nuclear Membrane(Envelope)
layer of two membranes that surrounds the nucleus of a cell
nucleic acids
"Genetic information, DNA RNA"
The small dense region in the nucleus where the assembly of ribosomes begins
large structure that contains the cell's genetic information
"Heterotrophs, they eat both plants and animals"
specialized structures within a cell that perform important cell functions
A living thing
The process in which water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane
symbiotic relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism (the host) and consequently harms it ( p. 93 )
Passive Diffusion
No Energy is used to move molecules
process by which extensions of cytoplasm engulf large particles
The physical characteristics shown for a trait
phospholipids (plasma membrane)
Phosphate hydrophilic head and a fatty acid hydrophobic tail
"The process of using light energy, water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates"
pioneer species
first species to populate an area during primary succession ( p. 94 )
plasma membrane
"Lipid Bilayer, selectively permeable, it will allow some things to pass through, while blocking other things, provides protection and support"
A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place
interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism ( p. 93 )
primary succession
succession that occurs on surfaces where no soil exists ( p. 94 )
The name given to Autotrophs because they make their own food
organism whose cells do not contain a nucleus
1st and longest stage of mitosis; stage where chromatin forms visible chromosomes
"Builds new cells, maintains tissues, regulates cell function, found in muscle and enzymes, "
This allele will only be expressed when the dominant is not present
recognition proteins (plasma membrane)
Act as markers that help identify a cell
"any necessity of life, such as water, nutrients, light, food, or space ( p. 92 )"
Proteins are assembled on the ribosomes
Get energy from eating dead things
secondary succession
succession following a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil ( p. 95 )
Selective permeability
When a biological membranes allows some substances to pass across them but others cannot
Sister chromatids
Set of chromatids connected by a centromere
Spell DNA
deoxyribonucleic acid
structures consisting of thin fibers made up of microtubules
struggle for existence
"competition for food, space, and other resources among members of a species"
"Any relationship in which two species live closely together is called symbiosis (sim-by-OHsis), which means ""living together."""
4th stage of mitosis; begins as chromatids reach opposite poles of cell
Prophase 1 each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous to form this structure
The Rule of Dominance
the dominant trait are observed and hide the weaker recessive traits.
Trophic Level
"each step in a food chain or food web, producers make up the first trophic level, consumers make up the second, third or higher trophic levels"
"Sac like structures that store materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates"
vestigial organ
organ with little or no function
What is a Nucleotide?
(3 parts) / sugar / Phosphate Group / nitrogen base
Fertilized Egg