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95 Cards in this Set

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in chloroplast, other than double membrane, it also has?
thylakoid membranes
thylakoid membranes are stacked up in some parts of the chloroplast to form?
grana are linked together by?
lamellae, thin, flat pieces of thylakoid membrane
what is stroma?
a thick fluid found in chloroplasts
what's the disadvantage to keep two animals together all the time?
increase inbreeding and reduce genetic diversity
DES: a large organelle surrounded by a nuclear envelope (double membrane), which contains many pores. the nucleus contains chromatin and often a structure called the nucleolus.

FUNC: chromatin is made from proteins and DNA. the pores alllow substances (eg. RNA) to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. the nucleolus makes ribosomes.
DES: a round organelle surrounded by a membrane, with no clear internal structure.

FUNC: contain digestive enzymes. these are kept separate from the cytoplasm by the surrounding membrane, but can be used to digest invading cells or to break down worn out components of the cell.
a small fluid-filled sac in the cytoplasm, surrounded by a membrane.

FUNC: transports substances in and out of the cell (via the cell membrane) and between organelles. some are formed by the Golgi apparatus or the endoplasmic reticulum, while others are formed at the cell surface.
a very small organelle that floats free in the cytoplasm or is attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

FUNC: the site where proteins are made.
endoplasmic reticulum?
there are two types of endoplasmic reticulum: the smooth ER is a system of membranes enclosing a fluid-filled space. the rough ER is similar, but is covered in ribosomes.

FUNC: the smooth ER synthesises and processes lipids. the rough ER folds and processes proteins that have been made at the ribosomes.
golgi apparatus
a group of fluid-filled flattened sacs. vesicles are often seen at the edges of the sacs.

FUNC: it processes and packages new lipids and proteins. it also makes lysosomes.
hollow cylinders, containing a ring of microtubules (tiny protein cylinders)

FUNC: involved with the separation of chromosomes during cell division.
they are usually oval-shaped. they have a double membrane - the inner one is folded to form structures called cristae. inside is the matrix, which contains enzymes involved in respiration.

FUNC: the site of aerobic respiration, where ATP is produced, they are found in large numbers in cells that are very active and require a lot of energy.
explain the meaning of tissue?
similar cell types working together for the same function
proteins in a cell can be made radioactive by supplying the cell with radioactive amino acids. the movement of the radioactive protein within the cell can be traced over time.

in an investigation, it was found that the quantity of radioactivity in the protein that entered the Golgi apparatus was less than that supplied to the cell.

suggest reasons for the difference?
1. some amino acids do not enter the cell ;
2. some amino acids are not used in protein synthesis ;
3. some protein is elsewhere in the cell / on ribosome / in
RER / in cytoplasm / in mitochondria / in vesicles / in
nucleus ;
4. not modified;
5. some metabolised;
6. some has been ejected from cell ;
7. radioactive decay / decrease ;
name structures that may be found in a leaf cell that identifies it as both a eukaryotic cell and a plant cell
chloroplast / vacuole / vacuole
membrane / tonoplast / cellulose cell wall ;
describe anaphase of mitosis
1. spindle fibres contract ;
2. chromatids pull apart / separate
3. kinetochore / centromere leads ;
4. move to opposite poles of cell ;
during anaphase, the cell from the root tip did not have a nucleus but was still considered to be eukaryotic. suggest two reasons why this cell was still considered to be eukaryotic
1. membrane bound organelles present e.g. mitochondrion ;
2. has large ribosomes ;
3. nucleus will reform;
4. presence of cellulose cell wall ;
suggest why "which stage of the cell cycle takes the longest" may be unreliable?
not enough data / samples / cells / slides observed / data only taken from one point in time ;
suggest why calculating the difference between final mass and initial mass of each seedling may be an even better indicator of growth than measuring length
plants grow in other dimensions / idea of more likely to be an error in measuring length ;
suggest variables that the student would need to keep constant to ensure the reliability of her data. in the plant growth experiment.
1. temperature ;
2. volume of solution ;
3. light ;
4. measuring technique ;
5. stage of development e.g. same number of leaves ;
6. seedlings raised in same environment / named
environmental condition ;
7. seedlings being genetically similar to start with e.g.
same parent plant ;
whats the main role of calcium pectate in a plant?
component of middle lamella, holding adjacent plant cells together ;
explain how differential gene expression can enable cells which have the same genetic material to have very different structures and functions?
1. different genes active in different cells / different genes
active at different times / some genes active / inactive
2. active genes make mRNA
3. active genes make proteins;
4. proteins control cell processes
5. permanent change to cell
what's the term for the sperm tail?
explain why it is important that the sperm has a nucleus that is haploid?
1. has 23 / half the required chromosome complement ;
2. so at fertilisation full complement / 46 of chromosomes is restored / diploid number restored ;
3. allowing mixing of alleles / allowing for genetic variation
describe the changes in the female gamete from the point when a sperm releases its digestive enzymes to the point when the two nuclei fuse?
1. idea of jelly layer hydrolysed ;
2. sperm nucleus enters the egg cell;
3. meiosis completes;
4. cortical granules in egg fuse with egg cell surface membrane ;
5. release enzymes
6. zona pellucida hardens ;
7. to prevent polyspermy ;
8. egg nucleus envelope breaks down;
9. spindle forms;
compare the effect of temperature on the mean length of pollen tubes in variety A with variety B, between 15c and 30c
1. mean pollen tube length increases as temperature increases from 15°C to 30°C for both ;
2. variety B has a greater mean pollen tube length than A up
to 30°C;
3. both have longest length /maximum length at 30°C ;
4. correct comparative manipulation of the data e.g. mean pollen tube length is 50% more for cotton variety B at 30°C ;
suggest an explanation for the change in the mean length of pollen tubes when the temperature increased from 35c to 40c
pollen tube dies / enzyme denature
suggest how this use of starch to clear window, rather than plastic, may contribute to sustainability.
1. starch from a renewable resource ;
2. plastic from oil
3. oil is a non-renewable resource;
similarity and difference between xylem vessels and sclerenchyma fibres?
1, both for support
2, both contain lignin
3, both associated with vascular bundles
4, both dead ;

1, only xylem vessels transport water and mineral ions
2, position within vascular bundle
3, only xylem has open ends
4, type of lignin deposition ;
suggest two features of the mayfly nymph, shown in the diagram above, that makes it well-adapted to survival in fast-flowing streams. explain how each feature helps it to survive.
1. flattened body reduces drag

2. hooked feet to hold onto rocks

3. wide spread legs to grab rocks
the rat-tailed maggot lives in water which has a low concentration of dissolved oxygen. suggest how the tail structure helps it to survive in this environment
1. tube breaks water surface / reaches into the air
2. acts as a snorkel
3. atmospheric air / oxygen obtained ;
adaptation can occur within the same species. leopards and panthers are members of t same species found in Africa. leopards have spotted fur and hunt in open grasslands, whiltst panthers have black fur and hunt in forests.

suggest how natural selection has led to the evolution of these two different forms of the same species.
1. its unique features of the fur helped it to camouflage in its environment ;
2. thus they are more likely to catch prey, they have a selective advantage
3. therefore they are more likely to survive to adulthood
4. to breed ;
5. pass on coat colour allele and genetic information ;
6. to offspring;
7. change in allele frequency over generations ;
8. disruptive selection ;
9. genetic variation present in ancestral population ;
explain what is meant by the term species.
1. the species is reproductively isolated ;
2. produce offspring that are sexually viable /fertile ;
3. many features in common / homologous ;
explain the meaning of the term genetic diversity within a species
1. the number of different alleles and allele frequency ;
2. in a population / gene pool ;
describe how zoos maintain the genetic diversity of endangered species.
1. breeding programme ;
2. careful selection of mate ;
3. allowing only to mate with a different individual to previous
4. only allowing those with different genes to mate ;
5. use of genetic testing ;
6. record keeping studbooks ;
7. reason for outbreeding ;
8. reintroduction to the wild ;
features of prokaryotes
1, extremely small cells
2, DNA is circular
3, no nucleus, DNA free in cytoplasm
4, cell wall made of a polysaccharide, but not cellulose or chitin
5, few organelles, no mitochondria
6, smaller ribosomes
which the following features of mitochondria is in chloroplasts as well?
surrounded by a double membrane, crista present, circular DNA, matrix, glycogen granule, stalked particles
1, surrounded by a double membrane
2, circular DNA
Give one difference between an organ and a tissue.
organ has many functions, tissue has one / fewer.

organ has many cell types, tissue has one / fewer.
Suggest one way in which tissues and organs are similar.
both have cells working together for the same function.
In the space below, draw a fully labelled diagram of a nucleus, as seen using an
electron microscope.
Drawing (max 2):
1. double membrane / nuclear envelope ;
2. nuclear pores ;
3. (1 or more) nucleoli present ;

Labels (max 2):
4. (nuclear) envelope / double membrane / {inner / outer} (nuclear) membrane ;
5. (nuclear) pore ;
6. nucleolus ;
7. correct reference to chromatin / nucleoplasm ;
formation of a sun tan when human skin is exposed to sunlight. what kind of adaptation is this?
the human egg cell is adapted for its function. describe and explain two adaptations of the human egg cell.
1D haploid / 23 chromosomes / nucleus ;
1E so that diploid number / full
complement / 46 chromosomes restored
at fertilisation ;
2D lipid droplets / food store;
2E supplies energy / nutrients for division;
3D large cell size / surface area;
3E increased chance of fertilisation;
4D cortical granules / lysosomes / zona pellucida in cytoplasm;
4E to prevent polyspermy ;
5D release of a chemical ;
5E to attract sperm ;
6D membrane with ‘sperm receptors’ on surface ;
6E to allow sperm to bind ;
7D much mRNA present ;
7E to allow early translation of transcription factors;
suggest how you could investigate the antimicrobial properties of pine needles.
1. pine needles /extract / filter paper soaked in extract and placed on agar plate
2. with bacterial lawn ;
3. sterile/aseptic approach e.g. appropriate reference to sealing ;
4. an appropriate time for incubation e.g. 24 hours, 1 week ;
5. incubate at a sensible temperature suggested e.g. 25°C
6. looking for clear area / inhibition zone / loss of cloudiness /reduced cell number around pine needles, extract / filter paper ;
7. clear area shows no bacteria ;
8. suitable control ;
which of the four statements about cell division is that meiosis is involved?
1, required for both sexual and asexual reproduction
2, produces gametes
3, crossing over can occur
4, occurs in mammals but not flowering plants
Suggest why the tip of the onion root is used.
site of cell division / mitosis / actively dividing cells
Suggest why acid is used in stage 2.
to soften the material / break middle lamella
Name a suitable stain for the root tip squash.
acetic orcein / lacto-propionic orcein / toluidine (blue) / Schiffs
There are various risks associated with the production of a root tip squash.
Suggest two risks and the precautions you would take to minimise each risk.
1. cut and appropriate precaution ;
2. acid and appropriate precaution ;
3. heat and appropriate precaution ;
4. stain and appropriate precaution ;
5. coverslip and appropriate precaution ;
The pollen tube grows from the pollen grain to the micropyle. Suggest one
stimulus, other than water, that causes the pollen tube to grow towards the
chemical / air / gravity / light
The tip of the growing pollen tube releases digestive enzymes into the style.
Suggest the role of these digestive enzymes in the growth of the pollen tube.
1. breakdown / digestion of style ;
2. breaks down protein / pectin / middle lamella ;
3. hydrolysis ;
4. easier for pollen tube to grow / reduced resistance
5. supplies nutrients / named nutrient / energy for pollen tube growth;
Give three roles of water in a plant other than for pollen tube growth.
1. photosynthesis ;
2. component of cytoplasm / sap ;
3. water as a solvent ;
4. water as a transport medium ;
5. involved in thermoregulation ;
6. role in structural support ;
7. involvement in hydrolysis ;
8. turgor changes ;
Suggest which of the graphs, A, B, C or D shown below, would represent the
height distribution in this plant population and give an explanation for this
height distribution.
1. A ;

2. height controlled by many genes / polygenic inheritance;
3. continuous variation ;
4. normal distribution;
Suggest two environmental conditions that were controlled in this investigation.
1. water / humidity ;
2. light ;
3. minerals / soil type / pH ;
4. CO2 ;
5. temperature ;
6. altitude ;
Describe the effect of increasing altitude on the mean height of yarrow plants.
1. height (of yarrow plant) decreases (as altitude increases) ;
2. non-linear /eq ;
3. correct manipulation of the data ;
Suggest a reason for using cloned plants rather than using seeds in this
removal of genetic variation / they are all genetically identical
Suggest a reason for growing cloned plants at 2000 m in this investigation.
to act as a control / to see if there is a difference at other heights / as a comparison / to check that clones grow the same as the parent plants
During the testing of a new anti-bacterial drug, a double blind trial may be used.
Explain what is meant by a double blind trial and suggest why it is important
1. some people with (new) drug and some without (new) drug ;
2. use placebo / description (e.g. sugar-coated dummy pill /old drug ;
3. doctors and subjects do not know who is on new drug or who is not ;
4. to see if new drug works better than placebo / old drug ;
5. reduces bias
Suggest why bioplastic is described as a more sustainable form of packaging
than oil-based plastics.
1. bioplastic / starch} comes from plants ;
2. plants / starch are renewable ;
3. oil-based plastic is from non-renewable resource
Bioplastic is biodegradable. Suggest one environmental advantage of using
biodegradable packaging.
will not accumulate / not contribute to landfill / can be decomposed
During an infection, some white blood cells make glycoproteins which become part
of their cell surface membranes. To make glycoproteins, the white blood cells must
first synthesise proteins on the surface of their rough endoplasmic reticulum.
(a) Explain how these newly-made proteins end up as glycoproteins on the cell
surface membrane.
1. protein release from ribosome ;
2. enter the rER ;
3. becomes packaged into (rER) vesicles ;
4. (vesicles / proteins) move to Golgi (apparatus) / {vesicles fuse with / protein enters} Golgi ;
5. protein {modified / carbohydrate added / named carbohydrate added};
6. then become packaged into (secretory) vesicles ;
7. glycoprotein becomes part of (vesicle) membrane ;
8. vesicles {move towards / fuse with} the cell (surface) membrane ;
Explain what is meant by the term totipotent stem cell.
1. totipotent (stem cells) can give rise to {all / any / 216} cell types ;
2. stem cells are undifferentiated / unspecialised ;
3. can keep dividing /
Suggest why injecting totipotent stem cells may benefit a person with a
shortage of white blood cells.
they can give rise to white blood cells
Suggest one risk to the person receiving the stem cells.
possible route to infection / rejection by recipient / increased chance of becoming cancerous
cell walls are found in
A, plant cells only
B, prokaryotic cells only
C, plant and prokaryotic cells
D, animal, plant and prokaryotic cells
rough endoplasmic reticulum is consists of ribosome and?
explain how the data in the table show the effects that genotype and the environment have on the phenotypes.
1. non-identical twins are genetically different;
2. identical twins are genetically the same /
have the same genotype / same genes / same
alleles ;
3. so difference in height / mass / phenotype is due to environment factor ;
4. greater difference in traits for non-identical twins;
5. difference due to genetic effects e.g. genes have a bigger effect ;
suggest why a drug can be tested on rats before testing on humans
1. laboratory rats of reduced genetic variability ;
2. rats have a similar / well known metabolism
3. no harm to human ;
4. looking for potential toxicity / adverse effect;
5. legal / ethical issues ;
state what is done during each of the following phases of testing on humans P1 P2
Phase 1:
1. drug tested on a small number of healthy individuals ;
2. low concentration / monitor safety
Phase 2:
3. drug tested on small number of patients ;
4. monitor effectiveness of treatment
describe and explain how xylem is adapted for the transport of water and support in a plant
Water transport:
1. hollow tubes / no living contents / end walls
broken down;
2. allow movement of water e.g. columns of water / vertical movement
3. waterproof material;
4. keeps water in the vessel e.g. less water lost
5. pores ;
6. to allow sideways movement of water;

7. lignin / extra cellulose;
8. for strength ;
9. rings / spirals;
10. for strength / flexibility ;
explain how differential gene expression could result in the specialisation of cells
1. correct stimulus e.g. chemical ;
2. some genes switched off / switched on
3. mRNA from switched on genes ;
4. mRNA translated ;
5. protein synthesised / different proteins produced ;
6. which permanently modify cell to become specialised /description of a modification
describe how you oculd use a plant tissue culture technique to show which of the two tissues is totipotent
1. sample / explants from both tissues
2. aseptic conditions / named example ;
3. grow cells into a callus
4. growth regulators
5. cells / tissue can differentiate / cells can
become whole plants;
6. details of procedure e.g. agar / leave for a suitable length of time / suitable controlled variable ;
explain why the DNA content of the cell doubles
1. DNA replication ;
2. so that it can halve;
3. new cells will have same amount as
original /original DNA content restored;
4. during cytokinesis ;
describe the events occur during prophase
1. chromosomes /chromatids condense / become visible
2. nuclear envelope breaks down
3. nucleolus breaks down
4. spindle fibre begins to form ;
5. centrioles migrate to opposite poles
structural differences between a human sperm cell and a human egg cell
1. flagellum / eq ;
2. overall shape e.g. streamlined / eq ;
3. fewer mitochondria / other organelles / eq ;
4. acrosome / eq ;
5. zona (pellucida) / jelly layer eq ;
6. cortical granules / eq ;
7. differences in food store types / eq ;
8. sperm cell has less cytoplasm / eq ;
when a sperm cell reaches an egg cell, enzymes are released from the head of the sperm. explain the reasons for the release of these enzymes
1. enzyme digest zona pellucida;
2. sperm can get through to egg cell / nucleus ;
3. contact with / receptor on zona pellucida /
(glycoprotein) jelly coat / surface of ovum;
4. causes acrosome to rupture / open
describe what happens in the egg cell once the sperm cell nucleus has entered it.
1. meiosis (II) is completed
2. {male and female / chromosomes come
together / (both) nuclei fuse
3. {cortical granules / enzymes/ chemicals}
released (from cell surface membrane);
4. bind with zona pellucida
zona pellucida then thickens
5. to form fertilisation membrane / to make cell
impenetrable (to other sperm) / prevents
polyspermy / egg cell membrane {changes its
charge / becomes positive
in plants, a double fertilisation occurs. one fertilisation involves a male gamete nucleus fusing with the egg cell nucleus. give two functions of this fertilisation.
1. to produce a zygote;
2. to produce {original / full} complement of
{DNA / chromosomes / genetic material } /
diploid / 2n number ;
3. to allow mixing of genes / genetic material
/ genetic variation
in the second fertilisation, the other male gamete nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei forming a triploid structure. name the triploid structure formed.
(triploid) endosperm nucleus ;
using the information in the table. what is the evidence that ant diversity can be used as an indicator of environmental conditions?
a lower ant diversity indicates a high copper / poor / environment
it has been suggested that there is no direct effect of copper on ants. suggest how the data in the table support this suggestion
1. idea that amount of vegetation affects the
number of ants ;
2. idea that the amount of vegetation is
affected by copper level ;
3. vegetation to copper is direct link
suggest two reasons why the seeds need to be dried and then stored in cold conditions
1. inhibits germination ;
2. slowing down enzymes / biochemical reactions ;
3. slows down rate of decay / microbial activity ;
4. therefore prolongs seed survival
5. drying reduces freezing effect
suggest why seed germination is tested at regular intervals
1. idea that checking {seed viability /
germination success / eq } ;
2. allows new seeds to be produced / eq ;
3. idea that stored seeds may need replacing
e.g. due to decay / death ;
give two ways in which zoos help to conserve endangered species.
1. maintaining the endangered species e.g.
protection from poachers/ predation ;
2. (captive) breeding programmes /eq ;
3. reintroduction into the wild / eq ;
4. scientific research / example given / eq ;
5. education / example given / eq
using the information in the graph, compare the effect of calcium ion concentration on the mean dry mass of shoots and the mean dry mass of pods in bean plants.
1. both increase / eq ;
2. qualification of increase e.g. both increase
most rapidly between 0 and 100 mg dm-3 /
converse / gradient decreases with increase
in calcium / eq ;
3. dry mass {equal / 10.6 g} in both at 150 mg
dm-3 ;
4. increase in mass very similar in both after
150 mg dm-3 / increase higher in pods after
150 mg dm-3 / eq ;
5. change in pod mass greater (than shoot) / eq
6. correct comparative manipulation of the data
e.g. shoot increased by {8.1 g to 8.3 g} whilst
pod has increased by 11 g ;
suggest how calcium ions contributed to the change in mass in the shoot of the bean plant
more / larger} cells / more {cell walls /
calcium pectate / middle lamella} / helps
uptake of other ions
describe the relationship between calcium ion concentrations and total nitrogen uptake by the bean pods
1. positive (relationship / correlation) / as
calcium ion concentration increases so does
total nitrogen uptake by pods [not other way
round] / eq ;
2. {non-regular /greatest increase in total
nitrogen uptake occurs between 0 and 75 mg
dm-3 of calcium
suggest the form in which he nitrogen was supplied in the watering solution
nitrate / ammonium / ammonia ;
suggest how the protein content of the bean pods from plants grown in the watering solution containing a calcium ion concentration of 300mg dm-3 would differ from those watered with a lower calcium ion concentration. give an explanation.
1. {greater / eq} (protein content) ;
2. greater nitrogen uptake / eq ;
3. nitrogen is {part / used in synthesis} of
{amino acids / protein} / eq ;
4. (amino acids) used to synthesise protein / eq
suggest what is meant by the phrase suitably-prepared petri dish
1. ref. to agar / eq ;
2. idea that bacteria need to be distributed ;
3. idea of {single / named} bacterial strain / eq
4. appropriate microbiological technique
employed e.g. aseptic / sterile plates
describe the function of disc 3
to allow a comparison with the other discs / to show
that any difference between the discs is due to the
treatment given to those discs
explain why clear zones are found around disc 1 and disc 2
1. (tea tree oil) { diffused / eq } (out of disc) ;
2. killed the bacteria / inhibits bacterial growth
the clear zone around disc 1 is not a circle. suggest how you would calculate the mean diameter of this clear zone
1. record several measurements / eq ;
2. divide by number of measurements (to obtain
describe how you would determine the minimum strength of tea tree oil that would be as effective as the 100% tea tree oil.
1. 3 (or more) dilutions of tea tree oil / eq ;
2. from 50% downwards / eq ;
3. looking for minimum strength when diameter
is same as original strength / eq ;
4. one other named variable kept constant ;
suggest one reason why it was good safety practisce to incubate the petri dish at 25c rather than 37c
1. 37°C is (human) body temperature ;
2. (this temp) allows growth of {pathogenic /
eq} bacteria / encourages more rapid {growth
/reproduction/ eq} ;